8/31/2008 10:04:11 PM |
Have you ever gone snorkeling |

Lakewood, NJ
age: 43
Just got back from Bermuda last week. Went snorkeling on the reefs and absolutely loved it....simply amazing. The water was crystal clear and saw tons of tropical fish. Can't wait to do it again. Share your snorkeling experiences here.
9/1/2008 5:44:58 AM |
Have you ever gone snorkeling |

Manahawkin, NJ
age: 53
Snorkeling is the best!!!!!!! I remember the first time i was able to relax and not hyperventilate..actually a spiritual experience for me...The fish, coral and light glimmering around was absolutely fabulous. I have now snorkeled in many places, Cayman Islands being so far my favorite place, especially the North Shore. Coral Reefs surround the island giving us snorkel folk great views of many many colorful fish..just have to be aware of the Barracuda..lol
9/1/2008 6:47:44 AM |
Have you ever gone snorkeling |
Morris Plains, NJ
age: 52
Once you've seen the crystal clear waters of far away places, it's hard to even put a toe in the Jersey waters. I went to St. Thomas and to Aruba and have seen what clean water looks like. Now when I go "down the shore" and see the brown water.. well, yuck!!
I'd be afraid to snorkle might run into a dirty diaper or a dead body.
9/1/2008 7:30:36 AM |
Have you ever gone snorkeling |
Port Monmouth, NJ
age: 55
Once you've seen the crystal clear waters of far away places, it's hard to even put a toe in the Jersey waters. I went to St. Thomas and to Aruba and have seen what clean water looks like. Now when I go "down the shore" and see the brown water.. well, yuck!!
I'd be afraid to snorkle  might run into a dirty diaper or a dead body.
or your mothers body
your a bit of a cynical jersey hater we have noticed in your threads
I doubt there is any BALL and CHAIN holding you here unless you are communicating from trenton state prison
Feel free to leave anytime
do us the favor
exit to RT 80 WEST
Love that picture
is it a shadow or your GHOST
[Edited 9/1/2008 7:31:36 AM]
9/1/2008 11:42:18 AM |
Have you ever gone snorkeling |

Lakewood, NJ
age: 43
Once you've seen the crystal clear waters of far away places, it's hard to even put a toe in the Jersey waters. I went to St. Thomas and to Aruba and have seen what clean water looks like. Now when I go "down the shore" and see the brown water.. well, yuck!!
I'd be afraid to snorkle  might run into a dirty diaper or a dead body.
Our water is greenish and not clear blue becuase it is full of life....Algae and other small micro organisms.......water in Aruba is clear not because it is "clean" but because it is actually lifeless.....the only life being on or around the reefs.
9/1/2008 6:21:35 PM |
Have you ever gone snorkeling |

Freehold, NJ
age: 43
i have snorkeled in many places including the caymen islands,bahamas,cancun,but the very best place was in hawaii at hanamahana bay . we fed the fish frozen peas and corn right out of our hands. it was an amazing experience. we also saw a 3 ft shart while snorkeling on the safari tour in cancun this past july and that was before we got into the water so i am proud that i even went in after seeing him.