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7/28/2008 5:46:20 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |

Oroville, CA
age: 46
Tell us a funny animal story ...
Here's one of mine:
We once had this parrot that strangely was 1/4 the price he should be, they said it was cuz she didnt talk, well we took it home, sure enuff it never spoke a word no matter how hard we tried.
My Wife's aunt came for a visit with her GF, she's a very outspoken lesbian, hilarious woman, anyways she looks at the bird and sez I'll bet that bird was owned by a drag queen. we were like whaaat? where'd that come from?....Suddenly the bird (no lie) sez shut up you effin dyke.....we roared it was hilarious...the bird started cussin like a dirty sailor from that moment on hardly ever stopped. We had to get rid of it it was so bad. hehehehe
7/28/2008 6:00:12 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |
United Kingdom
age: 38
i had two c*ckatiels and a budgie!!!
freda and fred and mr green the budgie,,cus he was green!!! cheesy but cute i thought-will tell u another story bout budgie but will get to the original point first..
freda and fred wernt too keen on mr green and picked on him poor thg, anyway i used to say you bad bird fred!!! stop picking on the budgie!!
next thing fred was talking to the budgie and saying.. you bad bird you bad budgie!!! and he said it all the time to mr green!!
mr green part 2,
The second trauma of mr greens life!!
i found him on the bottom of the cage one day looking very sorry for himself and wings spread out flat!! and very tussled.. he had for sure had a run in with fred... wen i picked him up to see if he was ok.. i noticed his one leg was only hanging on by a thread, so i had to do amputation,, i did it very quickly put a band aid on him gave him plenty tlc and got him a new little cage and a nice friend mrs green and they lived happily ever after until they died of old age!!!   
7/28/2008 6:24:00 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |
United Kingdom
age: 38
Heres another little story about my cat bob!!
i bought a magnetic cat flap to prevent any waifs and strays entering my home for a freeby meal !!! well when you buy the magnetic flap of course the cat has to be fixed up with a magnet too attached to his collar!!! so it was applied.... well bob being bob a real moocher and a got to be poking around in everythg on several occasions came home with many a metal object attached to his collar, from screws and nails, old bits of hacksaw, anythg really that would attach itself to the magnet but by far the best items that attached to his magnet were these... 3 pots of airfix model paints.. my ex had been doing a bit of airfix modelling and had left the pots of paint on top of the table in the kitchen.. bob had to go check them out didnt he.. but they attached to him , i walked into the kitchen from the garden and there he sat desperately trying to remove the 3 paint p swinging from his magnetic collar!!!
8/14/2008 2:52:51 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |

Austin, TX
age: 53
We had an older cat (~12 at the time) & a younger one (DUH!). The younger
constantly wanted to play & "the old man" didn't want to be bothered.
One day the older one was walking away from the younger. The younger got a
running start & pounced on the older. He timed it wrong & got STUCK on the back
of the older cat. His legs weren't long enough to reach the floor & for a few
minutes we had an 8 legged, 2 tailed cat.
The older 1 took off running (or trying to), b*tching loudly about the insult.
He finally bucked off the younger (& heavier!) one. Funniest thing I ever saw.
The older cat cussed a lot. If you wouldn't let him do something he wanted -
like sleeping in the pots & pans cabinet or making him get out of the computer
chair -
he'd snarl & meow & growl, all the time giving you dirty looks. Never any
doubt what he was saying!
8/14/2008 7:08:49 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |

Olympia, WA
age: 58
Miss Sophee is a 5 month Brindle, English Mastiff as of this date she weighs 68#....this acutally occured this past weekend and I posted it to an English Mastiff Yahoo Group.
Miss Sophee took a like'n to my cell phone sometime back, and found it
a fun toy to play with. I caught her with it once, so started to make
sure I kept it our of her reach. Well we all know hey these cute
little puppies grow to be cute big puppies in a very short time. Last
Sunday I was getting ready to leave for a bit, and put my cell phone on
the counter. Well old age stepped in and I took off without my cell.
I wasn't going to be gone that long, so didn't bother to go back and
get it. Oh yea, I left Ms Sophee in the house, she was watching
something on the animal channel and didnt want go with me. LOL,
When I came back, of course thought nothing of it, went on about doing
things around the house. I tend to leave my hall bathroom door open
and all the Labs and Miss Sophee endulge themselves in chilled toilet
water. I will pop in the bathroom click the handle to replenish their
water supply. Well Sunday night I did this and it overflowed. Ok, I
wasn't all the excited, caused it has never really worked to good since
I have been in this house. I grabbed the plunger, the water went down,
but rather slow. I plunged a few more times, still not working to well.
So I just closed the door and figured I would deal with it Monday. I
get up Monday morning, do my chores and head to the office, opps, no
cell phone, now where did I put it. Ok, running a bit late, so out the
door I go, without the cell. I come home Monday, do a few things, then
go tackle the toilet. I take it up from the floor, check the drain,
its all good. Take the tank off, run a coat hanger down and around,
but its still plugged. I run over to Lowes, grab a toilet auger, come
home, run the auger down and pull MY CELL PHONE. I am
letting it dry out before I take it to Sprint....LOL
8/14/2008 9:58:08 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |

Tacoma, WA
age: 40
Sounds like somebody needs to be grounded from using the cell phone. lmao
Here's another phone story:
One Sunday I was puttering around the house and going through my weekly facial. At one point, I had a peel off mask on my face. When it came time to peel it off, I grabbed a mirror, sat down on my couch and started peeling. My poor little dog got this panicked look on his face (his eyes were HUGE)! Suddenly, he darted out of the room and came back with my cell phone. He threw the phone at me as if to say, "quick, call 911...your face is coming off!!"
He takes really great care of me:
Chester will frequently place a toy in front of a door, his food bowl, the fridge, or something else he wants guarded, but doesn't feel like guarding himself. Recently I had a throat infection and decided to take a nap on the couch. When I fell asleep, he was lying beside me. However, when I woke up the first thing I saw was his favorite stuffed toy frog sitting on the footstool in front of me. It was staring at me and had stuffing coming out the side of it's head. Chester, on the other hand, had taken himself to the bedroom to nap in his crate. He apparently decided it was ok to go to his own bed if he left someone in charge of watching over his mom. Although I'm not sure what good a brainless frog would have done's not like it could retreive a cell phone for goodness sakes. 
[Edited 8/14/2008 10:03:24 PM]
8/15/2008 9:45:57 AM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |

Olympia, WA
age: 58
Sounds like somebody needs to be grounded from using the cell phone. lmao
Here's another phone story:
One Sunday I was puttering around the house and going through my weekly facial. At one point, I had a peel off mask on my face. When it came time to peel it off, I grabbed a mirror, sat down on my couch and started peeling. My poor little dog got this panicked look on his face  (his eyes were HUGE)! Suddenly, he darted out of the room and came back with my cell phone. He threw the phone at me as if to say, "quick, call 911...your face is coming off!!"
He takes really great care of me:
Chester will frequently place a toy in front of a door, his food bowl, the fridge, or something else he wants guarded, but doesn't feel like guarding himself. Recently I had a throat infection and decided to take a nap on the couch. When I fell asleep, he was lying beside me. However, when I woke up the first thing I saw was his favorite stuffed toy frog sitting on the footstool in front of me. It was staring at me and had stuffing coming out the side of it's head. Chester, on the other hand, had taken himself to the bedroom to nap in his crate. He apparently decided it was ok to go to his own bed if he left someone in charge of watching over his mom. Although I'm not sure what good a brainless frog would have done's not like it could retreive a cell phone for goodness sakes. 
there is never a dull moment in a pet owners life...
8/17/2008 6:16:35 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |

Washington Court House, OH
age: 46
Miss Sophee is a 5 month Brindle, English Mastiff as of this date she weighs 68#....this acutally occured this past weekend and I posted it to an English Mastiff Yahoo Group.
Miss Sophee took a like'n to my cell phone sometime back, and found it
a fun toy to play with. I caught her with it once, so started to make
sure I kept it our of her reach. Well we all know hey these cute
little puppies grow to be cute big puppies in a very short time. Last
Sunday I was getting ready to leave for a bit, and put my cell phone on
the counter. Well old age stepped in and I took off without my cell.
I wasn't going to be gone that long, so didn't bother to go back and
get it. Oh yea, I left Ms Sophee in the house, she was watching
something on the animal channel and didnt want go with me. LOL,
When I came back, of course thought nothing of it, went on about doing
things around the house. I tend to leave my hall bathroom door open
and all the Labs and Miss Sophee endulge themselves in chilled toilet
water. I will pop in the bathroom click the handle to replenish their
water supply. Well Sunday night I did this and it overflowed. Ok, I
wasn't all the excited, caused it has never really worked to good since
I have been in this house. I grabbed the plunger, the water went down,
but rather slow. I plunged a few more times, still not working to well.
So I just closed the door and figured I would deal with it Monday. I
get up Monday morning, do my chores and head to the office, opps, no
cell phone, now where did I put it. Ok, running a bit late, so out the
door I go, without the cell. I come home Monday, do a few things, then
go tackle the toilet. I take it up from the floor, check the drain,
its all good. Take the tank off, run a coat hanger down and around,
but its still plugged. I run over to Lowes, grab a toilet auger, come
home, run the auger down and pull MY CELL PHONE. I am
letting it dry out before I take it to Sprint....LOL
I think that maybe Miss Sophee would have preferred you wait till her favorite show was over so she could have went "bye-bye" with you. She was simply displaying her feelings with regards to you leaving without her. 
How smart are dogs? Years ago I had an Ausie/German Sheppard mix named Dioghee (pronounced D.O.G.) Well, Dioghee used to get very upset when we would leave and not take her with us. She had a bad habit of tearing up something personal that belonged to the person that left her. Understandably, a personal item would have a certain smell to it. We all know how keen a dogs sense of smell can be. One day, my ex and I left her at my parents house(where we were staying at the time)while we went out for lunch. When we returned, we noticed that the mail had came, several pieces of mail. The only thing that Dioghee had tore up was a bill addressed to me. I was able to read just enough of it to know that it was mine.....and people say animals aren't smart. 
I currently have another Australian Sheppard, a pure bred, named Cinnamon. Like all good pet parents, we bought Christmas presents for them every year. They were wrapped and placed under the tree the night before Christmas. For the past 9 years, Cinnamon has felt the need to guard these gifts, without touching them. Last year I had 5 dogs (my ex took 2 of them when he left, I do have visitation, though). She would sit right in front of the presents and growl at the other dogs when they would come near them. We would awaken to find her just sitting there with this look on her face like, "Oh, great, you're up, can we open the presents now? I've really gotta pee and I need a drink.   
Thanks guys.....I've really enjoyed all your stories . 
[Edited 8/17/2008 6:17:43 PM]
8/18/2008 1:22:33 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |

Olympia, WA
age: 58
Years ago I had a black c*cker, Caleb. He was a neat dog, very smart and trained very easy. While at a mall, we found this black c*cker statue and thought cool. We took it home and set it by the fireplace, thinking nothing about the location. Caleb came into the living a bit later and stopped dead in his tracks and started barking. Yes, he was barking at the statue. If I placed that statue in the middle of the living room, Caleb would not come into the room. It got to be pretty funny, we named the statue Stanley and would tell Caleb, go play with Stanley, he would run out of the room.
Caleb was a very well manored dog and very rarely would get into trouble. But when he did and if you scolded him, within 5 minutes, he would go pee on the dryer. I had him for 13 years and never once did he pee anywhere in the house, unless you scolded him and yep, everytime....the dryer got it.
Dogs are very smart...way smarter than a lot of people give them credit for. I would take a dog over a lot of people I know.
8/19/2008 3:04:24 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |

Washington Court House, OH
age: 46
I have a 10 yr old black lab, named Midnight who does the same thing when she gets scolded or when she's angry with you for some reason. But, she usually goes on the bed or pillow of the person she's angry at. Several years ago, Midnight wanted to play with my daughter who was sitting on the floor watching TV. She kept jumping around, getting in between my daughter and the TV. Well, my daughter just wanted to watch, she kept pushing her away and telling her to go lay down and be good. Midnight had other plans.....she goes into the kitchen and starts drinking water.....lots of water. I was sitting on the couch and just kept hearing slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp. For about 10 minutes or more. Once Midnight felt as though she had enough. She proceeded to let it all out right in front of my daughter.....blocking her view from the TV. I couldn't help but laugh.....although fearful of what she might do next, I did scold her.
[Edited 8/19/2008 3:06:56 PM]
8/19/2008 3:25:50 PM |
Animals do the Funniest things!!......... |

Washington Court House, OH
age: 46
I used to have a blue and gold Macaw, named Beaker who had a very wide vocabulary.....little did I know how wide. When we first brought him home, we thought we would let him wonder around, just to see what he would do. He walked into the bathroom, looked at the toilet, looked up at us and said, "shit".
I had to give him away when my granddaughter was born. He was very unpredictable. It wasn't his fault, though. He was 7 yrs old when a friend of mine gave him to me (he worked 12 hr days and didn't have time to spend with him). The women he got Beaker from used to abuse him all the time. Birds, especially parrots are very smart and have a long memory span. I was worried he may bight my granddaughter. I still miss him.....but I know he's in a good home. 