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8/28/2008 12:36:09 AM |
Depression Support |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
People have been requesting something like this forever.....As usual...I could'nt hold my wad.............so....here it is!
The thread where we all can speak about our problems with depression. WARNING: Wise asses will be blocked forever.
[Edited 8/28/2008 12:45:29 AM]
8/28/2008 6:46:09 AM |
Depression Support |
Van Buren, AR
age: 52
depression??? big subject for a world where most people are just playing games..but is a really big part of most peoples lifes.. guess the only time i get there is if i have had to much to drink and cant get out and be busy.. tried the dr way with pills but hay the only thing that really works for me is just to do what i know i love to do best and before i know it i can relook at the situtation and change my thought patterns on how i am gonna think about what ever the reason was for the depression.. to me that is all it really is my conception on a situtation.. change the opionion and whaaaa laaaa i can move past that obstical.. but if i dont adress the reason and rewire it i can fall .. some falls actually leave scares.. which just help you remember and live more.. for those that cant rewire i wish them luck...
8/29/2008 7:36:36 PM |
Depression Support |
Greenville, MS
age: 46
4 months yesterday. I thought I was moving forward pretty good. But about 2 to 3 weeks ago the depression hit. Shook it off for a couple of days this week, but Lord it is tough.
[Edited 8/29/2008 7:36:55 PM]
8/29/2008 7:45:48 PM |
Depression Support |
Florence, KY
age: 45
depression is hard and consuming
first and foremost you feel you cant deal with it then seek profesional help it will be best choice and do so before ever acting irrationaly.
and a great help group on the net is http://www.groww.org a non profit set up to help with the loss of those we lost.
and anyone ever needs to talk and see me online i am welcome to listen to you and attempt to help...
god bless every one and i am truly sorry for your losses
8/29/2008 10:32:26 PM |
Depression Support |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
depression is hard and consuming
first and foremost you feel you cant deal with it then seek profesional help it will be best choice and do so before ever acting irrationaly.
and a great help group on the net is http://www.groww.org a non profit set up to help with the loss of those we lost.
and anyone ever needs to talk and see me online i am welcome to listen to you and attempt to help...
god bless every one and i am truly sorry for your losses
excellent response
8/29/2008 10:35:59 PM |
Depression Support |
Loxley, AL
age: 54
depression support--?? Living with the loss of a "loved one" especially a spouse is sooo very hard. They didn't choose to leave us .. yet they did.. and we are left to put the puzzle back together. Who? What? When? Where?.... Who.. ever dreamed this would happen(to us)??...What.. will I do now (that you are not here)??.. When.. will I get better(without you)??... Where... do I fit in theis world (without you/all alone on my own)??...
Day by day..life will never be the same as it was, but it will be...life will go on, and I am left here to go on as long as the good LORD says so. I have good days and bad days, and I am learning how to the take the good with the bad.... OH yes I do answer myself. and a good strong drink helps Depression is a daily battle, just another hill to climb and after the death of a spouce its only a small ant hill!!! Hey, we can all step over that!!! Just don't step in it!!!
9/16/2008 6:37:20 PM |
Depression Support |

Freeman, MO
age: 40
Depression doesn't even begin to cover it...I cry at everything..songs, movies, posters, Tv shows...water running..rain, you name it, and I cry. I literaly bawl..so manytimes I have told people that I want to be with my husband who passed 4 months ago...I can't take it anymore..I need him..I never knew how much until the little things break down..a light goes out...oil light goes on...breaks squeek...things like that..
I want to move on, and I have been out, once, but it's not the same..I want someone to hold me at night...to be with..
I thought the crying would stop, but it has gotten worse...and Thanksgiving and Christmas havent' even gotten here yet..and I dread those holidays..It isn't getting easier like they say..yea, I have good days, but the bad days more than make up for it..what are we to do??
So, depression..yea, everyone gets it..everyone deals with it at one time..in their own way..all I know is that ever since my husband died, I haven't been myself...
I didn't chose to be a widow..it was chosen for me..and i can't change it..although I would if I could, but now, I have this terrible depression to deal with..and I dont' know how to snap out of it..
sorry to vent..having a bad week..a lot of firsts alone for me...
9/16/2008 8:24:11 PM |
Depression Support |
Findlay, OH
age: 50
depression hell yes ,,, i take zoloft for mine but it still gets to you was my late sons birthday sept 8th and someone wrote a letter on virtual memorials.com on my sons website and very nice on but after so many years yes it does get to you and makes you cry,, time does not heal you just learn to live with it,,,,,,,,
9/17/2008 7:00:28 AM |
Depression Support |

Northfield, MN
age: 48
For all of you new to the life of being a widow/widower. It WILL get better! I have been a widow 8 1/2 years now and although I still miss him. I miss being married! I miss everything we did together. I still cry but... It does get better. You never forget...not ever! But you will move on when your ready. Dont rush it...you will "know" when your ready. It all takes time..you will get there. I promise!!
Would be glad to chat with anyone that needs a shoulder. A word of advice..dont hide away alone. I did that for a while..it doesnt help. Get out and do things. I found keeping busy and being around people helped me through some of my darkest times!
P.S. I am not an expert, just speaking form experience.
10/6/2008 4:17:19 PM |
Depression Support |

Duncanville, TX
age: 54
sorry for your loss . you never get over it you learn to live with it .time helps alot. i use to hate it when people would say that to me .but it is true .stay busy and look ahead as much as you can my husband killed himself betty