8/14/2008 2:50:30 PM |
Serious American Civil War group--CSA or Union |
Oxford, PA
age: 73
I live in PA and have been a Civil War scholar for over 50 years. I have been to most of the magor battlefields. I am interested in smaller, lesser known battles in MD, VA, Miss, etc. I am reading the 3 volume trilogy by Shelby Foote and am unfamiliar with the Western Front. I was in Arizona years ago and saw what has been claimed as the last battle of the War. Sometime in August at Pichaco Pass. The CSA won that one--like 15 to 12 dead.
8/16/2008 9:44:53 PM |
Serious American Civil War group--CSA or Union |

White Sulphur Springs, WV
age: 24
Yes well unfourtanly most of the western front of the civil war focuses on the kansas and nebraska portion . The true western portion of the tennesse armies is clumped in with Lee and the army of northern virginia. And most of that blame is because of course the winner writes the history so it takes alot of reading and truth digging to find anything out. I'am a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterns . And i would love to have a civil war group. By the way i am in southern wv on the va there are alot of small battles that took place in and around my area that is either barley mentioned or not at in books such as Droop Mtn. and the Battle of Dry Creek .
9/2/2008 11:33:41 AM |
Serious American Civil War group--CSA or Union |

Nashville, TN
age: 70
Yes well unfourtanly most of the western front of the civil war focuses on the kansas and nebraska portion . The true western portion of the tennesse armies is clumped in with Lee and the army of northern virginia. And most of that blame is because of course the winner writes the history so it takes alot of reading and truth digging to find anything out. I'am a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterns . And i would love to have a civil war group. By the way i am in southern wv on the va there are alot of small battles that took place in and around my area that is either barley mentioned or not at in books such as Droop Mtn. and the Battle of Dry Creek .
Hey brother scv how is every thing in the traitoriest western counties. I'm from SC but live in TN which had and has a lot of home growed yankees. I had one g grand father in the 16th SC and another in The 3rd NC. I would not want my sister to marry a gd yankee and I sure as hell would not.
9/2/2008 12:46:05 PM |
Serious American Civil War group--CSA or Union |

Fredonia, TX
age: 72
Shelby Foote is my hero. I love to hear him talk on the Civil War Series that was done several years ago.
I have to be a Rebel. Cain't hep it. I wuz born ther. I have a lot of respect for some of the Yankee generals and soldiers, however. I recognize the genius of N.B. Forrest, but his character and behavior after the war makes me angry and embarrassed. He just couldn't let go. I wish more people realized, though, that the war was about preservation of the Union, not the abolition of slavery. The South, of course, was livid about that, but that fight had been going on for years before the war started. If ever there was a political war, that was it. The South was wrong in the slavery issue and stuck their heads in the sand as to their resources, totally ignoring the fact that most of what we would need in the war was manufactured in the North or in England. England bowed out of the whole business and we were doomed to lose from the start.
With the battles where we completely overwhelmed the Yankees, we could have won the war with proper materiel and supplies.
[Edited 9/2/2008 12:48:24 PM]
9/3/2008 3:16:13 AM |
Serious American Civil War group--CSA or Union |

White Sulphur Springs, WV
age: 24
Yes well unfourtanly most of the western front of the civil war focuses on the kansas and nebraska portion . The true western portion of the tennesse armies is clumped in with Lee and the army of northern virginia. And most of that blame is because of course the winner writes the history so it takes alot of reading and truth digging to find anything out. I'am a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterns . And i would love to have a civil war group. By the way i am in southern wv on the va there are alot of small battles that took place in and around my area that is either barley mentioned or not at in books such as Droop Mtn. and the Battle of Dry Creek .
Hey brother scv how is every thing in the traitoriest western counties. I'm from SC but live in TN which had and has a lot of home growed yankees. I had one g grand father in the 16th SC and another in The 3rd NC. I would not want my sister to marry a gd yankee and I sure as hell would not.
Well i dont consider my self a traitor because the county iam in voted not to go but ol abe linclon took us any way . My Grreat Grandfater was in the 54th VA . And as for the home grown yankees I think we stopped most of that now their just transplants who relize that southern living is better. And for ladyGodiva the war was not about the preservation of the union it was about states rights . For until the south broke away which was clearly a constitunal right the knew that the south would make considerably more money off their cotton and new orleans would have been bigger the new york.
9/5/2008 7:30:49 PM |
Serious American Civil War group--CSA or Union |

Nashville, TN
age: 70
As one who lived iN CO for 12 years I can tell you southern Co was pro Confed as were NM and Arizonia. The battle of Dry Creek involved no Confederates the Governor of Colorado saw an opertunity to wipe out some Indians he did not like. He sent the CO militia down to Dry Creek Massacreed them and said they were Confederate Sympatizers even tho they were flying the striped banner of the yankee nation. Glorietta pass was in Northern New Mexico and involved confeerate troops from Colorado servinng in the Dept of Texas.
9/9/2008 5:03:22 AM |
Serious American Civil War group--CSA or Union |

White Sulphur Springs, WV
age: 24
interesting i didn know there was a battle of dry creek in nm and ar because theres a battle of dry creek in wv to. its right on the state line.
9/9/2008 10:16:30 AM |
Serious American Civil War group--CSA or Union |
Oxford, PA
age: 73
Yes well unfourtanly most of the western front of the civil war focuses on the kansas and nebraska portion . The true western portion of the tennesse armies is clumped in with Lee and the army of northern virginia. And most of that blame is because of course the winner writes the history so it takes alot of reading and truth digging to find anything out. I'am a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterns . And i would love to have a civil war group. By the way i am in southern wv on the va there are alot of small battles that took place in and around my area that is either barley mentioned or not at in books such as Droop Mtn. and the Battle of Dry Creek .
I think if you read Shelby Foote's Trilogy of the Civil War, you will find the Western front was the most crucial parts of the war. He's a Mississipian and his grandfather fought in the War. Very unbiased and mentions battles I have never heard of.
9/10/2008 10:06:30 PM |
Serious American Civil War group--CSA or Union |

White Sulphur Springs, WV
age: 24
Yes this is very true for in some foot notes along the way their was considerations of sending lee to the western front to turn the war around and puttin A.P hill in charge of the army of northern va . theirs a good possibility that it would have worked but by then the south had already been pretty much blockaced into submission . Unfourtanly the south lost the battle of antitam had they won the british parliment had already gotten a paper ready to back the south. Which in turn could have potentially started the first world war.