9/14/2008 7:12:02 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |
Enfield, CT
age: 26
hello gang.. ok last night i had an awsome date with a wonderful woman.. every thing went well.. i mean realy well the conection was magical... at the end of the night i droped her off and walked to my car with a grin ear to ear.. the next day no call or text.. i had to realy put my phone to use texting.. and i hate over texting.. well she then texted me back saying that.. im cunfused.. im like why.. she said that im 20 lbs more than u are.. im like so what.. wieght doesnt define a person its her personality.. well she said that she can only be friends because she wieghed a little bit more than me.. i mean im 145lbs.. any how.. she said that she had a wonderful time and she said she was sorry she lead me on.. i mean she knew what i looked like with pictures.. i my self think that if a woman is hot to me with a great personality.. then shes in.. any how,. i said why dint u just tell me when we met up.. and she said that she was just seeing if she can get over the fact that she wieghed more than me.. im like this is retarted.. im like i like u for u. the conection we had was amazing... we were maken out at the movies lol.. doing the young thing lol.. so i dint have a clue that she was thinking this.. untill today.. now im prity hurt.. but im trying ot convince her its not ur body i love or like its ur mind and personality.. so.. again why do people lead other people on???
9/14/2008 7:25:54 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |

Killingworth, CT
age: 45
You were making out on your first date! and why would you go to a movie on your first date. You can't talk in a movie? Anyway, she sounds a bit off. Count your lucky stars! Recommentations for the future: no making out on first dates, no movies, and be careful of any immediate strong emotional reactions. They are usually about you and your past, not her.....good luck!
9/14/2008 7:37:28 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |
Enfield, CT
age: 26
hey whats up...the date was more like a hole day event... we met at the mall around noon we went hiking at a park and the atraction was so there for the both of us... yes.. i know making out on the first date is so wrong.. but..we couldnt help it..for the both of us it felt right.. pluss we both saw the movie once already lol.. but for real.. if a woman has a problem and she sees one.. let it be known before the days over so.. us. guys or woman dont get a shock call or text the next day
9/14/2008 7:52:27 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |

Killingworth, CT
age: 45
Best advice I can give, is not to make too much of thi...it's okay...you will never get the whole story in a day...best to keep first dates short. Just one of the things you did together would have been enough...by making a whole day of it you risk forcing all kinds of fantasies onto the experience....and it's not wrong that you made out...its just not the best choice to make...hang in there...go slow!
9/15/2008 5:35:02 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |

Wallingford, CT
age: 24
You seem like a pretty good looking guy, maybe she was just Intimidated? That you might not really like her and was just being nice and she would rather break "it" off first before she got hurt. Just an opinion
9/15/2008 6:30:31 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |
Enfield, CT
age: 26
well.. what i dont understand realy is.. that when two people talk right for a couple of weeks.. knowing full well what each other looks like.. then we talk on the phone.. and things are wonderfull and then we go on the date.. and things are a blast.. why not say somthing earlier.. cause.. im a realy good man.. she sounded totaly like the one.. that could finaly end my online dating career.. lol.. all i got to say again.. if people generaly like each other.. than nothing else should matter..
9/15/2008 6:43:10 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |

Wallingford, CT
age: 24
you will never get the whole story in a day...
so true. You may never know. Keep your options open though, don't become discouraged.

It'll happen when it's right
9/15/2008 6:56:32 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |

Killingworth, CT
age: 45
hope you feel better soon!
9/15/2008 6:56:33 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |
Enfield, CT
age: 26
thanks for ur advice. as far as i know its still open for discushion on her end.. but.. time can only tell.. im not the type of man to seek out other women until i know for sure that its not worth my efort any more
9/15/2008 7:00:33 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |

Wallingford, CT
age: 24
Good man.....
9/15/2008 10:05:33 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |

Waterbury, CT
age: 31
So nice to hear that!
Sounds like she has to accept herself. You've said what you could, so atm the ball is in her court. Give her a few days and if she gets in touch great, if not it was her choice, let it go.
If she calls you more than a week later, then she's playing games.
10/12/2008 8:55:14 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |

Middletown, CT
age: 31
Whats up man, I'm not perfect myself but, I get accepted for who I am. I hope that lady you had a date with is not on depression medications or had past problems with other people not accepting who she is.I'll hope she fix her problems and be able to see her again.I don't know if a psychologist doctor would be a good idea for her to go see and express her stresses, feelings and stuff. Good luck.
10/13/2008 4:21:31 PM |
why do people lead each other on? |

Waterbury, CT
age: 31
Looks like he canceled his account.
Hopefully because he found someone else. 