Galena, IL
age: 26
I live in Galena & we are like in the top 5 for tourism destination. Everyone loves it here!!
Huntley, IL
age: 58
The locks at Alton IL., especially in winter, eagles, trumpterer swans, and the beautiful big muddy from Alton to Grafton. Take the Brussels ferry.
For civilization, got to agree with Arlington Park. A relatively cheap all day experience, that is if you don't bet crazy. New track surface, no breakdowns. That's a plus for horse lovers!
Chicago, IL
age: 19
Definately Grant Park in downtown Chicago. The lake view is crazy plus the taste of chicago is there every summer.
Chicago, IL
age: 25
us cellur feild then of course lake shore drive, but a small place outside of the big city were one can relax and enjoy life is macomb illinois of course a great party school also