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8/1/2008 6:39:27 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Columbia, SC
age: 42
I know this has probably been put up before but what was all of your's MOS's, Billet or ratings...
Mine---I started out as a 7313-enlisted flight crew/helicopter/doorgunner. I served as a door gunner on a CH-53 sea stallion until about a year ago then my MOS changed to an 8013 Drill Instructor.
8/1/2008 7:15:24 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Fayetteville, NC
age: 27
11B infantry
8/1/2008 7:18:21 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Columbia, SC
age: 42
11B infantry
Ah, a ground the USMC it's an 0300/infantry...I wish they would open that Billet up for women, i mean they'll let me hang out the door of a helo with an M-134 minigun but not serve in infantry, go figure...LOL
8/1/2008 7:21:28 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Fayetteville, NC
age: 27
As long as they're held to the same standard I don't see a problem with it.
8/1/2008 7:42:29 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Bothell, WA
age: 69
68 (something or another?) Combat Medic.
8/1/2008 8:03:33 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Denver, CO
age: 49 online now!
I started off my army career as a 63C10 - Tracked/Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. Was assigned to a mechanized infantry battalion and was informed that EVERYBODY is 11B. Nobody was exempt. We had to train with the grunts and were cut no slack whatsoever regardless of what our MOS was or what we were guaranteed by our recruiter. That is no shit. I used to wonder if my tour of duty would have been a little easier had I been assigned to anything but an infantry unit. Luck of the draw. We had to earn our keep. It was almost as if our 1st. Sgt. in Headquarters Company (who was 11B all the way baby) was making a point to dog us because we were NOT 11B like the grunts in the line companies. So we paid for it because we weren't. We ran P.T. everyday, qualified with our weapons, cleaned weapons, went through E.I.B. training, pulled guard duty, went out to the field just like all the other grunts in the battalion did. It was like that for everybody in Headquarters Company. Dual roles.
That's the way it was back then.
8/1/2008 9:18:51 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Ocala, FL
age: 56
Radioman (RM)...was also Drug & Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA) and Command Career Counselor (COMFAIRKEF, Iceland)..

8/2/2008 1:59:18 AM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Fort Myers, FL
age: 60
Several, and some are classified, and not for Google exposure, but I can be general with my first one, 0311, my second was Military Police-8551-Sergeant of the Guard, Prisoner Escort (Chaser), and I was also trained in Embarkation, CBR, Special Weapons, and was an instructor for 1stMarDiv-G-3 in Marine Corps History, Field Fortification Emplacements, Special Weapons, and a Range Instructor for M-14, M-16, .45Cal Pistol, M-79, M-12Riotgun, M-60, .50CalMG, and Rockets-LAAW's, EOD, Gas Dispensors (Mighty-Mite CS), and DivScols instructor in Recon/Sniper school. There's more, but not on this venue!

8/2/2008 2:45:59 AM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Tonasket, WA
age: 57
out of MCRD, ITR, and BITS as a GRUNT... an 0311, then Recon as 0321... as I recall.
8/2/2008 5:37:49 AM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Farmington, IL
age: 47
11 Hotel Echo 9 Heavy Anti Armor Weapons Crewman.......TOW missile system.
8/2/2008 5:49:42 AM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Mooresville, IN
age: 55
8/2/2008 6:11:45 AM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Auburn, WA
age: 53 online now!
one of them was 96B
8/3/2008 10:00:34 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Tonasket, WA
age: 57
here are the Vietnam Era MOS codes:
8/3/2008 10:48:17 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Fort Myers, FL
age: 60
Scout, I had another site for reference;
Marine Corps MOS Codes
These are the VietNam-era MOS's for enlisted Marines.
From data provided by Michael E. Cunningham unclemec-at-[blocked]
Many military personnel are cross-trained in several MOS's without getting an MOS change, becuase that might precipitate a unit losing that man to transfer. Still, while I was getting trained in 9 additional MOS's, from MP's 5811, to 5711 NBC Tech at Ft. McClellan, I kept my primary intact, and secondary's were noted in my SRB. I even got trained as a Unit Diary Clerk-0131, since I could type 60wpm, and filled in when necessary while a G-3 Training NCO-0431(Marksmanship Instr.), teaching classes in the field, and the classroom, which I hated, (as Officers would sit and grade my presentations, but they wouldn't go out into the boonies and get dirty)at HQ, 1st Mar Div. at CamPen.
Carried a Prick 27 radio my first tour, and was never trained as a 2571, but had to learn to authenticate just the same. Last tour, I worked part time at 1stMarDivScols as a Field Weapons Instructor, Draftsman-Mapman-Surveyer, Recon and Scout Sniper Instructor when 7thMarRegt rotated bach to CONUS. I was requested by the CG, 1stMarDiv to stay -"please" from a Gen. is really an "order"!-with DivScols for another partial tour. I stayed, and learned a lot, taught a lot, and I hope, saved a lot of young Marine lives.
When "they" find out you can do a job, they USE you!! That's why they say: "Never Volunteer!"
Semper Fi~

8/3/2008 11:03:13 PM |
Your MOS, Billet, or Rating? |

Norwich, VT
age: 49