9/9/2008 11:58:01 AM |
younger men and older women |

Bristow, OK
age: 49
What is your take on this? I am not the only one who thinks about this and scratches my head. But I went on 2 dates with this guy and he kept reminding me that I was older than him, but only by 8 years. I guess the age difference was bothering him too much becasue even though he liked me very much he quit talking or calling.
I personally think that this age difference makes more sense. Men die earlier than women and if I married someone my age I would be left alone for the last 10 years of my life. If I married younger we both could grow old together at the same rate and leaving nobody behind for a century!
But I suppose he will find someone his own age (even though he said he liked our chemistry) and she will be left alone for the last 10 years of her life. It is not the 10 years that is bothering me, it is the fact that I do not get him and someone else will just because of my age! He is a very romantic man and I am already jealous of the woman that gets him. Why can't guys get over this age limitation? It is not right!
9/9/2008 1:37:19 PM |
younger men and older women |

Sperry, OK
age: 24
I have no idea. I'd suppose it is because you'd just naturally assume that you'd have more in common with someone closer to your own age, though that isn't always true. Personally I'd be willing to date up to maybe 10 years older, but more than that would probably scare me off. Plus I'd like to have children sooner rather than later and most older women don't want to have any or have already had theirs. Hope that helped...
9/9/2008 1:43:03 PM |
younger men and older women |

Edmond, OK
age: 21
Well id have to say personally as i love older women. So i can attest to that but the age issue is only an obstacle of he/she makes it out to be. He probably had second thoughts, but it is surely his LOSS.
As for older women and men yes it can happen. Although chemistry is a huge factor, it seems to be as attraction/lust is the prime objective (see a nice piece of meat take it!). While thinking long term will make the individual rethink it.
Thanks for the post and look forward to more!
9/9/2008 2:00:09 PM |
younger men and older women |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 22
i love older women they have more experience in everything. my sons mom is 32 and im 22. age is nothin but a number. i also have to say though i wont date too much older than that.
9/20/2008 6:12:04 PM |
younger men and older women |
Tahlequah, OK
age: 56
So becky do you like older men?
9/20/2008 9:56:53 PM |
younger men and older women |


Elk City, OK
age: 64
OP question: Why can't guys get over this age limitation?
The answer is simple, for the same reason women can't get over an older man and a younger woman.
Your theory that women live longer than men has absolutely no merit or value. It is merely a statistical compilation that you have bought into as a excuse to date younger men. That's pretty shallow. What can't you just be honest and say that you want to date younger men?
9/21/2008 11:36:05 AM |
younger men and older women |

Enid, OK
age: 23
I used to date a woman 10 years older than me, I had no problems with it other than the idea of having kids. I want a few of my own eventually, and she didn't want to wait a few years before starting due to her age. We eventually broke up over a completely different reason, but as a whole, age is only a problem to the person that has the problem.
9/21/2008 11:45:25 AM |
younger men and older women |

Bristow, OK
age: 49
I am not using this as an excuse to date younger men. That would make me a cougar and out just for sex. I am not out just for sex, I am looking for a marriage partner and the guy that I wanted was 40 years old and he was the only one that I found that I had a connection with. I was just upset that maybe HE was bothered by the age thing. Then it evolved into my other reasoning, there should not be a difference made about our ages for various reasons. It made me upset that someone would walk away from a positive ralationship on something as shallow as age. As it would be for me to seek a relationship with someone on something as shallow as age. I have been through a lot of difficulty and want someone who can love me truly, why would I care how old he was? That sir is a statement you made about me that you have no idea what you are talking about. You do not know me, and neither does he! Both of you are wrong. I seek the things of my heart and no other!
10/1/2008 12:58:15 AM |
younger men and older women |

Tulsa, OK
age: 49
i think age can be very funny, there are people at 45 that are old (and dead and look it!) and there are people that are 55 that i have trouble keeping up with and are "hot" and know how to do every thing!. i have trouble because i tend to still do a lot of things people 35?? do. its finding that mix, some one that feels as young or as mature as you do. it is painful to watch a friend grow old in a relationship that was exciting at first because he was 25 and loved the "experience" of a hot 49 year old woman but now 20 years later he's still has hopes and "needs" and she has health problems.
i don't think that is what is ment by growing old together.
the hottest guy i've ever been with was 56, 8 years older, the worst 10 years older, i was married to for 15 long loney, boring, years, and at 47 he told me that i need to grow up, that i need to see a Dr. because people in there 50 don't have "needs".the realisation of approaching 50's the half way mark was so overwhelming to me that i quicky saw a lawyer instead so i could get the most out of my last 3 years!(tick, tick, tick!)the guys i have had for the most part had the most fun with were 5-6 years younger, but the thing is,a lot of men in there 40-60 seem to want girls 20-40. i would drive most 60 year old guys crazy! unless he's allready there then...??? may-be lol
sometimes age is just a #, because people do age differently, but the thing to remember is, we all have to grow up some time and its nice to have some one there that we identify with when we get there.
and smoking seems to put 10 years on any one.
10/3/2008 6:05:34 AM |
younger men and older women |

Chandler, OK
age: 63 online now!
for those who dont no. #1 they dont yell, #2 they dont tell, #3 they dont swell & #4 the are gratful as hell. any more questions?
10/3/2008 12:47:51 PM |
younger men and older women |
Quapaw, OK
age: 37
and smoking seems to put 10 years on any one. 
Oh damn, I thought I was doing bad at 37, now I just had another 10 years tacked onto my ass....how depressing.
If he kept reminding you about your age difference, then it did bother him. Your age made him think of his mortality and he is probably at a point where he is afraid of growing old, instead of just older. It happens, and usually precipitates the mid life crisis every person goes through at some point.
When a person feels this way, I think they get confused about getting older, and enjoying life; as opposed to growing old and dying. Somehow it gets crossed and they want to hold on to their youth, like it is going to reverse the aging process. I like your thought about the age difference making sense, but I am sure a lot of men do not understand what you are saying and think you are nuts, right? I often wonder why we get intelligence at the wrong part of life.
There are men that are extremely romantic out there, and odds are you will find another one, hopefully even more special than he was. You are getting closer to finding that special person than a lot of others are from meeting the one that got away.
I wish you luck.
10/3/2008 2:28:40 PM |
younger men and older women |

Stillwater, OK
age: 35
Oh damn, I thought I was doing bad at 37, now I just had another 10 years tacked onto my ass....how depressing
LOL guess im with you on that one.Hmmm Maybe ill drink more and see how old I get.Senior Citizen discount here i come 
10/3/2008 4:50:59 PM |
younger men and older women |

Stillwater, OK
age: 35
Just noticed this title would make a great Country Song 
10/15/2008 11:25:18 AM |
younger men and older women |

Stillwater, OK
age: 45
my father was 32 and my mom 16 when they got married and stayed married for 40 years till he died so age does not matter on qaunity of the relatioship just the lenghth of it