9/18/2007 5:19:11 AM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
How many of you find this to be soooooo difficult?? If its not "my way" then "hit the highway" has always been my reasoning!lol Or...If momma aint happy then no ones gonna be happy!lol
To "surrender" one's self to God is not something that comes naturally or willingly. I have come to the conclusion that,although it "can be done", it is a 24/7 committment that I never live up to!
I guess what Im asking is...is there "anyone" out there that you know, who does live up to that, and if so....how do they do it?............peace
9/18/2007 5:53:45 AM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Reading, MI
age: 42
we are all human. we all fall short but thanks to Jesus we can still make it. I try and do gods will but I fall short. So i pray every day that he will help me to surrender all. I can not do it on my own so i ask for help. and i still fall short. but i am working on it.
God bless
9/18/2007 6:09:47 AM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
I hear you Duane...Im asking Microsoftware to install a "God "help me"" button on my laptop! lol..............Peace
9/18/2007 9:52:42 AM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
All I know is this,
As long as I say, "God please help me"; I will never turn to another and say, "So help you God"...........
9/18/2007 11:15:51 AM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I say the Jews waited in Jerusalem for their god to save them and they ended up eating their own children and millions slaughtered. The Jews waited in Germany for their god to save them and they marched [6 million] into the gas chambers. Christians have been waiting for 2,000 years for Jesus to save them from all kinds and manners of torture and suffering and dying and they are still waiting. I want no part of a god that's will says it is ok for his worshipers to live like this while he sits in paradise enjoying his life everyday.  
[Edited 9/18/2007 9:09:21 PM]
9/18/2007 12:24:47 PM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Reading, MI
age: 42
It is a shame you would feel that way. But I will pray for you and may gods love for you light your way.
9/18/2007 1:02:03 PM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Statesboro, GA
age: 19
MEG is dead. She is no longer even responding to my e-mails from the grave. I just don't know what to think anymore.
9/18/2007 9:12:25 PM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Don't waste your time Ham and beans, I been there done that. What kind of god wants to allow suffering and testing his loyal subjects all the time? That god is way more human than godly. Just save your prayers for yourself at least that way they make you feel better, they do nothing for me.
9/18/2007 9:27:11 PM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Omaha, NE
age: 55
I'll pray for you as well. Sometimes there are no logical answers. God may be testing you in order for you to learn something.
If you truly think that way Queen, I feel sorry for you.
9/18/2007 9:37:03 PM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Don't need to feel sorry for me, I am happier now than I have ever been. At least the creator I know doesn't need to play stupid games like was played on Job. It does not have an advasary that it treats humans like chess pieces and my worshipers or better than your worshipers.
9/19/2007 5:54:38 AM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
i think that you have written in here that the bible was not written to be taken litterally..... including the book of Job.
seems like even people that dont believe the message of the bible use it out of context...
9/19/2007 6:19:52 AM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
With all due respect Queen...I remember when I came to DHU in July,I use to,maybe not agree w/you,but always enjoyed your posts and seemed to learn something from you as well. I see "nothing" of that person anymore in you.
Perhaps you should realize that we are a "different bunch" of people now and I see nothing but honest,caring,thoughtful and most importantly respectful,Christians and Non Christians,talking and sharing about Religion. It amazes me how "most" of the people who post in here(Religion),whether they agree w/something or not,try to do their best not to hurt or insult "anyone"!
Think about it...you literally come in here and "insult" not "question", our God!If that is your opinion,then "so be it", but I hope you dont expect us(me) not to get mad and 'lash back" or "pray" for you.
I SO RESPECT your choice on not wanting anything to do w/Christianity or the Bible(youve said you have had your fill)but that doesnt make it wrong or bad that some of us DO!
9/19/2007 5:24:14 PM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Reading, MI
age: 42
well i pray for everyone on here to find happiness. And that maybe something i say the lord can use to reach someone.
9/19/2007 7:22:55 PM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
hey ham...question??? Is it His will for me(Christians)to spread "the word" or "good news"to all we meet or come in contact with? Im looking for what you or anyone else,
"believes" or "knows" on that subject.
I have been taught and or told that, that is what it says(for sure) in the Bible,but,
"my will" tells me to share this"news" when and if the opportunity arises......Peace
9/19/2007 7:30:46 PM |
HIS will not mine be done...... |

Meadville, PA
age: 44
I realize you didn't ask me but I'd like to offer my opinion just the same.
I believe we all have gifts. A friend of mine is a beautiful Christian, her father is a minister - her gift is knowledge, she can help me find verses and seems to truly understand things better than I, and relate them to my life when in need. Another friend of mine writes Christian books; she has the gift of empathy and helps people who grieve. You seem to have a gift of unbiased love and compassion, and yes in your case I think spreading the Word is exactly what you were meant to do. Truth is, if it is what stirs in your soul that God has called you to do, go with it - no matter what others do. I am not so good at that; my memory is poor so knowledge is not my gift either; but yet I can tell you dozens of times He has worked in my life if testimony is needed and I am not afraid to speak it. I think we all have our own way to serve the Lord.