8/30/2008 8:26:22 PM |
~christ with dating~ |

Wadsworth, OH
age: 20
what do you feel that Christ would be comfortable with in dating? not just how far is too far but just dating in general should you date to find someone you like or just wait for that special someone?
8/31/2008 9:40:27 AM |
~christ with dating~ |

Houston, TX
age: 39
God has granted us free will. He sends us possibilities for a soul mate. We have to search through those possibilities to find the right person. I pray and trust in God to lead me in the right directions. I always mention I am a Christian when joining singles groups. I think dating is like anything else, we pray and we trust in God to lead us.
8/31/2008 11:13:17 AM |
~christ with dating~ |
Largo, FL
age: 50
i agree we pray and ask god to lead us to the right one...
9/1/2008 6:05:10 AM |
~christ with dating~ |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
I believe that Christ expects us to date to find the one God has created for me. I don't believe in dating just to date or just to get to know different people. While dating, we definatly should limit any physical contact because it could lead to certain temptations or it could be a stumbling block to some people. I have know Christian couples who are dating to kiss or appear to be to Physical and think that there may be more than that going on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against physical contact or kissing, I think that too many Christians don't think about how they appear to others Christian or not.
I also agree with the rest of you that we should pray.
[Edited 9/1/2008 6:05:54 AM]
9/1/2008 7:36:53 AM |
~christ with dating~ |

Janesville, WI
age: 68
You should indeed pray that God will lead you and at the same time you should also be praying that you will be willing to listen when He puts that special someone in your life. By the same token you had better be praying that, that special someone is listening also.
God Bless
Danny Boy
[Edited 9/1/2008 7:37:25 AM]
9/1/2008 7:46:56 AM |
~christ with dating~ |
Largo, FL
age: 50
roy i have been using the internet dating for until i find him or he finds me
i have been using it to share the word..and the true jesus!...i have been blessed with this...god has blessed me with many nice men to come to know jesus
and a few got saved during going out with me on just one date....wow is GOD awsome...BUT I WANT MY TRUE SWEET HEART I CAN LOVE AND TOGETHER GO OUT AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL.....may god find u the right mates all on here ...i ask in jesus name!.
9/7/2008 7:44:25 PM |
~christ with dating~ |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
roy i have been using the internet dating for until i find him or he finds me
i have been using it to share the word..and the true jesus!...i have been blessed with this...god has blessed me with many nice men to come to know jesus
and a few got saved during going out with me on just one date....wow is GOD awsome...BUT I WANT MY TRUE SWEET HEART I CAN LOVE AND TOGETHER GO OUT AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL.....may god find u the right mates all on here ...i ask in jesus name!.
You are right about the part about sharing God's word, I'm doing the same thing. But that doesn't mean it's OK to date an unbeliever. In II Corinthians 6:14-17, it tells us not to be unequally yolked with unbelievers. If you are looking for the one God has set aside for you, the shouldn't you only date those who have have the same qualities you are looking for in your future spouse?
That is what I strongly believe that God expects of us and I'm not the only one. Most Christians I know believe the same way I do because it is clear to us and if you did some checking, you would find out that not very many dating relationships or marriages are successfull if one is a unbeliever and the other is. I could get the statistics but, I really think you should check it out for yourself.
Your heart is in the right place even more than mine but, you are overlooking not only God's will but also the facts.
9/8/2008 12:17:17 PM |
~christ with dating~ |
Largo, FL
age: 50
i agree with u ...but also on the other hand i dont think dating is one date i think its multiple dates which that doesnt happen ,,but i can get the word out to the unbeliever over wonderful food and conversation
there nothing wrong with that
plus im not sitting home
and im doing the LORDS work,,,
and being a blessinga and being blessed at the same time...
9/8/2008 10:20:56 PM |
~christ with dating~ |

Waco, TX
age: 22
I feel that sometimes your soulmate may not be on the same level you are as a christian. So many times we pass up some good people because they are not on the same level. But as christian we should be able to help that one sent to us to the straight an narrow path. For example I was dating this woman and she had come from a really bad relationship. But God use me to pull her out of it and back to him. We dated a very long time. I mean we prayed together, read the bible together, went to church together and even tho it didn't work out, she still calls and come over for bible study. So sometimes God can use us to be the one to bring someone to christ!
9/11/2008 4:55:48 PM |
~christ with dating~ |
Largo, FL
age: 50
9/16/2008 5:47:37 PM |
~christ with dating~ |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
i agree with u ...but also on the other hand i dont think dating is one date i think its multiple dates which that doesnt happen ,,but i can get the word out to the unbeliever over wonderful food and conversation
there nothing wrong with that
plus im not sitting home
and im doing the LORDS work,,,
and being a blessinga and being blessed at the same time...
You are half right about dating being not just one date but, dating also that first date and each date you go on. When we date, we should be looking for the one God has set aside for us to marry. That is why we should look for someone that we believe God would want us to date, which is another believer. There is nothing wrong with having conversations with unbelievers but, a date or several dates is not the right place or time. I know of Christian who have dated unbelievers and some of them married the same unbelievers and all but one of them turned out very bad for everyone involved. The Bible clearly tells us not be unequally yoked with unbelievers and I believe that dating is the first step.
If you are going to talk to unbelievers and witness to them then, do so in a setting that is not considered a date by either one of you. Dating is not the right time or place to witness to someone. That's why I believe that Christians should only date other Christians.
By the way, I disagree with you when you say we shouldn't date for a long time. How long you date has nothing to do with temptation. Spending too much time alone with each other is what really brings about the most tempation in a dating relationship. The truth is that you should date for a while so that you will have time to see if the one you are dating is the one God has for you to marry. There is no set time limit but, many people say that you should date someone for at least a year before considering marriage.
[Edited 9/16/2008 5:57:21 PM]
9/17/2008 1:10:10 PM |
~christ with dating~ |
Largo, FL
age: 50
but this is where u know when ur rooted ,,,u know the unbeliever is not an option
its just a messege to get acrosss...because sometimes ur the only messege they may listen too...but not to be unevenly yoked for sure
and i want them on the same level as me for im very strong in the LORD>>>>so i want a man very strong in the LORD with the same beliefs...
9/17/2008 5:53:33 PM |
~christ with dating~ |

Hope, AR
age: 53
I do not think there is a blue print for finding the right person or the time you should date before marriage. I would like to agree with blessedlady, but I am not sure that works everytime. I would like to meet, fall in love, get married, start living as a TEAM FOR GOD, ALL IN 2 MONTHS. ThAT IS WHAT MOST OF US WANT ISN'T IT? 
9/18/2008 6:26:43 AM |
~christ with dating~ |
Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
I've always believed a person should date at least a year before getting married. I don't think anyone really gets to know another person for a good while. People tend to be on their best behavier for a while but when getting too comfortable then you see the real them. We have to know the real person and that takes time. We can't just jump into anything. Take your time and really get to know everything about the person you are thinking of marrying. Anyone can say anything at the beginning just to keep you interested. They can and do say all the right things at first. Not saying everyone is out to deceive, but you know as well as I do that we all want to impress in the beginning.
9/18/2008 6:28:28 AM |
~christ with dating~ |
Largo, FL
age: 50
that would be too hard i think there would be too much temptaion..i dont think god believes in dating ...