9/12/2007 5:27:46 AM |
falling for a married man |

Washington, DC
age: 34
why do married men lie about be married.i think we as women should be given the chose if we want to date a married man.we shouldnt have to wait until we are in love with this person to find out that they have a wife at home....
9/13/2007 8:14:11 PM |
falling for a married man |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
I agree totally with you. Been there and done that. Not a good place to be.
9/14/2007 10:32:50 PM |
falling for a married man |

Rolla, MO
age: 32
I'm not sure why they do. But I've been told more times than not they were single and they weren't. It's a game to them. They play on our emotions and willingness to please. Keep your chin up, there really are some good men out there!
9/14/2007 10:58:06 PM |
falling for a married man |

Key West, FL
age: 28
background checks work well... you can check for a county cert in one sec on the phone, 411 ask for public records "its all public"... if you have a name & DOB, simple stuff this takes a phone call...request some shit... don't just assume anyone is being honest... some good liars out there.....
9/15/2007 4:36:36 AM |
falling for a married man |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
Our state has court records online also and all you need is the name. That has saved me many a times..One man I was supposed to meet had stalking charges (a long list)and battery, needless to say I didnt go out with him.
9/16/2007 6:09:03 PM |
falling for a married man |

Dubuque, IA
age: 36
I am one of the men that tells the trues.
9/16/2007 6:23:38 PM |
falling for a married man |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 35
I have also been there and done that. One of the worst experiences I have gone through.
I got so tired of his lying that i finally dumped him..but it wasnt over yet...the wife showed up at my house which turned into a fist fight! long story short they divored,she remarried and he believe it or not attempted to contact me after all this and quess what? he was engaged to another woman.. He was willing to cheat on her too. So after it is all said and done, i feel very sorry for all the woman that had to deal him.
9/17/2007 4:26:57 PM |
falling for a married man |

Omaha, NE
age: 54 online now!
My sister dated a married man, but when she first met him he said he was a widower.
Then one day, on the front page of the newspaper was "Mrs John Doe." She was very much alive, and a society princess at that. Can you believe he then had the nerve to say she was crazy and just out of the hospital for that week? Some people don't even know how to tell the truth.
He was probably the escaped lunatic. 
9/17/2007 8:18:07 PM |
falling for a married man |

Adelphia, NJ
age: 34
All I have to do and CAN do is laugh. Men can be horrible.! After the last guy I dated I trust NOONE!