Linden, NC
age: 55
Want To Let Everyone Know. That Robert's Flower Shop has been busy since it grand opening on July 24,2008. And now I can say I am now a business woman working 9am til 5pm. I can closed when I want to. And GOD is in my business because HE runs my Flower Shop and I can put the TEN COMMANDMENTS AND SPEAK HIS WONDERFUL NAME IN MY FLOWER SHOP AND NOT HAVING SOMEONE TO I CAN'T DO IT OR SAY A PRAYER OVER MY Robert's Flower Shop. Cause GOD my HEAVENLY FATHER IS MY BOSS AND HE DON'T MIGHT HIS NAME SPOKEN IN THIS FLOWER SHOP OR IN MY HOME. Cause there is were my Flower Shop is right now in my livingroom trailer.. GOD IS WHOM I AM SERVING NOT MEN. I just want to let everyone know about my Robert's Flower Shop. Keep my Flower Shop and Heaven72 and Genny in your prayers daily please.   These 3 roses stand for when my JESUS CHRIST DIED ON THE CROSS AND HE AROSE ON THE 3RD DAY FROM THAT BORROW TOMB FOR ME.
Linden, NC
age: 55
Want To Let Everyone Know. As of August 6th,2008 I will be leaving DateHookup.dating cause I don't want to have to Denied my GOD in my profile. I can't Denied GOD cause GOD will Denied me in HEAVEN. I'm not sorry that I believe the way I do in GOD. And I am not perfect by no means. I have my faults in my LIFE so does everyone does also. I will miss my friends that I have meet online at DateHookup.dating. To everyone online at DateHookup.dating have a great day in the LORD and to say Goodbye to you all. :: Heaven72 :: Ms.Genny ::   these roses stand for what JESUS CHRIST DID FOR ME ON THAT CROSS WHEN HE DIED AND WHEN HE AROSE ON THAT 3RD DAY FROM THAT BORROW TOMB FOR ME. HE SAVED MY ME FROM HELL. 


Bend, OR
age: 62
Do you think this post would be better served in the religion forums?
What does this have to do with money,
and investing for the good of the group?
Sorry, marketing your new business adventure is also
against the DH rules of order...
Good luck, and bye

Randleman, NC
age: 27
  You will be missed very much and i want 2 wish u the very best on every thing
u will always have a friend in me and the loard above so if u need me just write
i will always be here just a click away.