Madison, WI
age: 40
What is the best way to ask a woman out w/o looking like an idiot
What is a nice first date besides a movie and dinner that wont kill your pocketbook and still impress your date
Tomah, WI
age: 23
well just come out and ask her
well find out something you have in com like the last date i was on i took this great girl rock climbing turns out i was helping her over come a fear turned out good
Reedsburg, WI
age: 44
yeah, just go up to her & ask...the worst that can happen is she'd say no. But if she says yes, you're in Mad town, go to the zoo & have a picnic there! Go for a walk down State Street to the capital & sit & talk on a bench. There's tons of stuff you can do there that won't break your wallet.
Beloit, WI
age: 42
i agree just ask
and then if she says yes talk to her and maybe you can both think of something that you
both like to do
Beloit, WI
age: 36
i agree with everyone else also....if u like her just ask her out and if dont want to break the bank and if u happen to find someone who wasnt "born" in wisconsin like me who was "born" in texas then a nice tour of madison and what it has to offer would b nice we could play lost tourist and naughty tour guy! good luck