9/12/2008 12:19:13 AM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
hey, talgeese, you should come over to my part of washington *wink*
9/12/2008 8:10:39 AM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Everett, WA
age: 59
LMSAO!! This is rich! According to these forums EVEREYONE is a fraidy cat, chicken, over cautious, no show. OMG! I can't get this visual outta my mind: people duckin' into doorways, diving behind posts, and scootin' down alleyways just to avoid going out on dates. So OK, let's quit countin' our chickens before they're hatched. Better yet, let's all get together for a big chicken dance.

9/12/2008 8:14:39 AM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Redmond, WA
age: 27
wow haven't been on in some time... well, my thought is that there is something definitely up with Washington people. People that where born and raised in Washington are really odd in how they go about starting a relationship. I find it much easier to chat with someone who is originally from another state. I don't know its like pure bread Washington people have a "small town" mind set... Washington is NOT a small town in the middle of no where. So why do people act like that?
9/12/2008 12:23:00 PM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
wow haven't been on in some time... well, my thought is that there is something definitely up with Washington people. People that where born and raised in Washington are really odd in how they go about starting a relationship. I find it much easier to chat with someone who is originally from another state. I don't know its like pure bread Washington people have a "small town" mind set... Washington is NOT a small town in the middle of no where. So why do people act like that?
well... i'm from a small town... i never thought that i started reletionships funny, but then again how would i kno better?? *shrug* i dont get out of state much
9/12/2008 1:33:25 PM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Vancouver, WA
age: 48
I don't find men to be chickens at all when they see what they like, then the fun begins! There is definitely a way to inspire a man.
9/12/2008 6:23:10 PM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Everett, WA
age: 59
Of course, I was just trying to part a little humor to this thread. I just find it ironic the both men and women are seeing the same thing and coming to the same conclusions. Looks like we all agreed on one thing. That's a start. Don't claim to be an expert here, not fully vested, haven't been dating long and haven't been on this sight long. However, since we can all agree on that problem, maybe we can put our heads together and agree on a cause and solution.
9/12/2008 6:36:17 PM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Redmond, WA
age: 27
wow haven't been on in some time... well, my thought is that there is something definitely up with Washington people. People that where born and raised in Washington are really odd in how they go about starting a relationship. I find it much easier to chat with someone who is originally from another state. I don't know its like pure bread Washington people have a "small town" mind set... Washington is NOT a small town in the middle of no where. So why do people act like that?
well... i'm from a small town... i never thought that i started reletionships funny, but then again how would i kno better?? *shrug* i dont get out of state much
I'm not saying that you are (I find you a cool person =D) but I find small town people are usually small minded and are afraid to explore outside of the small town they are in. Not all small town people are like this but I find that most are. In fact all of my X-girlfriends where from small towns but they where the type of small towners that wanted to break out of the small town and explore/travel... get out and have fun type of people.
I'm just saying that there is a world out there... I'm a shy person but thats not stoping me from being out there. Life is life, take a chance but dont take a risk.
9/12/2008 9:23:39 PM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
I'm not saying that you are (I find you a cool person =D) but I find small town people are usually small minded and are afraid to explore outside of the small town they are in. Not all small town people are like this but I find that most are. In fact all of my X-girlfriends where from small towns but they where the type of small towners that wanted to break out of the small town and explore/travel... get out and have fun type of people.
I'm just saying that there is a world out there... I'm a shy person but thats not stoping me from being out there. Life is life, take a chance but dont take a risk.
why thank you i find you to be neat-o yourself
cha small town people can be hard to deal with. you kno when your new to a small town and no one like you b/c youre not from there? yeah that was me EXSEPT i had been in that town since i started school i was just outcaste moveing to oak town was better. bigger town, more people made more friends.
there is infact quite a large world out there O.o i wanna move outta my navy town soon-ish but that takes money 
9/13/2008 11:33:38 AM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Wenatchee, WA
age: 23
I dont agree with generalizing all men in this category but that has kind of been my experience on this site. I get a lot of winks/emails and it seems like most of the time when I reply I dont get a response back. Why take the time to wink/email me if you are not going to follow through?
9/13/2008 11:38:48 AM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Auburn, WA
age: 33
Yeah, winking is pretty pointless to me. I turned mine off.
9/14/2008 12:07:18 AM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Everett, WA
age: 23
Last time I checked I didn't have any feathers...
No I do.
Damn, I always knew I was different growing up in school!
Chickens rock. Now that I gave you all a funny face...I'm going to make like a chicken and cut my head off and run away like a chicken with my head cut off! 
-Christopher Robin
9/14/2008 12:23:09 AM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
i actually pictured postalbob running around bleeding from a stump of a neck with his head on the ground.
does that make me morbid?
9/14/2008 7:21:30 AM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Seattle, WA
age: 56
Men are men where ever you are, just as women are women. If you feel that the men in Washington are chickens then try meeting some via a different venue. Just as in your home town there are nice guys and creepy guys.
Your statement makes you the one that is a little odd.
You could always get a pen pal from the correctional institution....there are many there that aren't chicken.
9/14/2008 11:38:30 AM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Everett, WA
age: 23
It absolutely does.
I love it.
 i actually pictured postalbob running around bleeding from a stump of a neck with his head on the ground.
does that make me morbid?
9/14/2008 1:10:13 PM |
Then Men here are Chickens..! |

Vancouver, WA
age: 48
I only eat chicken........ its all good