8/19/2008 10:00:20 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Flint, MI
age: 33
I asked because, I have a friend who I known for about six years. I have never considered even dating him, to me he is just and always will be a friend. Recently, his conversation turned very sexual and began hinting at what about us? My response was "us? NEVER" and got really pissed and I haven't heard from him since. So can men and women be platonic friends or will someone aways have a different agenda?
8/19/2008 10:02:07 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Houston, TX
age: 41
I don't believe so, well...it depends on your definition of friends....friendly terms, yes maybe. Friends as in going fishing, football games, hanging out etc...No.
8/19/2008 10:03:01 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34
It depends how long you knew each other, whether the two people are in steady or in and out of relationships, level of attractiveness, NSA potential or not, FWB potential or not. All these things play a part in whether you can just be friends.
8/19/2008 10:10:16 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Walled Lake, MI
age: 36 online now!

Really I don't know. I was married so long and only had men who were acquaintances.
I know that all my girlfriends had husbands that I acknowledge and even did favors for to
help them, (like picking out a birthday gift or Christmas gift) or even pick their kids up from school, but I always felt deep down I was being a friend to their husband because as my very dear friend their husbands were part of them.
I never had "male" friends that actually went shopping with me, to the movies, or to go get our hair done.
8/19/2008 10:16:00 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Sedona, AZ
age: 44 online now!
Depends on how long you have know them.
Here are two examples. I have had a female friend since i was 12 or 13, we have never kissed slept together ect. We have helped each other through a lot of stuff. Even after moving away many years ago we are still close.
I have a friend that we hangout a lot, she told me how she felt, I said we were too close to date, she said that she was ok with that but our friendship has never been the same.
Oops one more. I had a friend that I have know for four year, when my relationship ended early this year we went out for a while, I knew that the attraction had been there all along. It ended badly and now I lost a friend. There is a lot more to the story but i will just share that for now.
I think it's really hard for two people of the opposite sex to just be friends, especially if you meet later in life. Not impossible just a little hard.
Karl in Sedona
8/19/2008 10:26:13 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

West New York, NJ
age: 48
Yes I have a few males friends and yes we are just friends...I really see no problem.. I just don't feel any chemistry with them. I treat them the same as all my other friends .
Tall I would just call him tell him nicely that you don't feel that way and if he is real friend he should understand I hope this helps ....
8/19/2008 10:27:46 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Ottawa, ON
age: 35 online now!
If yer single.. nope... there's always gonna be that "we are both single.. why ain't we f**king?" in the guys mind.
8/19/2008 10:27:58 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Houston, TX
age: 41
Yes I have a few males friends and yes we are just friends...I really see no problem.. I just don't feel any chemistry with them. I treat them the same as all my other friends .
Tall I would just call him tell him nicely that you don't feel that way and if he is real friend he should understand I hope this helps ....
Ah but how do you know they have not thought about you naked?? MOST men I think judge every woman they associate with at some point...and so maybe just friends from your perspective..but not theirs.
[Edited 8/19/2008 10:28:26 AM]
8/19/2008 10:29:44 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Springfield, IL
age: 29 online now!
It depends on if you choose your friends based on, personality, or looks, and if they choose you on personality or looks, if you both choose each other's friendship on personality of course you can. the opposite sex can be your best friends for life.
If one likes you for personality and one only for looks their down the road it will leave someone dis appointed... and maybe angry...
It is who you choose as friends, there was one girl, I almosted date, we were talking about dating. then she ended up going back out with her Ex, and I told her I couldn't just be friends with her, because I like her too much, and me knowing myself, I knew that in my heart I would loved her more then her ex. which had cheated on her and hit her before, I feel I could have loved her for the rest of my life, But I also know that in some ways without meaning too, I would resent her in the back of my mind. So I choose not be maintain contact with her..
[Edited 8/19/2008 10:30:37 AM]
8/19/2008 10:31:13 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Ottawa, ON
age: 35 online now!
Yes I have a few males friends and yes we are just friends...I really see no problem.. I just don't feel any chemistry with them. I treat them the same as all my other friends .
Tall I would just call him tell him nicely that you don't feel that way and if he is real friend he should understand I hope this helps ....
Ah but how do you know they have not thought about you naked?? MOST men I think judge every woman they associate with at some point...and so maybe just friends from your perspective..but not theirs.
Chris Rock:
"With men.. there are two kinds of women:
Women we have f**ked
Women we haven't f**ked.. yet."
8/19/2008 10:33:33 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Flint, MI
age: 33
eddy, you are so blunt! Good trait to have.....I think?
8/19/2008 10:37:06 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

West New York, NJ
age: 48
Yes I have a few males friends and yes we are just friends...I really see no problem.. I just don't feel any chemistry with them. I treat them the same as all my other friends .
Tall I would just call him tell him nicely that you don't feel that way and if he is real friend he should understand I hope this helps ....
Ah but how do you know they have not thought about you naked?? MOST men I think judge every woman they associate with at some point...and so maybe just friends from your perspective..but not theirs.
Chris Rock:
"With men.. there are two kinds of women:
Women we have f**ked
Women we haven't f**ked.. yet."
Both of you are very naughty.... I guess there is point were you think about and go nahhh and you don't have to act on it...Some of my male friends are on a different team ..
8/19/2008 10:52:26 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Valencia, CA
age: 53
YES, woman and men can be friends with out ever having any sexual feelings twords each other ...lol
Some of my closest friends I have had and still do have or men and I share all my deepest thoughts and ask for advise from them. Its just been in my life I am more comfortable with talking things out with a guy than a female friend unless its female related
I have many "guy" male friends too and they make the best girlfriends ever
8/19/2008 10:56:28 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Springfield, MO
age: 54 online now!
Nope It is against the LAW!
8/19/2008 11:02:46 AM |
Can men and women really be just friends? |

Ottawa, ON
age: 35 online now!
Yes I have a few males friends and yes we are just friends...I really see no problem.. I just don't feel any chemistry with them. I treat them the same as all my other friends .
Tall I would just call him tell him nicely that you don't feel that way and if he is real friend he should understand I hope this helps ....
Ah but how do you know they have not thought about you naked?? MOST men I think judge every woman they associate with at some point...and so maybe just friends from your perspective..but not theirs.
Chris Rock:
"With men.. there are two kinds of women:
Women we have f**ked
Women we haven't f**ked.. yet."
Both of you are very naughty.... I guess there is point were you think about and go nahhh and you don't have to act on it...Some of my male friends are on a different team ..
Well with me I flirt and joke about it but if she says a firm "NO.. I'm just not attracted to you" then I turn it off.. but if she ever says "ok... let's have sex" I'm naked in a few seconds and ready... but I won't pressure or take advantage if she's been drinking.
I really wish I could though.. dammit.