Muskogee, OK
age: 35
you no there were many diferent babtisim practices old levies had one in the court yard of the tabernacle big tub of water the essences had baptising pools not to far from were john was babtizing funny thing is jesus never babtized apostels some were with john so he probaly did them and the rest probaly did each other the theife was kinda awittness to the other thieve so martyer get free accses strait to heaven the rest have to wait tell jesus comes back whoooo i need to stay out of the religion section

Belchertown, MA
age: 58
well I guess its all about what religion you believe in. I believe we
originate from a loving creator, and I can not comprehend how a loving
GOd would condemn any of his creation, simply because of a symbolic
act not being conducted. It is man who thru ego creates this separation
and organized religion via man made dogma and doctine, preaching fear,
hell fire and damnation, whatever ever happened to love and the positive
loving side of our creator, perhaps more christians, should listen to
Rev. Joel Osteen, from lakewood church in Houston.
Krupa...you will be there, if whatever you do in life from this moment
on...if you do it from a position (basis) of LOVE, you can not fail
Oh by the way FORGIVENESS...is the Highest form of LOVE
Also if God gave man free will, then why would he punish us for
using our free will to make our own choices.
God also did not want man to impose his will over that of another.
[Edited 9/9/2007 9:04:25 PM]

Fort Lauderdale, FL
age: 40
For those who believe,there is still time to make the change that is needed to make the trip to heaven and yes baptism included.

Reading, MI
age: 43
being baptized is not mandatory but it is a promise to god to try and follow in Christ teachings.

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
what about the theif on the cross and old testiment people who followed God's word they were not babtized and they will be there king david he was not babtized and he will be in heaven

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i doubt he will be there because the bible says he was a wicked man

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i do not think He was talking to barabas