8/25/2007 12:21:53 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
In the last few years we've seen some extraordinary research in this field coming out of prestigious universities and medical schools and places like the National Institute of Health. About 20 years ago it was discovered, for example, that our thoughts and our feelings have physical substrate to them. When you think a thought you make a molecule. To think is to practice brain chemistry. And in fact these thoughts are translated into very precise molecules known as neuropeptides. '"Neuro"' because they were first found in the brain. And 'peptides' because they're protein-like molecules. And thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires translate into the flux of neuropeptides in the brain.
You can think of these neuro-peptides like little keys that fit into very precise locks called receptors on the cell walls or other neurons. So the way this part of the brain speaks to another part of the brain is not necessarily in English with an Indian accent, but in the precise language of these neuropeptides.
What was found subsequently, which was absolutely fascinating was that there were receptors to neuropeptides not only in brain cells but other parts of the body. So when scientists started looking for receptors to neuropeptides in cells of the immune system, for example: T cells, B cells, monocytes and macrophages - when they started looking at them, they found that on the cell walls of all these there were receptors for the same neuropeptides which are the molecular substrate of thought.
So your immune cells are in fact constantly eavesdropping on your internal dialogue. Nothing that you say to yourself, which you're doing all the time, even in sleep, escapes the attention of the immune cells. Not only that, the immune cells, it was subsequently discovered, can make the same peptides that the brain makes when it thinks. Now here we come to a startling finding, because if the immune cell is making the same chemicals that the brain is making when it thinks, then the immune cell is a thinking cell. It's a conscious little being.
What science is discovering is that we have a thinking body. Every cell in our body thinks. Every cell in our body is actually a mind. Every cell has its own desires and it communicates with every other cell. The new word is not mind and body connection, we have a body-mind simultaneously everywhere.
The German philosopher Nietzsche said, "We live on the presumption that we think when it's equally possible that we are being thought." And, there may be something to that. What we call our Cosmic Body of the universe may be in fact a projection of our collective consciousness. We've learned to create that too. Just like we've learned how to create the body, we've learned how to create the universe.
What we will call the universe is in fact a Cosmic Body that we have created in exactly the same way that we have created our physical body.
And in fact, even though the artifact of sensory experience said, "There's a world out there separate from me and there's something here that's my body that's separate from that," that's not physiologically true. We are not skin-encapsulated egos confined to a bag of skin and bones. We may be the Universal Mind itself. There's a Universal Body that we have, there's a Cosmic Body that we have and we share our personal body and our Cosmic Body with each other all the time. And we have learned to create both in exactly the same way, and our Cosmic Bodies are as crucial to our survival as our personal bodies. They're equally our own.
8/25/2007 12:22:24 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The essential teaching of the Vedic tradition has very practical applications. The Veda says, "As is the atom, so is the universe; as is the microcosm so is the macrocosm; as is the human body, so is the Cosmic Body; as is the human mind, so is the Cosmic Mind." And if you feel uncomfortable with the word "Cosmic Mind," we can simply call it a "non-local field of information with self referral cybernetic feedback loops."
Is there any basis for that? Today we are seeing that in fact there is basis. If you could see the body again as a physicist could see it, all you'd see is atoms. And if you could see the atoms as they really are, not through the artifact of sensory experience, you'd see these atoms of particles that are moving at lightning speeds around huge empty spaces. These particles aren't material objects at all. They are fluctuations of energy and information in a huge void of energy and information. If I could see your body not through this sensory artifact, I'd see a huge empty void with a few scattered dots and a few random electrical discharges here and there 99.999999% of your body is empty space! And the .000001% of it that appears as matter is also empty space.
So, it's all empty space. The question is what is this empty space? Is it an emptiness of nothing or a fullness of non-material intelligence? In fact it is a fullness of non-material intelligence...or information that influences its own expression. And with that definition, it's very obvious that this empty space is not an emptiness of nothing but a womb of creation. And nature goes back exactly to that same place, to fashion a galaxy and a rain forest, as it goes to fashion a thought. It's the same place. And it's inside us, it's our inner space which gives rise with amazing fertility to all these things that are so crucial to us: right, wrong, God, Heaven, sin, salvation, damnation, grace. All this comes from the same place. We are it! It's right there.
Bringing that to quantum healing, bringing that whole perspective to quantum healing, we can see how practical it can become. Because we have to begin to understand the body is really, ultimately, just a field of ideas. And the universe is just a field of ideas, literally a field.
8/25/2007 8:19:51 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
sounds like 1% truth and 99% BS
8/25/2007 8:20:58 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
your speaking my language............. i can feel what your saying jewelze and agree with your message. there is power in connection to other people - we become bigger and more than we were just being alone...... its very powerful - and feels good.
8/25/2007 8:42:58 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
that's the 1% your groovin on...bro
8/25/2007 8:49:21 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
jewelze has a very special way of explaining things. try reading his stuff backwards by paragraph. all he is saying is that people are meant to be together... we come come from the same place... we are all of one..... we are bound together..... we are all spiritual...... not sure about neuropeptides from immune cells..... but it doesnt matter really. just an illustration or comparison. specific to the general. we all have the capacity to love and accept each other. many different ways to mean it spell it or write it.
8/25/2007 8:57:10 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
just don't take yer eyes off The Prize....friend
8/25/2007 9:23:54 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
what is the prize?
8/25/2007 10:34:13 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Lebanon, KY
age: 30
To give credit where it is due, this is an excerpt from a talk given by Dr. Deepak Chopra. The rest can be found here: http://www.ascension-research.org/reality.html
8/25/2007 10:35:45 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
the prize is an eternal oneship with The First Source and Center...ie God
8/25/2007 11:03:29 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Every cell in our body thinks. Every cell in our body is actually a mind. Every cell has its own desires and it communicates with every other cell. The new word is not mind and body connection, we have a body-mind simultaneously everywhere.
You are yourself, a God, spelled with a little 'g', you are a very powerful multidimensional multifaceted multiplexed holographic spiritual being, living in a very limited 3D heavy density, in a very limited physical body, just barely able to get your ass across the street by yourself, because you are divided inside, your emotional body is dismembered and is terribly wounded, a fractured being with a sensitive little ego in a schizogenic mind, living in a schizogenic society.
And you wonder why you might feel alittle mixed up? You walk around in your mind and think you know everything? you don't know shit about who you are, so you end up talking garbage out of the side of your mouth that has nothing to do with nothing. All of the substance in your life has been stolen from you without your knowledge. But you think you're pretty smart. So it seems like a good day to go start a war because we need to kick some ass.
So party on to the end, and get smashed! Satiating your senses is the only high left. More toys for you please!
8/25/2007 11:08:36 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
I'll bet you did acid last.
8/25/2007 11:18:14 AM |
When you think a thought you make a molecule. |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
So I see you took it personal and thought I was talking to you. Since you claim it, you own it...In that case I was, because you have nothing to offer.