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9/12/2008 6:20:04 AM |
1st time cat owner |
New Bedford, MA
age: 22
I want to get a cat because Ill be moving into section 8 in a few years and I need help on vet bills can anyone talk to about cats(reply only if you have cats)
9/12/2008 3:17:17 PM |
1st time cat owner |

Elko, NV
age: 60
I don't mean any offense, but if you are unable to afford vet bills, how can you afford a pet? They always manage to get sick when you can least afford it, and it's usually expensive. The only reason I can afford the number of animals that I have is the fact that I am a pretty fair vet tech and have a good working relationship with my vet. He knows what I am able to do, and knows that his office is the first place I will be if it's a situation that I am unable to handle. Consequently, if I tell him a cat has an abcess that I have lanced and drained, he dispenses the correct dose of antibiotics without question. When my Anatolian shepherd fought and killed two wolf hybrids that were attacking my mare, I was able to suture a wound on his muzzle and get him antibiotics and pain killer without an office visit.
9/14/2008 1:26:14 AM |
1st time cat owner |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Good point, that pets do cost money for vet care, food, toys, etc. My cats (3) cost about 2 dollars a day, NOT including
vet costs, so that is 60 dollars a month already. However, given the number of cats that are killed every day in
shelters, if you believe you can afford it, please save a life and adopt a cat. Most cats will be neutered and up to
date on shots, so you will have a head start. You must, however, provide a good quality food, no "dollar store"
food or scraps for the cat. That said, places like Dollar Store are good for toys, pillows, litter for the cat. I
buy my cat litter there. Go to a couple cat shows, check out some books at library on cats, and if possible, visit
the pound or shelter or even volunteer if you can. Good luck to you and your kitty, they are wonderful, beautiful
9/15/2008 5:52:03 PM |
1st time cat owner |

Morongo Valley, CA
age: 59
Cats are wonderful companions, and they bring a "special" kind of happiness. I have been "owned" by 5 beautiful Kitties, two of them for 15 years. If you keep them indoors, the chances of illness and injury will be very low, the scary thing has been the losses by tainted pet food, because you buy it "trusting" the companies to be producing "Quality" products, and unfortunately, this trust was "breached" by several companies producing the product with inferior quality meats and grains.
I have come to trust the "Friskies" brands of canned (shredded varieties) and dry Cat foods. They are a "Purina" product, as are many brands of pet foods. Mine like the "Signature Blend" flavor of dry foods.
Although alot of people may tell you to give them vaccines each year, totally "indoor" Cats usually do not need this; Mine had vaccines at under one year of age, and have not had any since, except Patches, because whe required surgery to have a toe amputated, last year, and I only did it because she was being introduced to a Vets office, where potentially "ill" animals were. She was 14 , at the time.
Good Luck with your new home, and your new "Friend"! Remember that they can live to be anywhere from 10-20 years, so it is a "lifetime" commitment!
9/30/2008 11:00:57 AM |
1st time cat owner |

East York, ON
age: 35
Last year I had to shell out over $1200 to get my cats teeth removed due to a bacterial problem. Don't get a cat, or any pet for that matter, if you do not have the means to care for them.
10/15/2008 6:39:25 PM |
1st time cat owner |

Atascadero, CA
age: 35
Yes, pets are very expensive. When my last kitty got a urinary tract infection it just about killed me financially. I didn't get this cat until my doctor suggested it and I knew I could afford it. I do live slim sometimes, but my cat is always taken care of well. I feed him a food my vet recommends.
If you get a cat, or any animal, ask your vet to recommend a food. As was said, dollar store food or even most food at your average grocery store is not the best for your cat. Pet stores usually have healthier foods, but again, ask your vet. Oh, and of course, the first thing you should do if you get a cat is to find a local vet that specializes in cats (or has a large number of feline clients) and develop a relationship between the vet, the cat and you. Establishing the vet-animal-pet owner relationship right away reduces discomfort for the cat later should they need a shot or something else intrusive.
10/16/2008 9:58:17 AM |
1st time cat owner |

Laquey, MO
age: 21
all my cats stay outside and they eat dog food they seem to stay pretty healthy
11/6/2008 8:53:51 AM |
1st time cat owner |

South Africa
age: 56
Cats are the most wonderful pets. The more time you take in the first 6 months to socialise your cat, i.e. play with him, teach him manners "No"! accompanied by a spray of water or a flick of the ear, the better your pet will be for the next 18 or more years.
I have pedigreed cats, they never sleep out at night, I have litter boxes inside.
Join an e-group like Fanciers Health http://pets.groups.[blocked]/group/fanciershealth/ - it is absolutely fascinating, and you will learn a lot. Also, if you have something unusual, there are vets on that forum, osme of the best in the world, and you will get answers. I did. My kitten born with twisted legs, my vet said if it doesn't come right in 4 days, put her down. I wrote to the forum, they gave me information, took 12 weeks, and she is perfect, you'd never know her legs were grotesquely twisted!
Good luck!
P.S. I have Burmese because they are stunning pets, have short hair (easy to maintain) do not get Blood group related problems, nor kidney related diseases (like long haired breeds).
11/9/2008 10:23:25 AM |
1st time cat owner |

Milford, CT
age: 54
I have a Siames cat. It was given to me by a friend after my dog died. Until that point I never had a cat. Ive had dogs all my life until the year before last. Wasnt quite sure what to expect.
My cat is a complete nut. She follows me around the house, sleeps in bed with me, greets me at the door when I come home and follows me around the neighborhood when I walk my landlords dog. Shes become my best friend.
I know a few people on Section 8 who have animals and give them great care. Just make sure you can take care of them when their sick because they do get sick or injured.
11/9/2008 1:50:42 PM |
1st time cat owner |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Set aside money for emergenies, get her seen by a vet, and feed good quality food, keep her indoors. That is the
best thing you can do for your cats. Outdoor cats are at risk for trauma, abcesses from cat fights, becoming lost,
stolen, mistreated, or exposed to contagious diseases. Your cat is like a 2 year old, dependent on your care. Cats
are the most elegant, funny, amusing, loving pets you could ever find. I have lived with animals all my life,
every sort, and cats are the best in my book.
11/15/2008 6:23:13 AM |
1st time cat owner |


Mahomet, IL
age: 49
Don't forget the pet deposit. A lot of secion-8 landlords do not allow pets and those that do want a pet deposit on top of the security deposit.
11/19/2008 10:47:37 AM |
1st time cat owner |
Howell, NJ
age: 41
i totally agree. animals are a joy to have but they are a big responsibility. one of those responsibilities is financial. not to be offensive but if you cannot afford one, you shouldn't have one. they don't ask to be brought into the home. once they are there however, it is our responsibility to care for them. vet bills can become costly. i just took my little guy for his one vaccine and a checkup and it was $73.00. this time next year he will be due for all three vaccines plus.........
please consider before you take an animal into your home. one more thing, if you do decide to become a new parent, please rescue from a shelter. 