Front Royal, VA
age: 50
Got off work 0700 Sat.
Take dogs to groomer at 0800.
Sleep til dogs are ready to be picked up 1300.
Clean house, do laundry.
Work on boat.
Clean a couple hallways downtown.
Supper with youngest son after he got off work.
Sit around the bon fire with neighbors and drink a few.
Get up clean out car and truck.
Straighten up around house.
Meet a friend and go fishing.
Go over to Lowes and pick up a few things and take them to a friends house to a few things there that she needs done.
Go fishing again.
Go home, take laundry off line and fold and put away clothes, sheets and towels
Straighten up some more.
Love on dogs.
Fix supper for the week to take to work.
Boy my weekend looks more interesting when written down.
And I thought I had a dull life.