9/17/2008 4:20:04 PM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Manchester, CT
age: 53
What are your thoughts if someone stops sending you emails, then blocks you or goes invisible and never contacts you without giving you any reasonable explanation.
I would just like to hear your thoughts. Also, what would it take for YOU to block someone or go invisible -would you explain to them why you didn't want to talk to them anymore first? 
Where is humanity?
9/17/2008 5:20:31 PM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Waterbury, CT
age: 31
They are 
Perhaps you unknowingly said something to upset them.
The biggest thing that would cause me to just stop replying is something inappropriately sexual.
It could be any number of reasons, Regardless, it was their choice and trying to continue to contact them will only annoy further, you may never know.
Let it rest and move on, there are better people out there. Some with manners that could at least close with an explanation.
9/17/2008 5:20:48 PM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Fairfield, CT
age: 43 online now!
Bear in mind, a lot of people use the Internet as an excuse to forget all manners.
Do Not take personally some slight from someone you have contact with only through the Internet.
Chances are they could have been corresponding with many and just decided to eliminate a few of the people they were in contact with.
9/17/2008 7:07:37 PM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Groton, CT
age: 47
Some men My Dear, do not know the meaning of humanity!!!! I think it's down right RUDE, to be blocked without knowing it's coming!!! Aren't we adults here?? Well, I guess when a guy blocks you without an explanation, he must still be, in "child-like" mode...But then again, it's been proven that women mature faster then men / boys!!!! It's even worse when they chat with you for almost 2 months and then they just disappear off your friends list, without warning...Leaving the women, feeling like she was the one who did something wrong.... ...
But little do they know, they are the ones that are just a piece of crap!! Apparently they have no idea what the phase, "just out of respect" or "for G.P" means!!!! It's too bad when they block us, without giving a reason...Because, then there's no way to respond to them, so you can tell them how you feel... ...So to all you blockers out there, , all you want at us women, because we're strong enough to move-on, without you!!!! 
9/17/2008 8:15:19 PM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Killingworth, CT
age: 45
People are not necessarily entitled to an explanation. Certainly, there are times when an explanation is appropriate (e.g., after regular communication in the form of chatting, phone calls, or face-to-face). However, if someone sends me a wink or an email and I do not want to hear from them, I block them. No exaplanation necessary.
9/18/2008 4:38:13 AM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Windsor Locks, CT
age: 54
Now lets talk about being RUDE..........Read the above posting.........So you see Women are also RUDE also. Some might find that hard to believe.... .........Why block someone because they send you a wink or an email? A kind "NO THANKS" or any kind of reply would but so much better than blocking someone........But what do I know I'm just a MALE.
9/18/2008 5:31:26 AM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |
Waterbury, CT
age: 44
It seems like the internet has given people the option to be discourteous and imposters! I always try to say a polite no thanks and give a reason. But I never seem to get that courtesy back! I am on many sites and once in a while I might miss one. 
I only block those who are obnoxious, rude, discourtious, use foul language, or are sexually explicit in their chats with me.
I just had to block someone yesterday!! Before I did, I told him several times why! But he was pushy and didn't get it. 
9/18/2008 9:37:40 AM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Windsor Locks, CT
age: 54
Kinfirerain.........I agree with you! Nothing wrong with kindness.... Good for you.....
9/18/2008 7:12:05 PM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Killingworth, CT
age: 45
You see, what you just said was rude....THAT was rude...
9/18/2008 7:34:39 PM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Windsor Locks, CT
age: 54
What I said was it wouldn't hurt to be kind. Now how is that RUDE? .....I think blocking someone just because they wink or email you is RUDE . It never hurts to show someone kindness . Guess some just don't get it......... Then maybe I'm wrong.
9/25/2008 8:41:21 AM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Torrington, CT
age: 29
Some men My Dear, do not know the meaning of humanity!!!! I think it's down right RUDE, to be blocked without knowing it's coming!!! Aren't we adults here?? Well, I guess when a guy blocks you without an explanation, he must still be, in "child-like" mode...But then again, it's been proven that women mature faster then men / boys!!!! It's even worse when they chat with you for almost 2 months and then they just disappear off your friends list, without warning...Leaving the women, feeling like she was the one who did something wrong....  ...
But little do they know, they are the ones that are just a piece of crap!! Apparently they have no idea what the phase, "just out of respect" or "for G.P" means!!!! It's too bad when they block us, without giving a reason...Because, then there's no way to respond to them, so you can tell them how you feel...  ...So to all you blockers out there,  , all you want at us women, because we're strong enough to move-on, without you!!!! 
Ahhh sweet bitterness. Degrade men. Repeatedly insult men. This is always the best way to attract the opposite sex. I am shocked that anyone would ever think of blocking you. Good luck dear.
9/25/2008 9:41:04 AM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Windsor Locks, CT
age: 54
Hey what he said..........
9/25/2008 12:12:41 PM |
Being blocked as apposed to being dumped.. |

Bristol, CT
age: 49
GUILTY!! I have blocked men with obscene nicknames or profiles or scammers. Perhaps I should have sent them a " umm thanks but no thanks" I am a real nice person ...but when your morals are tested and insulted I say BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK.... Mary