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9/30/2008 12:53:30 AM What age are ok to date with in ?  

Los Angeles, CA
age: 38

well what is wrong whit that?as long as both party are ok

9/30/2008 5:33:22 AM What age are ok to date with in ?  

Fresno, CA
age: 63

Nothing is "wrong," but we all know that in general, relationships other than those for sex or control, seem to work
best if both partners are somewhat close in age. One reason is that an older person can always seduce a younger
person, as we simply are more experienced and know more how the mind works. So there are users out there of
both sexes who just take advantage of naive younger people. The other reason is that 10 or 15 years, which at
first may even seem like a fun difference, gets old fast, if you forgive my pun. Let's say I had a lover 15 younger...
I am not going to be able to hike the way a woman his age could, and would he really understand when I talk
about my arthritic knees, or what it was like when Kennedy ran against Nixon? By the same token, there are "needy"
young folks out there of both sexes who want a "daddy" or "mommy" to pay the bills and run things, and to me,
a healthy relationship is much more than about filling those kind of needs. (met a man who married a woman
17 years older, and he was one sick puppy)

10/3/2008 2:05:58 AM What age are ok to date with in ?  

Antioch, CA
age: 37

Anyone who says age matters is talking out the side of their neck.... the only reason why people pay attention to age is because thats what the mainstream public was raised to believe.... age is just a friggin number that people lord over others.... in other countries they don't have the age restrictions that the good ol usa has.... examples would be drinking.... in england you can be 18 or 16 or even 14 and have a drink.... you dont have to be 16 to drive in other countries.... marriage in some countries happen while couples are still children.... age is not the true factor here.... the thrue factor is whats right or whats wrong.... now I'm not saying go break the law and see someone under 18.... what I am saying is so what if a 38 year old guy wants to be with a 21 year old girl or a forty seven year old woman wants to be with a 23 year old guy... so what its thier business... and there is nothing wrong with it.... so if two people want to be together and as long as they are not under 18... what ever their age may be so what.... so what if they are 2 years or 30 years apart.... its their decision and it should be respected....

10/3/2008 12:51:29 PM What age are ok to date with in ?  

Carmichael, CA
age: 26

I think if you get to know someone and you click with that person thats all that should matter its not really the age its how the person act and is that person going to treat you right

10/4/2008 8:31:17 PM What age are ok to date with in ?  
Castaic, CA
age: 19

if you and whoever ur with and you're within an age difference and you're both happy go for it, f**k what people say it's up to u and what ur heart wants

[Edited 10/4/2008 8:34:27 PM]

10/5/2008 1:29:22 PM What age are ok to date with in ?  

Sacramento, CA
age: 24

I say 18 to 33 is good for me as long as you're mature and cool

10/7/2008 12:13:35 PM What age are ok to date with in ?  

Fontana, CA
age: 38

Unlikly huh, when i was 34 i dated a 20 yr old and he was fun. and now that i am 38 i want to date some one in my own age bracket now like 36 to 42.

10/7/2008 1:22:21 PM What age are ok to date with in ?  

Waterford, CA
age: 72

Everyone looks at age in a dirrerent way. so stop I like people areound my age, because we have more incommon. My friend who is 84 has a husband who is 66. They are a perfect match. My mom's fifth husband was nine years younger. I think society is used to the age being older in men and younger in ladies. Who cares? Be of age first' that is the main thing. If you get along and feel good about it and are of age. Go for it You are the one who lives your life. And no one else. Let the others answer for themselves and you for you and you only.

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