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8/20/2007 3:52:37 PM |
The Return to Selfhood |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Your mission should you decide to accept it, is to assist in the removal of the insinuated theological viruses which infect the minds and hearts of men, and which prevent human beings on this planet from realizing and tapping into their own divinity. The sharp tool for accomplishing this psychological surgery is DECONSTRUCTION. The endeavor is a catabolic one and, therefore, it flies in the face of those desirous of remaining moribund within the emotional and mental comfort zones. The deconstructive model and approach reveals the means and mechanics of how the authority of man’s intrinsic Selfhood has been molested by the connoisseurs of deception, by those with a great deal to lose should the subjects under their hypnotic power awaken and become ignited by the 'Spirit of Rebellion' which lies dormant within them.
It is this spirit, after all, that is exemplified by the great saviors of the world. All of them, from Tonatiuh, to Odin, to Christ, to Socrates, were rebels, iconoclasts and outcasts. And yet, each was sent to the world by the higher power to execute the will of the so-called “Holy Spirit.” Rebellion, the hallmark of all light-bringers, Servant of Truths and Saviors is, therefore, a true service to the Holy Spirit. Rebellion against those authorities, systems, or ideas which attempt to molest, impede or confound our sacred individuality, sovereignty and true voice, constitutes service to the Holy Spirit. Rebelliousness is the hallmark of the Holy Spirit. Little wonder then that the Christians personified this Spirit of Rebellion as Lucifer the fallen angel.
Little wonder that they obscured the actual significance of the Holy “Ghost.” Little wonder that they frown on the modern outcasts who will not conform to their mental whips, or ingest their diet of intoxicating fictions.
Human sickness is so severe that few can bear to look at it...but those who do will become well - Vernon Howard
[Edited 8/20/2007 4:10:39 PM]
8/20/2007 4:25:07 PM |
The Return to Selfhood |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Yes,jewelz, i will marry you and have your half sheeple half unhygienic baby,and in reply to this post...yes we can call him "little wonder" if thats what u want.
Is the last paragraph though directed at me cause Im very sick today? Thats not very nice.
Freshy! LOL Peace
PS hopefully Ill be feeling bettre tomorrow,so get a good nights sleep,you will be hearing from me!!!!!!
8/21/2007 9:02:32 AM |
The Return to Selfhood |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
"Little wonder" why you dont get replies....Im on my 5th time reading this and I still cant comprehend it all. Still sick(actually sicker) and will take anotherlook maybe later or tomorrow...Just wanted to let u know Im "still with you Jewelz"! Peace
8/23/2007 5:20:33 PM |
The Return to Selfhood |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
It does not matter if you get replies if you know what you know. Not the same as accepting things that make no sense and settling for anything that makes you feel good. Truth is weather anyone else sees it or not. It is not hidden but one has to be willing to look with an open mind. Do you really think anyone wants to think these things about our leaders?
Some will know the truth because truth is more important than feeling comfortable or safe or even protected. We are no longer children and each person is responsible for themselves, some just feel a calling to offer their help to others.
8/28/2007 3:03:57 PM |
The Return to Selfhood |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
It is the journey of Self-Discovery that true mystics embark upon and which sincere philosophers aspire to. But this safari, this trek into the jungles of the Self, was regarded as a reprehensible and even lethal enterprise to those plotting the charts of official religion.
And so, it was decided that the first and highest priority lay in instilling the wholly false notion that man receives enlightened from without, after penance and after the performance of certain fixed rites overseen by the priests that he must unquestionably revere, serve, and sustain.
The "Holy Ghost" of the ensconced priestarchs, is something which "descends" upon a man from outside. It is not something that awakens within his own being. It is also something sent by another, by god, from outside.
This implication was enough to send man out of his own being and into the hands of deceivers seeking to rape him of his own inner wealth in order to enslave his mind and torture his heart. In truth, there is no enlightenment outside oneself.
There is nothing worth having or attaining that does not originate within one's own being. If there is such a thing as enlightenment it cannot be found in the company of gurus, priests, or experts.
8/28/2007 3:10:33 PM |
The Return to Selfhood |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
It is only when a man has ended his own inner division and comes to a rational clarity over the mystery of himself, that he can inherit true wisdom. Only then, will that which is worth having, make itself known.
8/28/2007 3:19:33 PM |
The Return to Selfhood |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Many stand outside at the door, but it is only the solitaries who will enter into the bridal chamber - Jesus Christ (Gospel of Thomas)
The knowledge of god, or even of the son of god, is worthless to the one who does not deeply know him or herself. The chaos and debauch in our world today is the result of this lack of Self-Knowledge. The casualties from drugs and from false spiritual paths and teachers also stand as testimony to our assertion and thesis.
The most strongly enforced of all known taboos, is the taboo against knowing who or what you really are behind the mask of your apparently separate, independent, and isolated ego - Alan Watts (The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are)
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will often be lonely, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself - Fredrick Nietzsche
Alas, I can see that you do not know what it means to be alone. Wherever there have been powerful societies, governments, religions, or public opinions - in short, wherever there was any kind of tyranny, it has hated the lonely philosopher...
...for philosophy opens up a refuge for man where no tyranny can reach: the cave of inwardness, the labyrinth of the breast; and that annoys all tyrants - Fredrick Nietzsche (Schopenhauer as Teacher)