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8/27/2007 11:58:43 AM How come?  

Houston, MO
age: 34

Ever stop to think "MAYBE IT'S YOU " ?

8/27/2007 12:03:37 PM How come?  

Lexington, KY
age: 53

most of the time it is us,, but it's hard to see from inside...

8/27/2007 12:05:42 PM How come?  

Memphis, TN
age: 29

Hey USMC... I dont need your input here. Anyone who can read already knows what you think of me so your opinion isnt needed, thanks...
And its not always me...

8/27/2007 12:05:46 PM How come?  

Houston, MO
age: 34

Just out of personal experince i know who it is

8/27/2007 12:06:42 PM How come?  

Memphis, TN
age: 29

USMC...Go air your dirty laundry someplace else but you are no saint and there are 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the TRUTH

8/27/2007 12:07:00 PM How come?  

Carbondale, IL
age: 32

wow.........she's tooo cute to be the problem right????...................i talking about repochick

[Edited 8/27/2007 12:07:35 PM]

8/27/2007 12:07:52 PM How come?  

Houston, MO
age: 34

LMAO,,,,, Thats a good one yours mine and the truth...Well let's hear the truth

And Skool Cute yes all there NO

[Edited 8/27/2007 12:08:31 PM]

8/27/2007 12:09:56 PM How come?  

Memphis, TN
age: 29

USMC...How would you really know if I am all there or not?? There was only one thing you wanted me around for....

You dont know the truth any better than anyone else since you based everything on one lie after another!

8/27/2007 12:10:48 PM How come?  

Houston, MO
age: 34

Off topic

8/27/2007 12:11:54 PM How come?  

Memphis, TN
age: 29

now you're the off topic police?? Get back on the topic then instead of trying to make comments about me!

8/27/2007 12:13:08 PM How come?  

Houston, MO
age: 34

It started out with me telling you my thoughts on your post but then it all got side tracked

8/27/2007 12:17:57 PM How come?  

Chittenango, NY
age: 46

its reality..and why I caution everyone about online "falling in love"..the reality is we can all have great "connections" via chat and IM's..but the reality is, there need to to be that "click" of attraction when you meet..Ladies always say "OOOH I am so so looking for a gut that makes me laugh".."Or just give me a "honest men"..but the reality is..we ALL need that attaction..if it isn't there..all the humor and "good guy" in the world can't "make it magic".

Now..that said repo..your a attractive women..MAYBE its something other than that..But for whatever reason, it didn't click with this a Guy whos had more than his share of "1-n-dones"..don't jump off the bridge... Be yourself, use your own standards and morals to determine how thins "progress" and accept..the internet doesn't gaurantee just makes it easier to get the parties togather..after that..its still a crap-shoot.

8/27/2007 12:20:29 PM How come?  

Carbondale, IL
age: 32

wow..............arguing online

8/27/2007 12:20:53 PM How come?  

Anchor Point, AK
age: 66


I hope "usmc", in your case does not refer to "U.S. Marine Corps"... Your comments here appear to less than expected from and officer and a gentleman of that esteemed organization.

Perhaps "usmc" (for you) is an acronym for: "Unable to Speak More than Crap".


8/27/2007 12:21:35 PM How come?  

Houston, MO
age: 34

Damm someone caught on

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