Lincoln, IL
age: 35
1]In numerology and the english alphabet the word satan adds up to the number "55".S19+A1+T21+A1+N14=55.
2]The letter of satan in the english alphabet is the letter S the 19th letter.[note]:The superman logo on his chest is really a "serpent"in the symbol of the letter "S".
4]All of the names of the sons of satan,"LUCIFER,JOSHUA,JESUS,MUHAMMAD and MESSIAH"add up to the number "74".
5]When the christ/antichrist returns he will be also the son of satan with the power to expose the hidden truth as read in revelation 19:11-16
6]74+666/18=92,the word"LEVIATHAN"adds up to the number"92".When you remove all the vowles from the word leviathan you get the 5 letters L.V.T.H.N.these same 5 letters can be found on the outside circle of the upside down"pentagram"of the 5 point star or the"Sigil of Baphomet" written in hebrew,and later in pythagorean greek.
7]The name of the new antichrist will be a five letter name that adds up to the number "92".
8]Why the number 92,it has something to do with the king-SATAN and queen-DEVIL.If satan is male then the devil is female.
9]In numerology and the english alphabet the word "satan" adds up to the number "55".S19+A1+T20+A1+N14=55.5plus5=10
10]In numerology and the english alpabet the word "devil" adds up to the number "52".D4+E5+V22+I9+L12=52.5times2=10
11]When you merge or combine the two names/numbers you get satan55/devil52="5552".but when you take the two numbers and morph them into one number,you get"552","55-2"/"5-52".And using exact "TRIGONMETRIC" constants forming a pentagram you will find the same three numbers 552.
12]There is 26 letters in the english alphabet,and using a numberology and mathmatic system called "ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION" using the power number as the number"6".
13]back to the number 92.92times6=552.And if you have read some of my other post you might remember satans number is the number "19".And the 19th letter in the english alphabet is the letter "S".When you add the #552 to the S114 from the above number graph you get the number "666".552+S114=666.
14]In the "sigli of baphomet"Baphomet became associated with a "Sabbatic Goat"DANIEL 8:1-25.In astrology/zodiac,capricornus represents a "horned male goat" in most cases the symbol for the capricorn looks like a merge/combine numbers of "76".7+6=13.But when when add the numbers in letter form,SEVEN-SIX=65-52.S19+E5+V22+E5+N14=65/S19+I9+X24=52."6552".
Basicly its like 6.552. the 6 stands for S19times6=114,adding to 552=666.

Lincoln, IL
age: 35
i knew if posted somthing that makes one think before they could come up with a rational reply,i would get no reply post  

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Your probably not getting "rational replys" because...as much as we all enjoy reading,sharing and posting our opinions on topics,I think the majority of us dont have the "time or energy" to start researching the #####s aspect of the "secret code" you speak of.!
Try "talky" in English...you may get a better response!!!!!..........peace

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
i didnt realize the english alphabet was made for translating the bible.

Meadville, PA
age: 44
Excellent point. I wonder how it would all work out if the original language was used; or latin.
Not that I really wanna know.

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Satanself I think it is obvious that these christians are not gonna change their minds no matter how many threads you post. And for the rest of us we do not believe their old writings why do you think we would be wanting to hear yours?

Lincoln, IL
age: 35
it is not my goal to change anyones mind queen.the time is comingi am preparing the way.2THESSALONIANS.2:1-12

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
36 - nothing like a good sense of humor 

Lincoln, IL
age: 35

[Edited 9/23/2007 7:51:39 PM]

Bartlett, IL
age: 42

[Edited 9/23/2007 7:52:58 PM]

Houston, TX
age: 18
u need to get ur sh!t right ur just a DUM A$$   

Lincoln, IL
age: 35


Lowell, AR
age: 32