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9/25/2008 1:56:08 AM Do you ever argue with God?  

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19

i must say, He wins but i try anyway?

my most memerable one : i agured with God what was greater His works or the works of man. i took the side that His works were better, i mean just look outside. the mountians, ocean, a tree, the sunsetting. hott damn He makes some awesome stuff. He said that the works of man where better. b/c God made all these things without a struggle to WHY he made it, b/c God is pure good and can't help but make good things.... right. BUT man must CHOISE to make something for good. you kno? in a world full of sin, everytime someone makes a choice to do something good instead of sinning. you help someone istead of looking the other way, God sais it dwarfs any mountian.

9/25/2008 4:21:21 AM Do you ever argue with God?  

Freeman, MO
age: 40

I argued the night my husband passed away...I argued..I cried..I screamed..I try to bargain, but alas...he took my husband anyway..

It took me a while to realize that my husband was in a better place..that it wasn't all about me..

9/25/2008 4:33:54 AM Do you ever argue with God?  

Columbia, SC
age: 54 online now!

Quote from nmorris:
I argued the night my husband passed away...I argued..I cried..I screamed..I try to bargain, but alas...he took my husband anyway..

It took me a while to realize that my husband was in a better place..that it wasn't all about me..

nmorris ...... EXACTLY ~ ~ ~ "it's NOT about us!!"

And to the OP, yes I've argued with God. When I do, he doesn't leave the room or walk away or yell at me, he listens, he understands my pain and he continues to love me, even when I'm being a pill he's always there. And he gently guides me to Him and his understandings. He doesn't say "I told you so" either. I think He just smiles down and glows with joy when He sees that I get it.

Life is Good~

9/25/2008 4:42:16 AM Do you ever argue with God?  

Morgan City, LA
age: 54

Ms. Keepher, it never fails. Your words and thoughts make me

[Edited 9/25/2008 4:42:44 AM]

9/25/2008 7:09:40 AM Do you ever argue with God?  
Los Angeles, CA
age: 26

Nope...Not required

9/25/2008 3:00:09 PM Do you ever argue with God?  

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19

Quote from nmorris:
I argued the night my husband passed away...I argued..I cried..I screamed..I try to bargain, but alas...he took my husband anyway..

It took me a while to realize that my husband was in a better place..that it wasn't all about me..

why do you say He took your husband? :/ thats a concept i have never understood, thinking that God takes out loved one's from us. Afterall it's natural to die...

9/25/2008 4:25:38 PM Do you ever argue with God?  

Columbia, SC
age: 54 online now!

Tangle - I think it’s the fact it’s “allowed” to happen, the death of a love one, even thought you prayed to the Lord to sustain them and you know He can do so and doesn’t. They are allowed to pass away anyway. Just because it’s natural doesn’t make it any easier to lose a love. jmho

~ thanks Captain for the comment ~

9/25/2008 5:05:18 PM Do you ever argue with God?  

Freeman, MO
age: 40

Exactly...I felt as if he was taken from me when God could of prevented it..I even hated God afterwards for a while..even though I knew that I shouldn't...I was just grieving so bad..I still grieve, but it's not the same..I have looked at things differently...I still wish he didn't have to leave me, but I know now that he is in a better place and I get comfort knowing that his last act on earth was to make sure his family was taken care of...

There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss him terrible, but I also thank God that he was a part of my life, if even for a short time..

9/25/2008 6:31:04 PM Do you ever argue with God?  

Mountain Home, AR
age: 63

I had argued with God when I was brutally assaulted in PHoenix, Az..I was opening up the school in which I taught at, Why Why God I love my job why did this have to happen to me but then God says Why Not Me...But God is an ever understanding God with patience beyond what we say or do, he knows the number of hairs on our head, I go back and forth with God like he is my best friend ever, but I know who will win and it wont be me, lol
When my husband died I also argued with him, questioning why, he was so young and died of lung cancer in 3 months it was over..I think we all have that tendency to argue because we get frustrated in our lives and God is our sounding board and he listens and does not judge like man does. His love is unconditionally wish many people were like that even in your own families..and our world in which we live in, things would be so much easier but God gave Earth to Satan to rule..until he returns so the turmoil keeps coming on..

9/25/2008 6:41:51 PM Do you ever argue with God?  

Stillwater, OK
age: 35

I argued cussed stopped believing all tat when I got injuried and ended up disabled at the same time I was going through a divorce.Lost my wife,kids,and health all at the same time.I drank alot,cussed alot,and even got mad alot.Then I bought a 1/2 acre and placed a house on it.Met a nieghbor whoasked if I would start helping him take care of his horse.Now I have joint custody of my kids and I get them 3/4 of the time and I get to take care of a great horst that I will never be able to ride.I think God is trying to talk to me through my neighbor.I am starting to listen.

9/26/2008 12:46:28 AM Do you ever argue with God?  

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19

very interesting responces guys!

although i guess it's just not in my mind processes to blame God for even "letting" something to happen. i've had a tough year, and my life has changed so much. when the good came (when i fell in love with one of the most wonderfull bois ever) i thanked God. and when that boi broke my heart i asked "why? WHY?" to God, but not about what God did or didn't do. i asked why my love was weaker than i, less loyal, why my greatest fear came to life. i still love him, i think i always will.... but this pain brought me closer to God. and it only seems that pain and hardship does that for me.

9/26/2008 3:56:41 AM Do you ever argue with God?  

Columbia, SC
age: 54 online now!

Quote from night_tangle:
.... but this pain brought me closer to God. and it only seems that pain and hardship does that for me.

Tangle - for a young heart you see it very clearly and well and I think you hit it right on the mark with the comment above about hardships bringing us closer to God. A really good thread and great comments from all.

..... I think of Job and all the lost he went through as the devil tried to get him to turn his back on the Lord, it didn't work it only brought him closer to Christ and he was blessed. The bible is full of such stories.

.... and thosee that posted here has said the same thing, hard times have brought them closer to God. Eph. 6:10-20 Help me see who is really to blame and how I'm to battle and remain in Christ when things go wrong. That's what I call my "How To" verses for my day to day life.

.... I am and always will be a work in progress for the Lord. He's not through with me, Thank God, there is hope for me yet!!


Rom 5:3 .... but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; Rom 5:4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.

edited to add Rom 5:3-4

[Edited 9/26/2008 4:16:30 AM]

9/27/2008 12:49:23 AM Do you ever argue with God?  

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19

you kno it's ironic, hardship either bring you closer or farther from God...

9/27/2008 1:03:19 PM Do you ever argue with God?  
Mansfield, PA
age: 67

I can't remember arguing with God---but I do remember trying to bargain with him.

I now know neither of these work--and I'm definitely a work in progress.The lord is so merciful--praise God--------peace.......forever