9/20/2008 2:01:40 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Findlay, OH
age: 51
ok everyone out there do u have any pet peeves when driving or road rage,,,,,,,,,my pet peeve is people who do not use blinker and road rage not really just people who go to slow under speed limit,,,,,,,,,,,,just curious
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9/20/2008 2:04:06 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Bothell, WA
age: 71
People who are on the freeway at speed and yakking on their cell phones.
9/20/2008 2:34:59 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Laverne, OK
age: 43
As a driver of a semi tractor-trailer,
I find the worst situation is when I put my blinker on
to go around someone and the car in the left lane
speeding up so they can get around first...
When I put my blinker on to make a move, im not asking them if
I can, Im telling them I am!!!
9/20/2008 2:35:41 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Mount Carmel, IL
age: 45
yes ,cell phones and people not paying attention in general.
all i gotta say is i have been almost side swiped a few times out on the road because of those two things.
and they hit me and wreck my pride and joy 87 heritage softail,,they better kill me cause when i get up im gonna be a mad sumb*tch.
roadrage wont even come close.
9/20/2008 3:27:40 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Hartselle, AL
age: 52
cell phones and someone hurrying to pass me even though I am going speed limit or above then they just get passed me good and have to stop to make a left hand turn or worse practically stopping to make a right hand turn! I could just hit them with my shoe!!!
9/20/2008 3:29:30 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Brookhaven, PA
age: 51
I hate people who drve like Mr. Magoo in the LEFT LANE!!! Move the frick over and let us pass you.
9/20/2008 3:43:15 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Mount Carmel, IL
age: 45
ya there will be days when its all good and then theres days every worst driver in the state is out on the road,,i gyess they have conventions or something on them days
9/20/2008 3:53:59 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Natchitoches, LA
age: 47
as a driver for over 24 years i wouldn't even know where to begin here...lol
9/20/2008 3:54:00 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Tenino, WA
age: 42
i too am a truck driver. i hate when you come up on a slow car. go to pass them and the race is on........... why???????
why not just let me pass and i'll be gone, gone c-ya. but no we gotta go from 65 to 70 or even 75!!!! then when i finally trap you in traffic, and get arlund you, you catch up to me only to get in front of me and slow down.
or when people get on the freeway and dont even bother looking til they are at the end of the ramp.
i dont slow down or move over for those people.main reason.
everytime i move my truck from one lane to another, there is a chance for something to go wrong. i have alot of blind spots. if by now they dont know how to get on the freeway they need to not get on it!
phew......... i feel better now
9/20/2008 3:57:14 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Laverne, OK
age: 43
i too am a truck driver. i hate when you come up on a slow car. go to pass them and the race is on........... why???????
why not just let me pass and i'll be gone, gone c-ya. but no we gotta go from 65 to 70 or even 75!!!! then when i finally trap you in traffic, and get arlund you, you catch up to me only to get in front of me and slow down.
or when people get on the freeway and dont even bother looking til they are at the end of the ramp.
i dont slow down or move over for those people.main reason.
everytime i move my truck from one lane to another, there is a chance for something to go wrong. i have alot of blind spots. if by now they dont know how to get on the freeway they need to not get on it!
phew......... i feel better now
Welcome trucker babe!
I know your right!!
We live with it all day, allnight and it sucks!!!
9/20/2008 4:08:52 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Tenino, WA
age: 42
yes we do, i try to get my non driver friends to understand the frustration by telling them to imagine always working with people who never get it ,meaning how to do their job.or always having to train a new employee. cuz everyone on the road in a way is our co-worker. and im sorry but alot of them need to be fired!!
9/20/2008 5:26:33 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |

Rochester, NY
age: 40
i dont like when u want to switch lanes and as soon as the idiot sees ur blinker they speed up so u cant get over,,that just pisses me off lol 
9/20/2008 5:42:57 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Bothell, WA
age: 71
The other idiots I can't stand are the ones who will start to move over into your lane, then flash their turn signals one time. You get one flash! There are usually the yuppies driving their spotless SUV's, or Beamers.
9/20/2008 5:47:25 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Natchitoches, LA
age: 47
i like the ones who think they just pulled off some great driving manuever and they are patting themselves on their backs because they pulled it off not realising that if i hadn't have hit my brakes or slowed down they wouldn't have made it...
9/21/2008 3:53:35 AM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Saltsburg, PA
age: 58
I have a few:
In PA unmarked state roads are 55 mph. The state cheaps out on signs. Why the .... people decide to go 35 ........ I see this 3 times a week! Then the guy behind him decides to ride his butt but doesn't pass him when the chance arises????
I hate it when someone makes a left in front of you in an intersection, realizes they shouldn't have, then stops totaly blocking you ???? If your going to turn, then turn!
9/21/2008 9:36:32 AM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Bothell, WA
age: 71
For all you semi-truck drivers: I respect the hell out of you folks. I drive a car that is noted for being slow, (73 Volkswagen Super Beetle) so when one of y'all comes up behind me...even if I'm doing the legal speed limit....I move on over a lane and let ya get on by. You are on a schedule. I am not! You need to get to your delivery or pick up point on time. I don't!
9/22/2008 9:20:12 AM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Tenino, WA
age: 42
twohawks........... your awsome!!! 
9/22/2008 9:21:26 AM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |

Beaumont, CA
age: 35
People who think they are the only ones on the damn road
9/23/2008 11:34:44 AM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Grand Prairie, TX
age: 41
Ok Ok Ok get this. I have a friend who's wife says, "I paid for the highway with my tax money. I should be able to drive the speed limit, in the left lane, on the freeway". I said, "Yes you did pay for the highway, but the part you paid for was on the entrance ramp on the shoulder".
9/23/2008 11:38:52 AM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Skaneateles, NY
age: 47

Now this is pretty funny..
[Edited 9/23/2008 11:39:57 AM PST]
9/23/2008 11:44:55 AM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |

Elk Grove Village, IL
age: 40
I see a lot of women in my area putting make up on when driving. 
9/23/2008 11:52:51 AM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Bakersfield, CA
age: 56
4'6", 80yr old immigrant Asian woman with a cell phone speaking in Vietnamese to someone while searching for a house # from the fast lane of the freeway.......
9/23/2008 12:00:15 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |

Oshkosh, WI
age: 60
4'6", 80yr old immigrant Asian woman with a cell phone speaking in Vietnamese to someone while searching for a house # from the fast lane of the freeway.......
There is alot of that here in my area too....little short Hmongs, in cars, on cellphones, doing 6 things at a time....and with a herd of kids in the car too......Grrrr!!!!!!!

9/23/2008 12:27:13 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Minneapolis, MN
age: 69
Those that drive Lexus vans are terrible drivers;
I stay away from them because they're going to do
something stupid. Just watch...
9/23/2008 6:11:25 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Rogers City, MI
age: 54
The Hwy that goes through our town has a speed limit of 50 mph, but for some reason the drivers in front of me are going anywhere from 35-45mph.
I hate when I'm driving out of the area anywhere from 55-60mph and someone has to pull out in front of me and fails to accelerate to the speed limit. Of course there is no one behind me but they were in such a hurry to pull out! It's usually someone over 80 yrs old.
9/23/2008 6:13:32 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Abbeville, SC
age: 38
i dont like when u want to switch lanes and as soon as the idiot sees ur blinker they speed up so u cant get over,,that just pisses me off lol  
I apologize for doing that...you should have seen the look on your face...you were so mad!!!
9/23/2008 7:32:46 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |

Alexandria, VA
age: 45
4'6", 80yr old immigrant Asian woman with a cell phone speaking in Vietnamese to someone while searching for a house # from the fast lane of the freeway.......
There is DUI and then there is DWA (Driving While ____). The latter is worse.
9/23/2008 7:36:50 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Laverne, OK
age: 43
For all you semi-truck drivers: I respect the hell out of you folks. I drive a car that is noted for being slow, (73 Volkswagen Super Beetle) so when one of y'all comes up behind me...even if I'm doing the legal speed limit....I move on over a lane and let ya get on by. You are on a schedule. I am not! You need to get to your delivery or pick up point on time. I don't!
Thank you toohawks...
9/23/2008 8:26:35 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |


Cicero, IN
age: 63
People who do not move over, slow down and stop to allow emergency vehicles through. What if it were fire trucks going to your burning house, or you dying in an ambulance and they were delayed because people refuse to get out of the way?
9/23/2008 8:27:53 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |

Rochester, NY
age: 40
tailgaters, makes me wanna slam my brakes lol
10/7/2008 2:31:25 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Tellico Plains, TN
age: 55
tailgaters, makes me wanna slam my brakes lol
Yesssss I do too... Makes me want to do that very same thing! LOL
10/7/2008 5:01:45 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |
Natchitoches, LA
age: 47
I hate when your sitting at a stop sign waiting to pull out, traffic is comming so you sit and waite, then they turn not using a signal light, then your stuck there waiting on 10 more, when if that one would have used the signal light you could have went....
10/7/2008 5:27:10 PM |
pet peeves of driving and road rage |

Haughton, LA
age: 33
tailgaters, makes me wanna slam my brakes lol
I would'n be tailgatin you if you'd get that pieceashit outta my way so I can get by 