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8/10/2008 12:54:41 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Denver, CO
age: 43
T. D. Jakes was the subject of a Christian Research Journal cover story in 1999.13His aberrant Word of Faith doctrine and his denial of the trinity14 continue to the present. Not content with his modalist view that God is only one person who manifests Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, he now takes the heretical view that God manifests Himself in other ways as well. Jakes says:
When God says ‘I AM that I AM,’ He says, ‘I can become whatever,’ and He showed off from that point on all through the wilderness. He just kept turning into stuff….They said ‘We want meat.’ He became quail and started flying through the air. They said ‘What are we going to do for water?’ He became water, came gushing out of a rock….They said ‘We can’t drink this bitter water.’ He became a tree and turned the bitter water sweet. I mean, He just kept turning into stuff! One God manifesting in a multiplicity of ways. One God. Now, you don’t divide all of those manifestations into different Gods, the God of Bread, the God of Quail, the God of Water, the God of Tree, the God of Cloud, the God of Fire. Just one God Who manifests Himself in many different ways….Your God is multifaceted, manifold, many shades.15
Jakes places great emphasis on the power of words, making the incredible claim that “it’s the Word of God that makes the difference, so powerful that as long as Jesus was talking on the cross He couldn’t die. It was only when He shut His mouth and hung His head in the locks of His shoulder that death could come and take Him, because He had so much life in His mouth that as long as He was talking death couldn’t get near Him.”16
We too, according to Jakes, can exercise the power of words to get whatever we want from God. Jakes, in relating the story of the blind man, Bartimaeus, said:
But it was not what was in Christ’s mouth that got him healed. The power was in Bartimaeus’ mouth. He would have whatever he said. And Jesus was saying ‘My hands are tied because I can’t do any more for you than what you say.’…If the power of life and death is in the tongue and you can have whatever you say and if you’ve been praying and praying and praying and you finally got God’s attention and now He’s looking at you and saying ‘What do you want?’…What do you want? Name it, baby, name it ….Declare it! Speak it! Confess it! Get your list out!17
Jakes warns of the power of the tongue when he says, “That Word of God is how God procreates. It’s how God regenerates. It’s the Word of God that does it every time. And that’s why once you get in the Word of God you gotta be careful what you speak to, because the power of life and death is in your tongue.”18
Jakes and other proponents of such teaching refer to Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs isn’t teaching that when you speak a limited God has to give you whatever you say. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary’s explanation of this passage is that “those who enjoy talking, i.e., indulging in it, must bear its fruit, whether good or bad. The lesson is to be warned, especially if you love to talk.”19The New Testament book of James devotes chapter three to warnings of the dangers of the tongue—perhaps a chapter Jakes would do well to read before opening his mouth to teach these kinds of false doctrines.
Jakes, instead of teaching that the reason for giving to the Lord is to further the spread of the gospel, espouses an extremely selfish reason for giving to the Lord—giving in order to receive more:
I want to pray over your seed, and it would be ridiculous for me to pray that God would give it back to you, because if all He was going to do was give it back to you, you ought to keep it and let you just have it….If you get a hundred dollars or a thousand dollars and you were going to give a thousand dollars, I tell you what, God is just going to give that thousand dollars back, well you just broke even. You could have kept that thousand dollars and not gone through the trouble. Come on, church folks! But God is going to give you some more on top of that.20
Jakes says that if you want something from God, you must invest something. “Many people do not understand, if you are going to receive something from the Lord you have to be prepared to invest something. So many times people want things out of life without any kind of investment. You can’t in the natural, in the stock market, you can’t get a return on a stock where you have not bought shares.”21
Would Jakes not give things to his children unless they gave him something first? Of course not! Likewise, God provides us with all of our needs—food, clothing, home, and all other necessities of life, and He does this out of His goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness on our part.
Courtesy of the Christian Research Institute
[Edited 8/10/2008 12:56:41 PM]
8/10/2008 2:58:06 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Largo, FL
age: 50
fuzz who do u like? what u say about the annointed!
8/10/2008 2:59:15 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Largo, FL
age: 50
hes talking about seeds ,,,u need to get ur facts straight...
8/10/2008 3:35:10 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Shreveport, LA
age: 56

T D Jakes is an awesome preacher, who stands on the Word of God.
How sad it is that you are missing out on so much progress in Spirituality....IMO
His teachings have blessed many many people, including me.
I was wondering if you have ever watched him on TV?
Here are 3 by T D Jakes Part 1-Part 3 to watch.....
Hope you enjoy them.
If you watch with an open mind, you will receive much.
God Bless You......
It will not let me post the last one--I can only post 2 at a time.
The third one I will post on the next posting.
8/10/2008 3:36:11 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Shreveport, LA
age: 56
Here is the Part 3 of Td Jakes..God Bless you..
8/10/2008 5:25:23 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Denver, CO
age: 43
fuzz who do u like? what u say about the annointed! 
You are taking this passage out of context and making it a pretext.
He is also not God's anointed. He preaches heresy.
8/10/2008 7:29:50 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Christiansburg, VA
age: 41
One of the greatest preachers of all time!!!! Has help me lots. I have a library of his dvds to listen and learn from.
8/10/2008 9:05:46 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Denver, CO
age: 43
Jakes is a oneness Pentecostal.
He does not believe in the trinity which is an essential doctrine of the Christian faith.
8/12/2008 7:08:33 AM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Shreveport, LA
age: 56
Jakes is a oneness Pentecostal.
He does not believe in the trinity which is an essential doctrine of the Christian faith.
I understand this, and I believe differently then Jakes on this issue,
but He still (to me) is used by God to teach many other things I believe in.
All pastors are different in what ALL they believe in or not. I think it is sad
that you call him a False Teacher because of one different belief.
A great suggestion would be to pray for Him,
that God will open his eyes to a clearer understanding on
the Trinity.....
Many pastors have different views on the Word of God.. As all people do.
Just take what your spirit can receive & throw out the rest that you do not believe.
God Bless you.....
8/12/2008 7:16:03 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Denver, CO
age: 43
It's more than just one false doctrine that he teaches.
And if this were the ONLY one, he would still be a heretic.
If one does not believe in the Trinity as God revealed Himself in Scripture then one is worshiping a false God.
8/13/2008 6:24:08 AM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
I don't think that T.D. Jakes is a false teacher. I may not agree with everything he preaches but, that doesn't make him a false teacher. You have to see if the basics of what he preaches line up with the Bible and not what you think.
8/15/2008 10:40:55 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Denver, CO
age: 43
What he teaches does not line up with Scripture.
Read the Bible and find out for yourself.
8/15/2008 10:53:13 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Porterdale, GA
age: 22
Jakes is a oneness Pentecostal.
He does not believe in the trinity which is an essential doctrine of the Christian faith.
The trinity is not a doctrine of the Christian faith, the word trinity is mentioned nowhere in the bible, the term was first used in 325 A. D. accepted mostly by Roman Catholics and Protestants at the time; therefore, it is an acceptable doctrine for there to be one God who manifested himself in the flesh as Jesus Christ and if you don't believe he'd lower himself to walking among us, how is it so hard to believe? At the beginning of mankind he walked among us in a garden although there were only two people at the time.
8/26/2008 7:32:23 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Lindale, TX
age: 31
If a pastor who claims to believe in the bible but then preaches something that goes against scripture, for instance not believing in the trinity, then that pastor is a false teacher. The bible is the divinely inspired word of God, all of it. Wheather it is T.D. Jakes or whoever we need to pay attention and see how what they preach compares with God's word, or we will be deceived. Just because some preacher does some good for some people does not mean he is a man of God. There are plenty of pastors of false believes and cults that do help people but they are still teachers of a false doctirine. We need to pray for them and those they have deceived.
8/26/2008 8:22:31 PM |
False Teacher T.D. Jakes |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
What he teaches does not line up with Scripture.
Read the Bible and find out for yourself.
I suggest you read the Bible in context. One thing I know is that if someone teaches the basic beliefs of Christianity such as: Salvation by God's grace through faith, the Bible is the absolute Word of God, Everything in the Bible is true, and other basic teaching of the bible then, you shouldn't just say they are false teachers unless you have real proof of it. I don't agree with T.D. Jakes on his beliefs concerning the trinity and if I heard more of his sermons, I probally would find a few other things I don't agree with.
As some of the others who answered you, I have read my Bible and there is enough of what he teaches that does line up with God's word.
[Edited 8/26/2008 8:29:20 PM]