Penns Grove, NJ
age: 24
Click and drag your mouse from the "E" to the "U"...
Even though you can't see Him, God is always with YOU
Much love,
♥ SYL ♥
[Edited 9/1/2007 6:14:01 AM]

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Munky....He sure is!!! Your a "sweety"! Peace

Pensacola, FL
age: 45
Thank you some times it's hard to remember that. Ro1212

Penns Grove, NJ
age: 24
Love to all.
Ok, you guys should all know me by now and how there is always something deeper than what it appears. Read the invisible sentence again.... is it really permanently "invisible"? Is God? Does this sentence contradict itself?
What am I trying to say? I'll give you a hint... it has to do with God's omnipresence, and it has to do with our sight.

Ebensburg, PA
age: 43
Munky Gurl,
You are so wise for your years.
As Point of Grace so beautifully sings..."I'm gonna walk by Faith and not by sight...." I just read Hebrews 11 a couple days ago for the first time ever. A who's who of those who truly walked by Faith. Astounding and embarrasing to admit since I've been in Bible teaching Churches my entire life.
still praying for you and your man in theater...and all those in theater...and their families left behind.