Columbia, TN
age: 51 online now!
Try a crate to put her in.. and in the same room as you are in during storm. I had a client with a Doberman who had the same issues and would even hyperventialte during storms. I advised her to put the dog in his crate during the storm and he was soon sleeping through it all. A crate is their safe place

Middleport, OH
age: 51 online now!
i had a dog who was scared to death of storms as i had her on phenobarb. for seizures and i had to increase her meds. she run the house and tried to go out the door. same as she did with firecrackers. i also have a beagle/bassett mix and she is also scared of thunderstorms and firecrackers. my first dog wore herself out also. she was old and fifteen when she died . sept. 11 last year.

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 48
I keep a box fan running at all times and a blanket in a couple of different spots, she buries herself under the covers. If I am home she snuggles really close and wants to be held. She is a 5 year old jack russell.

Rochester, NY
age: 38
my dog has valium for bad storms and fireworks

Haughton, LA
age: 61 online now!
I have a shihtzu and she is petrified. She jumped right up into my lap and did not move. Like yours she was shaking and trembling all over and I just held her close and started scratching her belly and her ears and she calmed down a lot. But then i'm scared to death of storms too so we consoled each other that way - she made me calmer and I made her calmer

Maspeth, NY
age: 37
My guy is an 8 year old mutt, and only recently started reacting to storms... We were staying in a travel trailer in Catskill over the summer... we had some really bad storms one week... even one with hail (which had me looking outside for indications of a tornado).
During that last storm, he heard the hail hitting the roof, and got a little scared... I opened the door and said "Look its just hard rain" and he looked, and went back inside. I laid down to take a nap... a few mins later there was a thunder CRASH and 60 lbs of dog came off the floor, over me and laid up tight between me and the wall shaking... I just laughed, and he relaxed. lol
I really don't know what to tell you except to remain calm and the trainers I used to work with always said "ignore behaviors that you don't want"....
Good Luck