8/31/2008 4:14:47 PM |
Prayer request |
Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
I am asking for prayer for my mother and brother. They live in Pascagula where that hurrican is about to hit. My mom is in a nursing home and they are not evacuated them. My brother only lives about 20 miles from her. Please keep them in prayer.
God bless all,
8/31/2008 4:25:25 PM |
Prayer request |
Christiansburg, VA
age: 41
They will be in my prayers. Please keep us updated on how they are. God Bless
8/31/2008 4:31:59 PM |
Prayer request |

Loganville, GA
age: 44
Absolutely Char 
8/31/2008 4:33:46 PM |
Prayer request |

Xenia, OH
age: 48
Dear Father, please keep no_one_special's mother and bother in your loving embrace, shelter them from the storm that is coming their way Dear Lord. We all remember the devastation from 3 years ago and pray that you use your power and might to keep the storm from doing more of the same. Protect the nursing home Father, see that it continues to have electricty and clean water, bless the staff that they will be able to keep everthing calm. Oh, Lord how we come to you in this time of need on bended knee we pray, we love you, we trust you, we leave it all in your hands our father, our friend, our protector. You are truly a sovereign Lord.
8/31/2008 4:39:55 PM |
Prayer request |
Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
Thanks to everyone for your prayers. God is gracious and good.
Love in the Lord Jesus,
[Edited 8/31/2008 4:40:22 PM]
8/31/2008 4:56:24 PM |
Prayer request |

Denver, CO
age: 43
You got it Char.
My mom and sister went through hurricane Andrew so I know the feeling.
8/31/2008 5:09:53 PM |
Prayer request |

Janesville, WI
age: 68
My prayers are with you and your family Char.
God Bless
Danny Boy
8/31/2008 7:33:44 PM |
Prayer request |

Farmington, AR
age: 52

My prayers are with you and your family. plus all who are in the path of this storm.
8/31/2008 8:45:20 PM |
Prayer request |

Overland Park, KS
age: 52
Will be praying for the safety of your mother and brother tonight, Char. A cousin of mine lived in Pascagoula, MS when Katrina hit. They ended up selling and moving further inland after that.
Blessings, Sue 
9/1/2008 5:42:59 PM |
Prayer request |
Dillsburg, PA
age: 34
Stray strong. I'm praying for you as well. GOD is sovereign.
9/1/2008 8:20:39 PM |
Prayer request |
Largo, FL
age: 50
CHAR TAKE POWER AND AUTHORITY OVER IT...we have the authority over the storm
rebuke and tell it to leave in the name of JESUS!...IT MUST OBEY
WE ARE HIS!satan get thee behind me!.....mountain be thy removed!
go girl ...u got !
9/1/2008 8:21:34 PM |
Prayer request |
Largo, FL
age: 50
my prayers are always with u...
9/8/2008 12:12:54 PM |
Prayer request |
Linden, NC
age: 54
I will pray for your family are they doing now. Either way I will be paying for them any way okay Char. Can I get you to pray for me too. So I can get someone local to help me get photo back on DateHookup.dating :: I don't know why I need the photo anyway cause once they see me they won't have anything to do with 2ndtime72 anyway. Take care 2ndtime72 :: Ms.Genny ::   
9/8/2008 12:20:43 PM |
Prayer request |

Janesville, WI
age: 68
Ms Genny, do not be so negative about your self. True beauty comes from within. The person who truly loves Jesus reflects the beauty of Him.
God Bless
Danny Boy
9/8/2008 1:54:03 PM |
Prayer request |
Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
Ms. Genny, You stop feeling that way about yourself. You are a beautiful person inside and out. And yes, you know you are in my prayers all the time.