Panama City, FL
age: 43
Is God trying to save all man kind now or is He looking for His kingdom people to rule and reign with His SON here on earth . The gospel of Christ was of the coming kingdom of God / repent for the kingdom is at hand.

Overland Park, KS
age: 52
Jesus said in Matthew 7:14 "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Blessings, Sue 

Cohoes, NY
age: 51 online now!
why do only few find it..Find what Heaven or Paradise,or New Earth..New Planet...
New Star....How Does Anyone Know What In Gods Creation Were Doing Or Going when we Die...
were Not Dead,done, kaputs,For ever asleep,in a holding place...Thats When We Really Know...New Heaven,New Earth...we cant know yet,its not time,but the time is at hand..we all believe in this On These Christian Group...few I question,but We Know We Better Stand for Something,Believe in something saving Our Souls,Spirits,Selfs....And We Better Help others...All Are Definatly not Going To Hell..As because there are many places people will Go If This Earth Wont Exist...God Is Not That Limited....God Can do Anything even possible...But God cannot be Man...God Is Spirit..But God has Kingdoms,For Many different People...God Has The Universe..
Oh and yes God is gathering people..So Is the Father and the Son...Spirits are Gathering People....Please Be Aware Of Spirits that Are Evil...who Jesus Christ Saved Us from a complete death......He Brought Us the Holy Spirit to guide us and others...But Be careful who you believe..even your self...know what you know what you know...study to show THYSELF approved and not to show others
(But FOR WHO YOU ARE)with God and Jesus Christ,Son ,Father,spirit,Holy Spirit...But To be example to others..show them God in You through Christ Jesus...is our Journey,no matter what group will bring people as long as ya guide them there..Christ is Coming Back fairly quickly...Where Will We Go..we wont know till we get there..  

Reynoldsburg, OH
age: 20 online now!
Not exactly sure what you are asking but the absolute fact is that Christ's will is that no one perishes but that every one receives eternal life, however it is up to the individual whether or not they receive eternal life because in order to be saved you have to have faith in the fact that christ died for our sins and rose again triumphant over death and hell and that he is returning again to create his kingdom on earth. its not by how many good deeds you do or any of that. its by confessing that christ is the lord of our lives. God gave us a free will so we have to choose whether or not we want to take part in his kingdom. he gave us a guide line (the bible) to follow and we simply have to make the choice of accepting him as our savior or denying him.