8/29/2007 5:21:08 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Morgan, VT
age: 65 online now!
there are a lot of folks out there that feel the bible [or todays interpretation of it] is in error or completely lacking in credance. what have you to say?
[Edited 8/29/2007 5:56:55 PM]
8/29/2007 5:56:28 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Spring, TX
age: 55
i believe the current Bible is more accurate than previous versions. Sometimes translating the old languages into English is difficult simply because definations are not always the same. However, with as many different scholars now, who confer and translate, I believe we are getting a more accurate version.
8/29/2007 6:02:20 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Morgan, VT
age: 65 online now!
yes, but if the bible is supposed to be writen by man inspired by God...
i mean God didn't edit the bible and man inspired though he may be...is still a falible man....so there could be parts that got sort of screwed up...when we pledge the bible rite or wrong....dang doesn't that put chaines on our God given intelect and fetters on out searching minds?
...light and life...
[Edited 8/29/2007 6:03:24 PM]
9/15/2007 5:16:57 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 60
nothing on this plane is perfect - look at it as guidelines to live by and pray for the rest - then listen for the answers
9/15/2007 5:21:44 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
So according to you if there is nothing on this earth plane that is perfect then your God makes a bunch of junk?
[Edited 9/15/2007 5:22:01 PM]
9/15/2007 5:24:05 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 60
no we are hopefully striving to improve to be more like God
9/15/2007 5:25:32 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 60
like children growing up and in school
9/15/2007 5:26:08 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Morgan, VT
age: 65 online now!
we are perfectly made
but ain't finished in the oven
9/15/2007 6:54:19 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 60
right - you have such a way with word - like your words best - put so eloquently
9/15/2007 7:04:28 PM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
There is no 'striving' about it. If we are made in the image and likeness of this so called God, then we are perfect as we are. You are a God, spelled with a little 'g'. Perfectly baked from the day you were born. There is only one major problem. You don't know it because you have been intentionally trained away from finding that out, so you speak of a lack there of in your words as if you are not complete as you are, as if to need something from outside of yourself to make you whole or to fix something inside of yourself.
9/16/2007 2:45:50 AM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Morgan, VT
age: 65 online now!
zman ..i[we] are perfectly made...no dought about it,we are all like little gods within
but on our human evolutionary lader,which is no longer biological but
spiritual in nature,we are all at about the 'butwipe' level.
the hight of the compleated material plane so to speak.
spiritually speaking we 'little gods' are only half baked.
its like the pizza in the oven saying I"M READY...you ain't ready till
your boxed,delivered and paid for.
what we need to make us 'whole' as you say...is realization...of self within,and of sensory perception without. the two are important to eachother,if we are to be functional.thats why we read,study or discuss...to learn from without.
and thats why the 5th revelation was given to us 'little gods'.
it's all in the baking process.
so i partialy agree with what you write...what i can't agree upon is your seemingly denial of a "Higher Being"[other than yourself].
and to that i'd have to try to quote Jesus when He said"Get the behind me".

lt'n lf...
[Edited 9/16/2007 2:52:57 AM]
9/16/2007 3:00:14 AM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Reading, MI
age: 43
it is my outlook that we are not done until we have been transformed. For the earth is sin we are sin. and by the grace of our lord we can get that sin or deat cleaned. If we except it. But Satan will do his best to try and make sure we don't do it.
I prefer the king James version. its as close to the original as i can get.
God bless you all.
9/16/2007 3:13:04 AM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Morgan, VT
age: 65 online now!
ok then what does it mean to be transformed?
seeking the Kingdom isn't.
being born againe of the spirit isn't
geting resurected isn't.
though they all are part of the process.
i'd say being transformed is when you are finally fused with God
with His Thought Adjuster if you will.
this is the still and silent[untill caled upon]part of Him,diferent from the Holy Spirit,that resides in each one of us from about the age when we can feel coompassion.
lt'n lf...
9/16/2007 3:23:14 AM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Reading, MI
age: 43
my take on it is when we are nolonger in sin on the day of judgment.
9/16/2007 3:36:26 AM |
the bible i beleive vs.the bible i question |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
"GOD" morning gentlemen!!!! I imagine we would have a "boring" existance if we were considered, "baked to perfection" already! We are always"cooking",... unfortunately,some choose to "broil"(get "it" done the quickest way")and some (me)choose to use a "crock pot"(slowly cook to(hopefully)perfection)!lol
Ham...I also use the St James version to read and study the Bible,but when Im getting a lesson prepared for my Sunday School class,I use several different versions to get a "better perspective" on how it can be percieved and well utilized by the "kids"!..Peace