9/3/2008 11:49:38 AM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |

Durham, NC
age: 51
I have'nt been ona date in sooo long! 
Me neither..this was a while back. Maybe thats why??  
9/5/2008 4:34:18 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |
Stanfield, NC
age: 48
This one takes the prize. It was a FOURTH date, even. Met a guy online (not this website). Went out twice & I went to his apartment. Fourth date, invited him to my house to cook something on the grill. He walked in, asked me what I had cooked, I told him dessert, and he left to get some fast food coz he was hungry and said he thought I'd have dinner ready when he arrived. He never came back, but emailed me later that night that he felt awkward coz my daughter was just leaving when he got to my house (she lives here, right?) and my little dogs creeped him out. What luck! I'd have had to kick that butthead to the curb eventually anyway - he saved me some trouble down the road! Good riddance!!
9/5/2008 4:35:16 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |


Fort Wayne, IN
age: 25
It was no longer than the run of the movie "Garden State", and it bombed because she brought a friend.
9/8/2008 8:24:59 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |
Sioux Falls, SD
age: 25
it lasted only five or ten minutes not so sure, he pulled down his pants and said will this satisfy you! i just left him there and said nothing and got in my car and left and he still wanted to know if it was going to satisfy me!
9/8/2008 8:30:23 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |
Plainfield, IL
age: 32
LOL on topic Leew. I guess about a week
9/10/2008 6:20:49 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |

Streetsboro, OH
age: 53 online now!
Well about ten years ago, just after I got divorced. I started talking to a woman on The Match site. Her pic. was cute as could be. We agreed to meet at a resturant close to her home. I was cranked as we had discussed every detail about ourselves, and she was perfect. It was the first time I had talked to anyone on line, needless to say I did not know shit from shineola. I was so cranked I was early, so I went in and got a drink. We had each others pics with us, so when this other woman aproached me, I was stunned. Then she introduced herself as the woman I was looking for. But this was not what my commputer printed out, this was at least 10 years older, 150lbs. heavier, By discription, about 6 in. taller. She sat down, as I was too stuned to speek. She began to tell me that her and her sister had talked about it and decided that the best way for her to get a date was to use her sisters picture. I felt so, well, raped. When I regained my composure i told her what a stupid b*tch she was. In aq voice loud enough for most of the place to hear. Then i left. Yes,,, I have met two more women from on line since. They were both as presented on line. And had a lot of fun with them. We are still friends. None the less guys and girls, be careful she is still out there.
9/10/2008 10:23:30 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |
Kitchener, ON
age: 33
A really decent guy with a business near my place... we had said "hi" for a couple years and it had to go somewhere sometime! Finally, we both were single. I was attracted and was ready to get close even though he was a bit over my age limit. Finally we had a couple dates,it was going pretty well until I found out his kisses smelled like he had a rotten tooth waayy in the back. I tried to get past that since he was a good guy. For our next date, we went to a gardening supply store...then we were going home with a bottle of wine. He bought a couple plants, I picked up ONE BAG of Garden Soil ($2.99).
As we lined up to pay, he stepped back and said "I'll let you go first, so our purchases don't get mixed up".
We never made it back to his place!
I can get past old, I can get past rotten odour but CHEAP goes home alone!

9/11/2008 6:37:58 AM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |
West New York, NJ
age: 48
LOLOLOLO Been there my was 4'11 and I stand 5'9' without shoes lolololo  
9/11/2008 1:00:19 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |

Dayton, OH
age: 54
I went on date last week in Middletown, Ohio. The minute we sat down at the bar for a drink the man wanted me to tell him about all my terrible dates. He was so negative that the guy sitting next to me told me I would be smart if I left when the guy went to the bathroom. I was smart I did and left quickly less than 43 minutes actually only 25 minutes.
9/12/2008 6:05:02 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |

Toledo, OH
age: 53
answer is not on poll. The shortest date I ever had was moving to Ohio. As Spock said, "Love is a little tweeting bird,... that smells really bad."
[Edited 9/12/2008 6:05:53 PM]
9/15/2008 9:51:37 AM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |

Bloomfield, MO
age: 28
Had a blind date and got a ride with the guy to the destination. On arrival he told me to go ahead and get out while he parked the car.
So, I guess you could say the date lasted about 20mins. The time of the trip. Luckily, I had someone that could give me a lift home.
No wonder men keep getting such bad names. Sometimes I think that men should have the p*ssy, not the women. If a man is not interested in a woman he should at least have the balls to say so. 
9/15/2008 9:58:38 AM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |
Maricopa, AZ
age: 56
Wow....I am so sorry that happened to you....what makes people do that??..To make a long story short.....Once I had a man who wouldn't leave me alone in a lounge told him I was leaving he asked me if he could walk me out to my car...and lo and behold there was this brand red convertible corvette sitting right out in front.he thought it was mine.. .went right to it opened up the passenger door and asked him if he wanted to go for a ride....he got in and sat down..told him I had to use the restroom...and never looked back.....never did find out what happened......Me so bad....( wink ) Sea
9/16/2008 8:47:54 AM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |

Appleton, WI
age: 52
Read my profile. lol Annie
9/17/2008 7:23:40 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |

Pleasantville, NJ
age: 27
i met this guy online and he came to see me .as soon as i got into the area where we agreed to meet ,i called him.i thought ,well he sounds nice on the phone,this should be good.he walked towards me and he had a friend with him.they were dressed alike.same outfits on.so corny!such a turn off !i kept it short and was out of there in 15 minutes.
9/21/2008 6:15:18 PM |
Shortest date you ever had and why |
Carlisle, AR
age: 19
He invited 2 girls to the same party and we just happened to run in to each other and meet.he told me that she was just a friend and he told her that he picked me up off the interstate..if anybody was to ever see me i dont look like somebody that would be walking the interstate at midnight. needless to say it lasted 10 mins at the max and then i was in my car going home