
Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
my x's work does it each year so i hope that when u do good....good things happen for u
yes you do good thing for others an it will come backto you
i had it happen

Stephens City, VA
age: 65
You are most welcome. Let us know if you have found a job, yet. OK?

Richmond, VA
age: 34
nope still looking....might have to hit the streets soon....


Richmond, VA
age: 34
well got some good news today....i got offered a part-time job today....no bennies and the pay is low but it is a start....still praying for a full time job to come through soon.
Henry, VA
age: 51
Have you ever thought of doing security work? Other than a high school education you don't need any real skills for the most part. With the state the economy is in there is extra need for security officers. Someone has to walk those disgruntled employees off the property. Since I retired, I got bored, I applied and was hired as a part-time armed security officer in a local hospital emergency department. The pay isn't bad for what I have to do (ie. 7 3/4hrs coffee break, 15 minutes wrestling with some drunk or mental defective). Most days it's quiet, some days you can't sit down for 5 minutes. To say the least, I hardly ever get bored. Some security work is even easier (ie. warehouse security) but, doesn't pay as well. It's all in what you are comfortable doing. If you wanted to work security at say, a nuclear power plant you get paid well but, you might end up losing all your hair. Good luck!!