Dallas, NC
age: 56
helping people help others is what it is all about.
respect people, respect money.
sometimes it is difficult to have enough money for the basic needs of life.
I have been a penny-pincher all my life and I am a financial wreck.
do any of you like and enjoy candles? I have a website that I started because I like candles and need money to pay my bills and they make great gifts for me to give for birthdays, christmas, etc. and I need some customers.
if anyone is interested?
with hope and love to everyone,


Bend, OR
age: 62
Due to fires from a previous disaster, I only buy candles in glass jars, and use the
little hot plate for candle jars... to melt the wax....
very low heat setting...then on a timer...!!!!
do you offer those?
I also have converted to [b} INFUSERS...that you fill a bottle with oil,
light the ceramic end for 10 minutes, then blow it out..
no flames.
no hazard of fires...
only need a fire one time, to change your life!!!
Dallas, NC
age: 56
Hi windsong,
thanks for your interest, and I agree about fire.
these candles are made from natural products and burn clean, no soot, and I like to have the jar candles open because of the lovely scent. and yes do offer the flameless pot and the scented melts, plus natural scented soap and lotion, if you want to know more the website is: www.joypasour.scent-team.com hope you are having a good day, Joy