7/28/2008 9:02:58 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |
Banco, VA
age: 31
1 UnderTaker 2 Shawn Michaels 3 Hulk Hogan 4Bret Hart 5 John Cena 6 The Rock 7 'Stonecold'Steve Austin 8 Rey Mysterio 9 Triple H 10 Wendi Richter
7/28/2008 9:08:35 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |

Wichita, KS
age: 23
I have to say
1. Rob Van Dam
2. Cm Punk
3. Shawn Micheals
4. Jeff Hardy.
5. Eddie gurrero rip
6 Chris Benoit rip
7/29/2008 5:51:01 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |

Warner Robins, GA
age: 27
top ten is hard but 1Hogan, 2Andre the Giant, 3HHH, 4Flair, 5Shawn Michaels, 6Taker, 7Superfly Jimmy Snuka, 8Stone Cold, 9Mr. Perfect, 10Bret Hart.
7/29/2008 11:52:09 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |

Baltimore, MD
age: 40
i guess everyone forgot all the wrestlers before 1995. where is dusty, bruno , tully, anderson brothers , briscoe brothers , harley race ( hhh idol ),go watch some old wrestling matches people 
7/30/2008 3:09:56 AM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |


Las Cruces, NM
age: 88
Andre T. Giant
don't believe me, ask Hulk Hogan, he'll tell ya. 
8/1/2008 12:57:02 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |
Dallas, TX
age: 28
No one had a greater presence than my number 1:
1. Undertaker
2. The Rock
3. Triple H
4. Stone Cold
5. Shawn Michaels
6. Bret Hart (always one of my favorites)
8/5/2008 4:40:55 AM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |
Jamaica, NY
age: 30
No one had a greater presence than my number 1:
1. Undertaker
2. The Rock
3. Triple H
4. Stone Cold
5. Shawn Michaels
6. Bret Hart (always one of my favorites)
my list is right here... thanx wizard
8/5/2008 3:52:05 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |

Tuckerton, NJ
age: 24
1. Chris Jericho! fav wrestler of all time..
ill list more later...
8/5/2008 11:48:18 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |
Dade City, FL
age: 42
Greatest of all time:
1. Andre the Giant- he could not be beat unless he let you.
2. Ric Flair- 16 time champion- come on!!
3. HHH- a disciple of Flair, 12 time champ.
4. Bret Hart- amazing technique, class act
5. Kurt Angle- natural talent, not enough room to grow
6. The Biscoes-the greatest tag team ever.
7. Eddie Guererro-too bad drugs and alcohol attributed to his death years later.
8. Trish Stratus- argueably the greatest woman wrestler ever.
9. John Cena- maybe has gotten too big headed now, but when he first started was a great talent.
10. JBL- Love him or hate him, he has had the title for the longest ever.
8/8/2008 5:46:13 AM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |

Springfield, MA
age: 48
well if you go back in the history books i have to disbute the JBL longest Smackdown Champion not of entire world Bruno had Wld for 8 yrs then as 2nd reign another 4 yrs and that has never been beaten also Backland's first riegn was 6 yrs and Hogans first reign was 4 yrs how long was JBL's again?
Wrestling God in his own mind maybe I liked him better as APA or Acolite not what he is now a Jerk!
Trish stratus however I will agree 6 times womans champion and her protoge might make it
too Micky James is a 4 timer.......
Jerry the king Lawler everyone forgets he was a 28 time Champion of Uswa and 1 time Awa and thats not counting other belts in the USWA like southern, and tags 28 times as there champ they started importing wwf stars to face him Papa Shongo, koko beware, and a whole lot more.....
Papa Shongo and Godfather and kama extreme fighting machine, and one other name, another guy to wrestle under 4 names like Mick Foley..... i think Godfather was his most famous part..... 
[Edited 8/8/2008 5:49:30 AM PST]
8/8/2008 8:47:57 AM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |
Dade City, FL
age: 42
I did not put the Undertaker on my list, because he only wrestles when he wants to. Therefore, how can he be a true champion if he isn't going to go out there everyday and defend his title?
8/14/2008 9:51:01 AM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |
Boston, MA
age: 30
My favorite WWE Wrestlers of all time are as follows #1 Andre The Giant #2 The Undertaker #3 Rowdy Roddy Piper #4 Jimmy Superfly Snuka #5 The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith #6 Kevin Nash #7 Scott Hall # 8 Hillbilly Jim #9 Big John Studd #10 Randy Macho Man Savage # 11 Shawn Michaels #12 The Junk Yard Dog #13 Scott Charles Bam Bam Bigelow # 14 Owen Hart as The Blue Blazer #15 George The Animal Steele.
8/14/2008 12:14:10 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |

Champaign, IL
age: 22
No one said Ricky The Dragon Steamboat? WAHHHHHHHHHHH! 
8/14/2008 5:53:01 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |
Denver, CO
age: 50
Andre MADE pro wrestling. NOBODY can top him. When he was in his prime, before he started having back problems, ALL the other wrestlers were SCARED of him. That man had strength on a totally different level.
I saw a biography on Andre not too long ago on A&E I believe it was. One of his closest friends was interviewed and told a story about how Andre was in Montreal Canada one night after a wrestling match. He went to meet his friends at a local tavern, where three men started to heckle him and give him a hard time. They were saying things like "You are a fake" and "You look good on T.V., but you are NOTHING in person". Andre was a gentle giant of a man. Never looked for trouble. But these guys seriously pissed him off after a while of this and not letting up. So Andre got up and went for the three, and they ran out the front door of the place and into their car parked on the street. Before they could start the engine to get away, Andre was there in a flash and FLIPPED THE CAR OVER WITH ALL THREE GUYS INSIDE on it's ROOF. When the cops showed up the three men were like babbling idiots telling the police that a GIANT had flipped their car over...
NONE of the other wrestlers throughout history could have done something like that. Any name at the top of the list besides Andre's would show complete ignorance of this man's prowess.
8/14/2008 6:58:09 PM |
Who's your Greatest WWE Wrestlers of ALL Time |
Pahoa, HI
age: 68
Isn't this sort of like ranking TV talk show hosts?
Who's better, Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, or Montel?
Just asking.