Locust Grove, VA
age: 27
if its only about the money then offer her joint custody and tell the courts you two split everything 50/50 and then the child support will be very low, she won't have anything to say about you not having money to pay it and you hold on to your rights. JMO

Vine Grove, KY
age: 32
just my experience, when i divorced my wife, i went for custody and her visitation, i had the choice to waive child support. if she dont want your money why dont she just waive child support (if ossible in your state) and let you keep your parental rights. i would never sign my rights over cause that means i have no say in my kids life, not gonna happen. there are other ways to keep your rights and her not recieve child support. like another person said, do a 50/50 custody, its another option.

Elk Grove Village, IL
age: 38 online now!
I would not sign over your rights. She is your child you have a right to be in her life. Good Luck to you.

Barnett, MO
age: 19
thank you all every much it and i know what i'm going to do me and her had a long talk about what we will do and we got it all worked out