9/9/2007 8:57:16 PM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Reading, MI
age: 43
But those of us who belive in god are closed minded. I have studied several religions and found that Jesus was the only one willing to die so that i may have a place in heaven. He died so that my sins could be forgiven. No judge or lawyer or social worker has ever offered to do that. Why is it that so many who claim not to belive in him will use his name as a swear word. Just a few of my thoughts God bless you all.
9/11/2007 4:38:10 PM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
As a non-believer I am open minded brother Ham. I understand the concept that I may very well be wrong...and that indeed I may very well have to answer to your God.
However a Devout Christian or any other denomination will NEVER admit to the concept that thier faith MIGHT be wrong.
No preacher yet, has come up with a good answer to that.....matter of fact....the last preacher who spoke to me about it brought me a six pack of Guiness the next day and smilingly told me that I was an enigma......we have been great friends every since.
9/11/2007 5:01:37 PM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
well bro...untill a couple of years ago i was one strong b.ag.
but then after about 30 years i figured that maybe i needed to evolve the spiritual side of me...now all my b.ag. friends shun me.
can't win em all!
lt'n lf...4evr
9/11/2007 8:06:53 PM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
I really don't like sounding stupid.....but I hav no idea what those initials you just posted mean........
9/12/2007 5:03:43 AM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Reading, MI
age: 43
Good morning I am with you I have no idea what he said. But May god bless and keep you all.
9/12/2007 5:08:26 AM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
good morning, and I am clueless as well!
9/12/2007 5:27:34 AM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
b.ag.= born againe
9/12/2007 11:04:45 AM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Belchertown, MA
age: 58
When you say non believer, are you referencing, God, or organized religion,
I believe in God, but not in organized religion, with dogma and doctrine that
are not from God, but are created by man..
God is pure love and all forgiveness, when religion attempts to assign human
characteristics to God, like vengance, condemnation, etc, it is creating what
the bible calls a false God. God neither expects nor demands anything from
us, we choose to develop and grow spiritually it is not required. Are
believers open minded to understand that it does not resonate within; that God
could be anything other than pure simple love and all forgiveness. Nothing
more nothing less, if they were they would probably be out of the fear
[Edited 9/12/2007 8:21:36 PM]
9/12/2007 9:17:22 PM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Reading, MI
age: 43
no offence intended but what bible do you read. My lord will punish those that refuse his gift of salvation. As stated in the word. nowhere dose it say break my commandments and enter heaven.
9/12/2007 10:03:10 PM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
That is exactly why I choose my messiah carefully my man....it is by his sword i will suffer....thereby...I refuse a saviour.
Accecpt God's endless love and embrace.....or burn in hell forever.....what kind of f*cked up choice is that?
Might sound good on the GodFather.....for me...it is nothing more than a mafia style tactic.....
I would be forced to give the finger and turn away.....just defiant to the end I suppose!
That shit may play with other people....It just goes against my nature to Kowtow to someone elses' beliefs....
I guess i am happily damned!
[Edited 9/12/2007 10:11:56 PM]
9/13/2007 4:45:56 PM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
after my first 'trip' thought that this wourld couldn't last too many more years..it seemed so false..
i deceided to seek the higher power...read book of the eskimos..hopies..whang poe...i'ching ...paraman...be here now...all that stuf...i was sincerly seeking and when i reheard of the God in the bible..Jesus..it was like a breath of fresh air..so since there wasn't too much writen by or about Christ other than the bible ,started to study it..soon i found i had some how sorta vowed to use the bible as the ONLY truth...from there i was accepting diferent bible based 'truths,doctrins' as strongly as i was holding onto the bible.
now don't get me wrong,i beleive the truths[for me]of the triune God and the loving Father,and Jesus are the most right-on ever known.
as Jesus taught of the kingdom of heaven and our Father it was the most advanced spiritual concepts we had ever had,and still do have...prety much
but after he died[on the cross]many writings and beleifs became popular...eventually
they were all gone through and the best[for whatever reason]ones were compiled in the bible...inspired by Divinity maybe,but writen by man...the 'never wrong' bible had so much engulfed my spiritual quest,that i could easiley bash[enlighten]anyone who didn't accept the word as i had..for years i beleived that my basic concepts were gospel,=thus right...
i won't tell you where i'm at now ...if u red my posts you might have a clew..
i call myself a beleiver..but there are those who wouldn't...to them i would say"im open minded"
lt'n lf
[Edited 9/13/2007 4:48:35 PM]
9/13/2007 7:58:58 PM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
I for the life of me cannot understand how anyone can think that god came down from heaven and became a man. Who was watching over heaven at the time? Three in one sounds too silly to even contemplate.
I also would like to see the faces of all those who think they have earned their way to heaven when they get to the end of this life.
[Edited 9/13/2007 8:00:11 PM]
9/13/2007 8:32:57 PM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Reading, MI
age: 43
God the father God the son and the holy spirit. its not hard to understand. three of one mind. maybe i am wrong but it is my understanding. for Jesus in the garden was not praying to himself. he was praying to his father. And when he rose to heaven he said i must go and i will send the comforter {Holy spirit}.
And you can not earn your way to heaven only through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as your lord and savor.
9/14/2007 9:26:20 AM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
Ham, you are absolutely correct to say your Lord, your God. Unfortunately, the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Moses, was just one God and not a Holy Trinity. The God of the first covenant with man, the God of the ten commandments would not acknowledge your God. When will Christians realize their beliefs go against everything in the Old Testament, which is fundamentally the birth of the very faith they practice and the heart of the Bible.
You are born and raised by those two people you call Mother and Father(Old Testament)become an adult and look back to those two people you now call John and Jane (New Testament)...........my analogy
9/14/2007 10:02:31 AM |
why do non-believers say there open minded |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
gzzz...that was above my head