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9/25/2008 11:10:15 PM |
Why do guys use line its not u, its me ? |

Portland, TN
age: 23
I was talking to a guy on here for like three days, then we meet. I thought everything was going well, then the next day, he sends me that message. It was me right, so y say its not u and its me, when I know it was me. y can't they be stright with u and say I don't want to date u. 
9/25/2008 11:13:44 PM |
Why do guys use line its not u, its me ? |

Columbia, TN
age: 51 online now!
Hummmmm I've used that line lol Just seems easier that way I guess
9/26/2008 1:56:26 AM |
Why do guys use line its not u, its me ? |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 41 online now!
I was talking to a guy on here for like three days, then we meet. I thought everything was going well, then the next day, he sends me that message. It was me right, so y say its not u and its me, when I know it was me. y can't they be stright with u and say I don't want to date u. 
** You forgot to include that men, like me, have had the same things said to as well. I was on a date earlier this year with a woman. Things were going well. I told her the next day how much I appreciated the date. She told me, "You're a great guy, but it's me and not you." I couldn't understand why until I realized she wasn't ready to commit. She wasn't just ready, but wanted to get back together with an ex-boyfriend. I'll leave it at that, as I've grown from that experience, learned about the ins and outs of whom I am, and am wiser all for it.
That experience and others helped me in this journey we call life. Now, I can meet with someone on a first date and know by the date's end if that is someone I'd like to continue to get to know or not (unless the person was nervous). When someone quoted sometime back that "experience was the greatest teacher", he/she was right. Experience *is* the greatest teacher. I can read a bunch of online articles about dating. All the books about dating. Those things can prepare me for a date. But, I won't know how to react to something properly unless I have experienced it. That's why we go through the experiences we do, so we learn from them. Life doesn't give us this manual and says, "Here's the best way to avoid men or women who do such and such." You've got to experience it. No one wants to be rejected.
[Edited 9/26/2008 1:57:42 AM]
9/26/2008 6:01:40 AM |
Why do guys use line its not u, its me ? |

White House, TN
age: 38
yeah, I had that one pulled on me a time or two. It is just easier than saying "it just isn't going to work" or "I am just not attracted to you". In the end it is better to just be honest with the person. It does hurt, and the person who is doing the talking is trying to spare your feelings. If they really said what they meant it could be hurtful and the person saying would feel really bad.
So, just don't worry about it and move on. Sometimes things just don't click.
9/26/2008 6:56:36 AM |
Why do guys use line its not u, its me ? |

Adamsville, TN
age: 46
Oh..they don't always use that line...Here's something for you...
I had been seeing this guy Steve for about 2 weeks when all of a sudden he wasn't calling, or answering my calls. He told me he was really into me while we were seeing each other but scared of committing. Which was fine as I wanted it to go slow anyway. (there's more to the story as to why he was scared to commit..too long to get into and lots of issues and drama...) Suffice it to say, he never explained himself further just didn't contact me. I call this the "Run and hide" syndrome instead of being a man and facing you.
During the time we didn't speak, close to a month, his cousin Mark started hitting on me. I didn't want to date this one, he wasn't my type and I tried to let him down without hurting his feelings. But he kept pushing at me. I finally flat out told him, "you are NOT my type and if you want to stay friends that is fine, but otherwise, no."
So, from that he decided to tell his cousin who I was into that we were sleeping together and seeing each other..bla, bla, the story goes..
Until I ran into Steve quite unexpectedly...Told him the truth about his cousin and we or rather I thought to give a second chance...
Well, after about three days...he did the "run and hide" again.
Needless to say...I no longer give a second chance. I don't put up with crap like this anymore. I speak my mind and if the guy turns out to not be my type, I'll tell him. If he just wants to be friends, then tell me...don't run and hide and give bullshit stories like,"it's me not you"...That hurts just as much if not more than the truth. You can get thru the hurt from the truth a lot easier than the bull shit cover up..
so don't sit there and say ppl say it to spare a person's feelings, cuz it does NOT spare their feelings. And don't not contact a person again. Be a man or woman and contact the other person and let them know, you're just not into them....
9/26/2008 3:14:43 PM |
Why do guys use line its not u, its me ? |

Smyrna, TN
age: 50
beause it is me
9/26/2008 3:34:46 PM |
Why do guys use line its not u, its me ? |

Columbia, TN
age: 51 online now!
It's that simple!
9/26/2008 7:07:17 PM |
Why do guys use line its not u, its me ? |

Adamsville, TN
age: 46
Even if it is you...tell them WHY it's you...
Like, you don't want to be're only looking for fun nothing serious...
it's me, not you with no explanation leaves ppl hanging and wondering...
Like I said before..the truth, whatever it is, is better than just 'its me, not you'