9/20/2008 10:24:25 AM |
Internet dating life |
Columbia, MO
age: 31
I am so tired of playing internet GAMES with women and then finally meeting them after messaging back and forth for weeks only to discover that we really do not have that much in common or that she looks different in person. I think that people make up a different personality on these dating sites and it bothers me that this is so common place to meet and chat on these dating sites. I think alot of people do it to pass the time with hopes of finding that special someone that makes them want to be a better person.
9/20/2008 11:36:03 AM |
Internet dating life |

Rolla, MO
age: 37
I think you hit the nail on the head.Why would you want to mislead someone and then meet them face to face?I think some people live in a fantasy world and have trouble living in the real one.But,( life is not a problem to be solved,but a reality to be experienced.)
9/20/2008 12:00:56 PM |
Internet dating life |

Moberly, MO
age: 44
Although I have met some nice people on here, I truly believe that most just get a kick out of finding someone to chat with. I, myself, am not a chatter and don't want to be stuck at home in front of my computer when there is ALOT to do out in the world. If someone doesn't offer to give you their phone number or ask you for yours, then you can just about bet that they don't want to meet you in person.
9/20/2008 2:13:51 PM |
Internet dating life |
Farmington, MO
age: 51
I think a lot of people write what they, themselves are hoping to find. I just am honest and so I am alone some people don't want to face reality. 
9/21/2008 7:07:55 PM |
Internet dating life |

Springfield, MO
age: 54
A few emails back and forth is not a bad thing, you can run a person off quickly by offering your phone number too quickly or asking for theirs in the first email you send them. When I get one of those, I hit the delete button, I don't move that fast. And yes, I do actually go out on dates now and then, but only after a few emails and at least one phone call.
And this is really me in the picture, it was taken 2 months ago and I still look the same!
[Edited 9/21/2008 7:08:52 PM]
9/24/2008 6:55:41 PM |
Internet dating life |

Ozark, MO
age: 33
Internet dating is just like normal dating. You have to go through the getting to know each other stage in any type of dating. Most people do put their best foot forward and present to the other qualities that they feel are the most appealing. Unfortunately in most cases, this presentation fades and the true self appears. It happens, regardless of whether its online, at your place of work, or where ever you meet. Its natural. Its like an interview. You want the job and you also want to be disirable to the other sex. You work on the presentation, and try your best to sell yourself. Its hard to get the whole picture of person through a photo and a short paragraph. A photo can't capture everything about a person. That's why meeting face to face is important to see if there is that connection. So what if it cost you one date...then you know...you can either continue to get to know more about that person or move on. To me, dating is never easy and at times not very fun, but its part of a process of finding the 'one' that will make you happy with no games or fronts.
9/28/2008 3:45:49 AM |
Internet dating life |
Ashland, MO
age: 56
Sorry to say this but internet dating worked for me and I found a real nice person I am seeing now. How did this happen? First I looked for the upbeat profile, not the one that was defensive, bitter, or warning off the bad guys. That may not be relevant to everyone because I didn't go through any bad dates first and I understand how bad experiences could cause you to 'update' your profile to try to block that. My advice is to just look for how people channel their 'positive'. Secondly I created my own profile as stupidly boring and honest so that players would not be interested. I didn't mention how actually fun and exciting I really am because I wanted more than just fun and excitement. Anyway, it worked. Good luck!
9/29/2008 5:59:30 PM |
Internet dating life |

Waynesville, MO
age: 48
Some do. Some don't. Some will. Some won't.
Ya pays yer money/time and you takes yer chances.
Gotta play to win.
In time your BS o'meter will get better at detection
or you'll connect with someone real and right for you
and all will be worth it.
Best wishes!