8/27/2008 6:51:36 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
llfuzball has been accusing certain individuals of being false teachers. I have come to realize that some of us disagree on what a false teacher is. So, What do you believe qualifies someone as a false teacher?
8/27/2008 7:22:00 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Columbia, SC
age: 54
Honestly we can ALL be a false teacher because we are no expert no matter how much we read and study we never will be and I don't think God ever expected us to be. I'm sure there were times in my life I was talking up incorrect information. I continue to grow and learn by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit and Jesus. The only teacher here on earth that I would not question would be Mother Teresa. ok, she isn't on earth now but you know what I mean. Other than that I take everyone with a grain of salt. I pray for discernment and take what is good and pass on the rest. And on the good I try to verify it in the Bible, and even use different translations.
I realize that isn't a clean cut black and white answer but that's just me, learning and growing and far from perfect and never will be. Peace ~
8/27/2008 7:37:54 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Denver, CO
age: 43
A false teacher is someone who preaches false doctrine.
They teach things that are contrary to the essentials of the Christian faith such as the virgin birth, the deity of Christ, His finished work on the cross, the Trinity.
Things such as eternal security, the gifts of the Spirit, etc. are important issues but they are not essentials. These we can disagree on without dividing over.
God bless
8/28/2008 3:41:09 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
Do you mean that even when someone truly believes what he or she is teaching and they are wrong that qualifies as a false teacher?
8/28/2008 7:30:57 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Denver, CO
age: 43
Do you think Mormons are false teachers? What about Hindus and Muslims? Don't you think they believe in what they teach?
8/29/2008 2:44:29 AM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Morgan City, LA
age: 54
Royr1; a parable for your ponderance;
Joe Shmo stands at a “Y” in the road that you are traveling, as he always does, because he feels he should help people in their travels.
You have heard that one fork in the road leads to a dangerous cliff that those traveling on that wrong road see only too late and plummet to their death.
Joe is a nice guy, who truly wishes to help you safely on your journey and claims to know how you may do just that, so you ask him which fork to take so that you may continue and end your journey in safety.
Joe tells you, instructs you, guides you, that it is the left fork you must take if you want to get to your final destination. Realizing Joe truly wishes to help you, you decide to trust his guidance and blissfully take the left fork.
What you AND Joe don't know is that Joe has misread the road map made by the people who built the road. You continue to go down the road Joe has kindly instructed you until you turn a sharp corner and discover only too late to stop, a deep abyss! You careen over the edge and plummet to your horrible death.
Joe did not maliciously send you to your death. As a matter of fact, he truly believes he did nothing less than show you the way to help you safely on your journey.
So let me ask you; does the fact that Joe truly believes he has helped you and truly believes that he understands the road map, make him any less a “false guide”, “false instructor”, “false teacher”, sending countless people to their death as a result of his misinterpretation?
... or do you believe that the "map" is not that "black and white" and ANY interpretation of the map is correct as long as one believes it is correct.
To all;
Learn to read the road map for yourself!!!!!!!!!!
[Edited 8/29/2008 3:11:28 AM]
8/29/2008 3:26:50 AM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Morgan City, LA
age: 54
A false teacher is anyone who teaches false facts about ANYTHING.
I knew a 5th grade teacher who grew up in the hills of Virginia and was one of the few remaining people in the world that still genuinely believe the world is flat (odd but true! Called sarcasticly; "Flat Earthers"). She believed this so strongly, in spite of all evidence and in spite of accepted school curriculum, she taught her students this belief.
The fact that she believed, without doubt, that the world is flat does not make what she taught any less false.
Because of this one mistaken belief, how could she properly teach the 400 year history (well ... 1200 year, actually) of the exploration of the Earth; how could she properly teach science and space; how could she teach anything else that depends on the one simple fact that the Earth is a big blue ball flying through space?
[Edited 8/29/2008 3:40:55 AM]
8/29/2008 3:54:14 AM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Shreveport, LA
age: 56
Honestly we can ALL be a false teacher because we are no expert no matter how much we read and study we never will be and I don't think God ever expected us to be. I'm sure there were times in my life I was talking up incorrect information. I continue to grow and learn by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit and Jesus. The only teacher here on earth that I would not question would be Mother Teresa. ok, she isn't on earth now but you know what I mean. Other than that I take everyone with a grain of salt. I pray for discernment and take what is good and pass on the rest. And on the good I try to verify it in the Bible, and even use different translations.
I realize that isn't a clean cut black and white answer but that's just me, learning and growing and far from perfect and never will be. Peace ~
Well Said my friend......I Live & Learn everytime I read & study the word.
Also, all of us Christians may disagree on topics like "False Teachers"-definition, etc.
BUT, there are many interpretations of the bible. I am not going to condemn another
just because they believe something in the bible to be different.
I am going to teach about Jesus Love & always try to be an example of his Love.
I fail sometimes, this I know, but when God convicts me of my sin, I thank GOD for his forgiveness & the hard lesson I learned from sin.
And pray for one another, instead of condemning another.
God Bless all of you Christians ....
8/29/2008 1:21:49 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
captpappy, that doen't answer my question. It does show the dangers of misunderstanding things and good intetions are not enough but, it doesn't really make one a false teacher to me, just a mistaken teacher.
8/30/2008 1:14:35 AM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Morgan City, LA
age: 54
More simply put;
my answer to your original question is: A false teacher is one who teaches false facts.
I don't see that it is a question of degree or how much falseness one is allowed to teach or if they believe their own false facts. What they teach is either true or it is false! If one teaches one false fact then how can you trust anything else they teach.
This applies, in my view, with all studies.
8/30/2008 4:46:26 AM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Loganville, GA
age: 43
False Teachers and Lying Prophets
I. As long as God has had teachers and prophets in the world there have been those who taught falsely.
A. Jeremiah complained about the false prophets - Jeremiah 5:30-31
B. Paul had problems with teachers binding the Old Law - Acts 15:1-2
C. Paul warned the Ephesian elders that false teachers would arise
from among them - Acts 20:29-30
D. Jesus foretold that in the last days of Jerusalem there would be false prophets - Matthew 24:10-11
E. False teachers will exist among the brethren - II Peter 2:1-3
II. What makes a prophet or teacher false?
A. First let us define what we mean by a prophet or teacher
1. Prophet - A man, inspired of God, who speaks for God.
2. Teacher - A person who instructs others in God’s Word.
B. A false prophet or teacher is one who is not speaking on behalf of God.
1. Generally recognized by the fact that their doctrine does not match the truth of God’s Word. - Deuteronomy 13:1-4
2. However, not all false teachers teach false doctrine
a. Philippians 1:15-17 - Some are preaching Christ but from impure motives.
b. Jeremiah 14:14-15 - There were prophets prophesying in God’s name whom God had not sent.
3. We are also not talking about someone who because of a lack a maturity has not learned everything
a. Peter strayed from the truth, but we would not call him a false teacher - Galatians 2:11-14
b. Apollos did not know about Jesus, but we generally don’t call him a false teacher - Acts 18:24-28
c. The prime difference is that these men did not stay with their error.
C. False teachers are motivate by popularity
1. II Timothy 4:3-4 - People want teachers to please them
2. Jeremiah 5:30-31 - People don’t care if the doctrine is wrong so long as it leaves them feeling good.
3. Popularity is a form of power.
4. They will say whatever is necessary to gain an advantage - Jude 16
D. False teachers are motivated by money
1. Titus 1:10-11 - Teaching falsely for the gain
2. II Peter 2:1-3 - Making merchandise of the brethren
3. II Peter 2:14-15 - Following the way of Balaam whose “righteousness” was profit.
4. I Timothy 6:3-5 - They see the gospel as a way of making money
5. Their stance depends on who is feeding them - Micah 3:5
E. False teachers are motivated by pride in themselves
1. Ezekiel 13:2-3 - They speak of their own imaginations
2. Jeremiah 14:14 - They teach the deceptions of their own minds
3. Jeremiah 23:25-27 - They teach their own delusions
4. Jude 8 - Reject authority by their own dreams
5. II Peter 2:10 - Self-willed
F. False teachers are motivated by sensuality
1. II Peter 2:2 - Sensuality is popular. This is not just sexual sin. These are things that appeal to the senses – smooth words, luxuries, fulfilling worldly desires.
2. II Peter 2:9-10 - Indulge in the flesh
3. II Peter 2:12-14 - Following animal instincts
4. Jude 10 - Unreasoning animals
III. Recognizing false teachers
A. Matthew 7:15-20 - You will know them by their fruit
B. They lead people away from God instead of towards God - Jeremiah 23:21-22
C. They give a false sense of security
1. Ezekiel 13:9-10 - Teaching peace where none exists
2. Ezekiel 22:26-28 - Will make no distinction between right and wrong. Whitewashing error.
D. They reject what they do not understand
1. Jude 10 - They revile what they cannot understand. It is not a time for study but a cause for derision.
2. I Timothy 1:6-7 - Fruitless discussions about things they don’t understand
3. I Timothy 6:3-5 - Unable to reason, they have a morbid interest in controversy and disputes about words.
4. I Timothy 6:20-21 - Empty words and controversial arguments become their truth
E. They spread strife and evil suspicions
1. I Timothy 6:3-5 - It is a form of power to bring others down
2. Jude 16 - fault finders and grumblers.
IV. What do we do about false teachers?
A. First understand that their destruction is in God’s hand, not ours - II Peter 2:3-12
B. Notice that even angels understand that judgement is in God’s hands - Jude 8-10
C. Even if the truth is taught from the wrong motives, at least rejoice that it is being taught - Philippians 1:15-18
D. Teach God’s truth. It always wins in the end - Jeremiah 23:28-29
E. Keep the false teacher from among yourselves - Romans 16:17-18
8/30/2008 2:38:58 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Shreveport, LA
age: 56
8/30/2008 3:38:32 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Denver, CO
age: 43
8/30/2008 8:12:13 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
False Teachers and Lying Prophets
I. As long as God has had teachers and prophets in the world there have been those who taught falsely.
A. Jeremiah complained about the false prophets - Jeremiah 5:30-31
B. Paul had problems with teachers binding the Old Law - Acts 15:1-2
C. Paul warned the Ephesian elders that false teachers would arise
from among them - Acts 20:29-30
D. Jesus foretold that in the last days of Jerusalem there would be false prophets - Matthew 24:10-11
E. False teachers will exist among the brethren - II Peter 2:1-3
II. What makes a prophet or teacher false?
A. First let us define what we mean by a prophet or teacher
1. Prophet - A man, inspired of God, who speaks for God.
2. Teacher - A person who instructs others in God’s Word.
B. A false prophet or teacher is one who is not speaking on behalf of God.
1. Generally recognized by the fact that their doctrine does not match the truth of God’s Word. - Deuteronomy 13:1-4
2. However, not all false teachers teach false doctrine
a. Philippians 1:15-17 - Some are preaching Christ but from impure motives.
b. Jeremiah 14:14-15 - There were prophets prophesying in God’s name whom God had not sent.
3. We are also not talking about someone who because of a lack a maturity has not learned everything
a. Peter strayed from the truth, but we would not call him a false teacher - Galatians 2:11-14
b. Apollos did not know about Jesus, but we generally don’t call him a false teacher - Acts 18:24-28
c. The prime difference is that these men did not stay with their error.
C. False teachers are motivate by popularity
1. II Timothy 4:3-4 - People want teachers to please them
2. Jeremiah 5:30-31 - People don’t care if the doctrine is wrong so long as it leaves them feeling good.
3. Popularity is a form of power.
4. They will say whatever is necessary to gain an advantage - Jude 16
D. False teachers are motivated by money
1. Titus 1:10-11 - Teaching falsely for the gain
2. II Peter 2:1-3 - Making merchandise of the brethren
3. II Peter 2:14-15 - Following the way of Balaam whose “righteousness” was profit.
4. I Timothy 6:3-5 - They see the gospel as a way of making money
5. Their stance depends on who is feeding them - Micah 3:5
E. False teachers are motivated by pride in themselves
1. Ezekiel 13:2-3 - They speak of their own imaginations
2. Jeremiah 14:14 - They teach the deceptions of their own minds
3. Jeremiah 23:25-27 - They teach their own delusions
4. Jude 8 - Reject authority by their own dreams
5. II Peter 2:10 - Self-willed
F. False teachers are motivated by sensuality
1. II Peter 2:2 - Sensuality is popular. This is not just sexual sin. These are things that appeal to the senses – smooth words, luxuries, fulfilling worldly desires.
2. II Peter 2:9-10 - Indulge in the flesh
3. II Peter 2:12-14 - Following animal instincts
4. Jude 10 - Unreasoning animals
III. Recognizing false teachers
A. Matthew 7:15-20 - You will know them by their fruit
B. They lead people away from God instead of towards God - Jeremiah 23:21-22
C. They give a false sense of security
1. Ezekiel 13:9-10 - Teaching peace where none exists
2. Ezekiel 22:26-28 - Will make no distinction between right and wrong. Whitewashing error.
D. They reject what they do not understand
1. Jude 10 - They revile what they cannot understand. It is not a time for study but a cause for derision.
2. I Timothy 1:6-7 - Fruitless discussions about things they don’t understand
3. I Timothy 6:3-5 - Unable to reason, they have a morbid interest in controversy and disputes about words.
4. I Timothy 6:20-21 - Empty words and controversial arguments become their truth
E. They spread strife and evil suspicions
1. I Timothy 6:3-5 - It is a form of power to bring others down
2. Jude 16 - fault finders and grumblers.
IV. What do we do about false teachers?
A. First understand that their destruction is in God’s hand, not ours - II Peter 2:3-12
B. Notice that even angels understand that judgement is in God’s hands - Jude 8-10
C. Even if the truth is taught from the wrong motives, at least rejoice that it is being taught - Philippians 1:15-18
D. Teach God’s truth. It always wins in the end - Jeremiah 23:28-29
E. Keep the false teacher from among yourselves - Romans 16:17-18
You definatly got the right verses and did some studing. I'm not quite convinced that all of you interpretations are correct but, it is worth taking more time to study than I have right now. Galatians 2:11-14 and Acts 18:24-28 are verses that show that even those with Christ in their hearts and the right motives can be wrong in their teachings.
For now, I still am not totally convinced about T.D. Jakes being a false teacher but, Joyce Meyer and Joel Osten (did I spell his name correctly?) might be. They all teach some things that are incorrect just as all pastors and teachers of the Word. If being wrong and thinking they right qualifies as being a false teacher then, llfuzball is right about them. If they truly believe that they are right and them being wrong alone doesn't qualify them as false teachers then, you have to look at the rest of their teachings before you can come to such a conclusion.
All of you have had some good points and we should all pray about this matter. Thank you for your input.
8/30/2008 10:06:13 PM |
What is a false teacher?? |

Janesville, WI
age: 68
captpappy, that doen't answer my question. It does show the dangers of misunderstanding things and good intetions are not enough but, it doesn't really make one a false teacher to me, just a mistaken teacher.
A person can be the most sincere person in the world in what he/she teaches, but they can also be sincerely wrong.
God Bless
Danny Boy