9/11/2008 11:38:04 AM |
please watch this video |

Richmond, VA
age: 34
9/11/2008 1:07:36 PM |
please watch this video |

Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
yeeeehaaaaawww dad thats what im talkin bout
9/11/2008 1:20:59 PM |
please watch this video |

Newport News, VA
age: 57
I will NEVER forget - as long as there is life in my body I will never forget.
9/11/2008 1:30:52 PM |
please watch this video |

Richmond, VA
age: 34
9/11/2008 2:04:58 PM |
please watch this video |

Bristol, VA
age: 50
Hey man when we do forget we will have alot bigger problems. Keep it up front and let NO ONE forget. Thanks
9/11/2008 2:06:54 PM |
please watch this video |

Lynchburg, VA
age: 62
How could anyone forget....thanks for the video's...
9/11/2008 2:57:00 PM |
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Centreville, VA
age: 20 online now!
wheres the 9/11 fire fighters dedication of the many who risked their lives, and the 300 or so who made the ultimate sacrifice...
9/11/2008 4:18:45 PM |
please watch this video |

Manassas, VA
age: 35
That song seems to be a little "holier than thou" to those that are against the war. Have we forgotten? I wish people would remember that we went into Iraq on false assumptions and that it had nothing to do with 9/11. For some reason, that slips everyone's mind.
As for remembering 9/11. We will never forget. I wish we would go after the people responsible with all we've got. Bin Laden and the terrorist organizations that support him.
I remember the soldiers that die in the war and I hope it ends quickly. Too many Americans have died. Let's stop fighting for Iraq's freedom. Because that is why we are still in Iraq. To help their country. Not ours.
Our troops have done a good job, let's do right by them and bring them home to their families.
9/11/2008 4:31:42 PM |
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Catlett, VA
age: 45
Have to agree AE.
9/11/2008 5:00:37 PM |
please watch this video |

Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
well dad i got alot to say about this kinda stuff,it is too much for me to rite,an it is a hot topic for me,i can start with the viet nam war,an i can tell ya some stuff but it may piss alot of people off
[Edited 9/11/2008 5:09:23 PM]
9/11/2008 6:37:08 PM |
please watch this video |

Richmond, VA
age: 34
thanks red this is supposed to be done for no drama. I agree with what ae saz to a point. We did go after the major support, and got him. Yeah i wont our guys to come home but They got away with trying to hurt us once and looked what happened. If we would have let them get away again imagine what would have happened next JMO.
9/19/2008 5:34:38 AM |
please watch this video |

Alexandria, VA
age: 62
Since 9/11 how many of you voted for politicians that believe in open borders and will not enforce our immigration laws? Do you realize thousands of people that want to kill you have entered the US since 9/11? Now go off and earn a paycheck, worry about your mortage -