Fresno, CA
age: 63
Shin Buddhism is also Pureland... very accepting, nothing too strenuous. One "takes refuge" in Buddha/Dharma/Sangha, and then, in gratitude for the teachings, recites the name, Namo Amida Buttsu. Our
services include singing, jokes, chanting, and sharing all with our fellowship, the Sangha. We strive to keep
Siddartha's insights of "Four Noble Truths" "Eightfold Path" in mind daily, in our relationship with each other, with
the world at large. Siddartha said that his teachings would evolve and change over the years, and he also said
that each must test his teachings to see if they hold reality for that person. We are building a new church here in
Fresno, and my own goal is to share with others of my race and background the wonderful truths of Siddartha's
teachings, so that they might lessen their own personal suffering, and so that they might feel the beauty of
interconnnectedness with all things. If you go on the internet and put in Fresno Buddhist Church, you will
see the beautiful old building currently our hondo. If you check out Stockton Buddhist Church, or Sacramento
Buddhist Church, you will find a more modern building but same love of Siddartha's teachings. The new
BCA (Buddhist Churches of America) is in Berkeley, and please check it out on the internet or if fortunate, in
person. It is a modern church, with classes, events, trips, meditations, etc for all ages.