8/20/2008 12:26:13 PM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |

Columbia, SC
age: 42
Sorry i've been away for so long, it has been a long first 3 weeks with the new recruits in my platoon, it looks like i have R&R till sunday this weekend when i have CQ duty...Laura
8/20/2008 12:28:41 PM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |


Bonneau, SC
age: 65
Enjoy the break.Have a fun week-end.Best I remember CQ kinda sucks.
8/20/2008 12:52:56 PM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |

Columbia, SC
age: 42
it's a drag sometimes, but it's always different, LOL...btw, how have you been???
8/20/2008 2:02:46 PM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |

Farmington, IL
age: 47
CQ sucks! Sorry you have to do that, Laura! The good thing is that you don't have to work as hard as the runner! Glad you are sticking around!!!
8/21/2008 11:27:39 AM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |

Columbia, SC
age: 42
even though alot of BS is going on in here from a few "BlueFalcons", i still have alot of great friends here...Laura 
8/21/2008 5:08:55 PM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |


Michigan, ND
age: 47
Careful troop. Been a while since I had to throw a Marine over my shoulder and paddle her ass. True story, back at DINFOS when it was at Lowry AFB in Denver back in 82. LMAO over the memory. She ended up throwing a 20x24 rinse pan at me that was half full of water. I dove under the table till she cooled down.
[Edited 8/21/2008 5:12:00 PM PST]
8/21/2008 6:14:44 PM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |

The Colony, TX
age: 51
Careful troop. Been a while since I had to throw a Marine over my shoulder and paddle her ass. True story, back at DINFOS when it was at Lowry AFB in Denver back in 82. LMAO over the memory. She ended up throwing a 20x24 rinse pan at me that was half full of water. I dove under the table till she cooled down.
I was at lowery in 77. First stop after basic. The new airman’s club was recently opened. A steak dinner was I think about $4 bucks. Drinks were 50 -60 cents. Had some fun times in there. They ran the hookers out of there one night. I guess they were getting out of hand.
Gunny will like this we were across the street from some old mob dorms full of jar heads. So what do we do but get into a snow ball fight with these guys from across the street. It was fun until one of our guys bloodied one of them up. I don’t remember ever running any faster in my life. They hated us anyway. We were in these new nice dorms and they were stuck in the WW2 shacks. I guess karma was in the works for me because at my next station "Tyndall AFB" we moved into some boarded up WW2 shacks to live in while we were there. Just like the military.
8/22/2008 8:05:37 AM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |
Twisp, WA
age: 90
Red Blooded All American Good Friday Morning to you Gunny!
glad to see you checking in!
8/23/2008 1:56:16 AM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |


Fort Myers, FL
age: 61
Hey Hot Guns,
Liked your pic with the 'Smokey' on! You looked great!
Grin and bear it, as that is what you signed up for, and it's your call on how you make the best of it. LOL.
Just kiddin, lady, and you enjoy every minute of your time off!
Semper Fi~

8/23/2008 2:03:32 AM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |

Red Bluff, CA
age: 59
thanks for the update gunny. stay low.
8/24/2008 7:55:15 AM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |


Pittsburgh, PA
age: 54
Hi Gunny , Relax , Enjoy !!! We missed you here . Bet those recruits are dog tired and dreading the end of your R&R LOL . Be Happy & Healthy Gunny . I for one feel better knowing you are handling the training of Our Newest Troops .Thank You !!! Judge says Hello and rest well also ! Bikerangel3
8/25/2008 6:28:01 AM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |

Auburn, WA
age: 53
Glad your back, Gunny missed you here. go back and give them more "7734" I know it doesn't look like what we used it for growin up but you go girl and give them h ell that's why they joined after all. and know that here your posts have been missed.
8/27/2008 12:24:53 AM |
it's been a long first 3 weeks |

Sedona, AZ
age: 45
Sorry i've been away for so long, it has been a long first 3 weeks with the new recruits in my platoon, it looks like i have R&R till sunday this weekend when i have CQ duty...Laura
How is PI, the last time I was there was Nov of 1982.
Enjoy the time off get it while you can.
karl in Sedona.