Indianapolis, IN
age: 57
Online dating can be very time consuming and if you are on a "Quest" to find a life partner, as I am, I wonder how many people here take it seriously. Most of the women I have met need that "Instant" attraction to continue whereas I look for the "down the road possibilities" I'm curious to hear replies.

Indianapolis, IN
age: 55
Yes this can be very exhausting if you are truly seeking someone. I take this "stuff" pretty seriously and I am not into it just for the sake of doing some menial task. I really want to love again and I am a huge believer in the power of love and all that it can bring into your life. Like today, got up early went to the grocery came home and made a huge pot of fresh vegy chicken soup..and then I made some fresh greenbeans and I have no idea who is going to help me eat all of this! I love to "dote" (sure that is not spelled correctly??)or rather I want to share my energy with someone else? Football is not the same watching by myself..well I have my dogs, but not the same! So for me, it is a lot more work NOT having someone to share my life with. Does that make sense to you?
Oh BTW, men tend to judge quicker than a woman..statistically a man sizes a woman up in @ 15 min where a woman takes @ 1 hr...I think this is true, or at least I read that somewhere LOL...pretty pathetic for both!
no spell check, great!!

Warsaw, IN
age: 64

Pierceton, IN
age: 47
why is it some people message a couple times ask all kinds of questions then fade into the woodwork i don't message anything negative would just like too talk to the oppisite sex 

Indianapolis, IN
age: 57

[Edited 9/8/2008 7:57:17 AM]

Avon, IN
age: 54
I think it takes time to know if one has met his/her lifemate. Take your time and enjoy learning about one another. 