9/17/2008 6:37:35 PM |
men suck suck suck |
Somerville, NJ
age: 89
why are men so full of themselves? why don't they ever want to commit? i have met so many men and the 1st damn thing outta their mouths is: "I am not looking for a relationship." Hey....I got a vibrator so if I need to get my nut off I don't need a man. why are you men so SCARED?????????
this isn't directed at anyone...lol 
9/17/2008 6:59:33 PM |
men suck suck suck |

Parsippany, NJ
age: 34
you know why they dont want to have a relationship !!!! they might have been hurt or they just want to have a sex , no feeling and anytime they can dump you or be with other women ...
or they might be affriad of taking responsibilites or falling in love with someone....
any of those above could have been reasons!!!
9/17/2008 7:15:06 PM |
men suck suck suck |

Toms River, NJ
age: 38
But just imagine how much you would save on batteries?

9/17/2008 10:33:19 PM |
men suck suck suck |

Irvington, NJ
age: 26

Thats easy to answer. The guys that are ready to settle down or be in a relationship are usually kept as friends while the commitment phobes get all the attention.

9/18/2008 4:58:33 AM |
men suck suck suck |

Trenton, NJ
age: 27
The guys that are ready to settle down or be in a relationship are usually kept as friends while the commitment phobes get all the attention.
Agreed. There's no balance between words and actions. Words state wanting someone that's ready to settle, that'll be there, etc. - which is indicative of a nice guy (that ones with who everyone wants to be friends). Actions speak on wanting someone that's hot (the ones that don't want to commit) - aka the players. There are only the 2 ends of the spectrum; there is no medium. Anyone ever heard of a nice player, or a one-woman player?
9/18/2008 8:03:57 AM |
men suck suck suck |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 61
Each person is an individual--and each has a plan for their own life. A timeline for their life might include getting settled with a career and finances before offering to commit to a person. A committed person is generally through having the fun and games of the single life. Your desire to meet a person ready to commit will take a while--or it might happen tomorrow. No one knows what the future will hold. No sense to have a person think about a serious committed relationship if they are truly NOT prepared for it. The relationship will have a bleak future if both parties are NOT ready or one is lying about it. Communications is the major factor in meeting a man that is ready to commit--to you or someone else. Please make sure that all of your ducks are in a row--and that you are completely ready for what a committed relationship has in store for YOU. Good luck in the future.
9/18/2008 11:38:19 AM |
men suck suck suck |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
Okay so here it goes the ones that want a relationship, and that does not mean move in together or be with each other 24/7. The ones that want a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship...please email me. If there is an attraction and I don't mean only looks, because it is more than that when you are attracted to someone..Please email me and lets see if this is true, because I am finding the same thing, is that they want no commitment to anything. I am not into the "Go with the guy have sex and who wants to leave it open for the next one on his list" friends with benefits bullcrap. I do want to say that I know there are girls this way, so than go after them girls and leave the girls ad guys who want to have a relationship to each other. Also I know in my profile I did mention the word relationship and did not say I wanted friendship with sex. I don't have sex with my friends ...Sincerity
9/18/2008 2:39:03 PM |
men suck suck suck |

Toms River, NJ
age: 51
if they did,they wouldn't need us.LOL  
9/18/2008 2:51:03 PM |
men suck suck suck |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
You know what if that is true than, maybe we need to take matters into our own hands and they can do the same. The only commitment I think what most of us want is that when we are dating or whatever you call it with that person you are sharing intimacy with is that they are with you and not hopping from bed to bed (not this day and age, not healthy) but us girls we do have a tendency to want to get close and that is when the men seem to shy away. I don't understand men any more then they understand women. I just know that if I am with someone I want him to be with me only and I do the same for him and I also want him to want to see me not just for one thing....(that another topic LOL)Sincerity
[Edited 9/18/2008 2:53:00 PM]
9/18/2008 8:50:05 PM |
men suck suck suck |

Sussex, NJ
age: 39
why are men so full of themselves? why don't they ever want to commit? i have met so many men and the 1st damn thing outta their mouths is: "I am not looking for a relationship." Hey....I got a vibrator so if I need to get my nut off I don't need a man. why are you men so SCARED?????????
this isn't directed at anyone...lol 
I think your a wanna be, go f**k yourself
9/19/2008 11:24:16 AM |
men suck suck suck |
Toms River, NJ
age: 35
thats the story of my life...i talked to some nice guys well i thought they were nice anyway and then they all turned out to be jerks....
9/19/2008 12:04:39 PM |
men suck suck suck |
Teaneck, NJ
age: 51
Girls have certain catch-all words like CUTE and JERK.. It seems the meaning changes constantly with the situation. Can you please DEFINE how you are using jerk in this instance????
9/19/2008 1:19:30 PM |
men suck suck suck |
Teaneck, NJ
age: 51
While we're at it, why is it just fine for this female to make such a crude statement and NOT ONE OF YOU HAS SAID SHIT ABOUT HER BEING HOSTILE OR ANGRY. Yet if poor old UncleFunkey made a statement like that you would all be having a shit fit!!!!!
As for the question part of this post, women are the first ones to complain about men trying to Own Them... What the hell do you think you try to do to us??? Do you think that because you want and desire it the feeling is mutual??? If a guy came on to you that strong you would run like hell...OH HE'S TRYING TO SMOTHER ME, OR HE THINKS HE OWNS ME!!!! SOUND FAMILIAR???? Some of you think that because you gifted him the old hairy clam(or Bald), he now owes you for life..Wake up.. It's just sex... You got your jollies off too....
In general, women are ruled by emotion(Hormones)and they can turn on a dime(love to hate)... Men are much slower to love because our feeling goes much deeper and lasts much longer. If you don't pass the initial tests then you are not to be trusted with those feelings. Show signs of emotional inconsistency and you send up a red flag to us. Try pushing too hard and we will pull away..(unless we're desperate).. As we have already laid the ground work, we will most likely continue to hit the wet spot, but the moment of opportunity for a future has past...
Love is a light and free feeling not an feeling of obligation or a pain in your gut!!! It should bring a twinkle to you eye and a smile to you face... Most of you seem to be trying to get the SQUARE PEG IN THE OLD ROUND HOLE... STOP TRYING TO FORCE IT!!!!
9/19/2008 1:57:58 PM |
men suck suck suck |

Toms River, NJ
age: 38
That was WRONG in so many levels...
9/19/2008 2:08:45 PM |
men suck suck suck |
Somerville, NJ
age: 89
lol @ a wanna-be....a wanna-be what?? 