Rensselaer, NY
age: 64
What is the difference? As far as I can see the only difference is that one is organized and the other is more of a free spirit type thing. Both believe in some higher power but the religious ones have a need to go to an organized house of worship and the spiritually based ones simply carry the belief around in their heart. I could use some feedback on this. It puzzles me.

Belchertown, MA
age: 58
There are some of a spiritualist faith, and they do gather
together and have a particular format. Some are even christian
based, but have beliefs that are not the norm with christianity
in general, such as reincarnation, talking with the those on the
other side.
Organized man made religion, has specific doctrine, dogma, that has
nothing to do with the bible, or any other book. The catholic church
specifically thru what they believe as the infallibility of the Pope. meaning
what he says is the word, can not be wrong has many doctrines, its purpose
can be explained and debated until you are blue in the face, or until
eternity. Many other religions have emerged as a split from the
Catholic church,because of differences in doctrine/dogma, ie. Lutherns,
Episcopalians, Greek Orthodx and others. Protestant churches have their
own doctrine, and this is used by all religion, to keep the order of their
church alive, to keep their religion going, to guarantee its existence.
There is a shift occuring involving increased spirituality amongst people, who
are finally listening to what resonates inside of themselves, versus what some
one else dictates to them as to what they must believe.

Morgan, VT
age: 65
spirituality is singular in attempt...
religion is plural...when two or more are gathered, and in relitive agreement

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
The biggest difference I can see, having been on both sides, 'now spiritual' is that religion is you go to church to have someone tell you what to believe. Spiritual is finding your own voice and understanding with your creator.

Belchertown, MA
age: 58
We are spiritual beings having a human experience, spirituality is
singular as to the individuals relationship with spirit, but because
we are all one with each other and are creator (but not the same) it
is then collective.

Morgan, VT
age: 65
and if we of 'spirituality' beleived the same we would have a religion
...or ones spiritual beleife is his religion