Moravian Falls, NC
age: 44
1. Guys are never satisfied |
2. Tell them to keep looking |
My boyfriend and I met on this website. I am totally into him. I can't get enough of him. We are living together, been together almost three months, but he is still on this website, advertising his "freedom". He tells me that I'm the best thing that ever happened to him, and he enjoys being with me and we have a great relationship.
I don't get it, if he is happy with me, then what the hell is he looking for?????????
Come on guys, fess up, what's the story?
Glendale, AZ
age: 29
I guess evolution has programmed males genetically to be like this...I saw this in NATGEO sometime...

Beaumont, CA
age: 33
I see a few couples who are here just for the chat. Put your pic up with him and mark the profile as taken. If he doesn't respect you enough to do so kick him to the curb. Who wants to be with a man who shows a woman anything less than the respect she deserves?

Vancouver, WA
age: 19
You can not say all guys. I am not that way and never have been.
If I were dating a gal that would be satisfaction enough.
Personally I take any good relationship to be a gift.
Then again the few gals that actually thought about going out with
me either stud me up or tryed to use me.
I suppose me thinking that any good relationship is a gift is cause
I never had much of a good one or for that matter one at all.
All I can say is if I date a gal she is all that I am into and
until we decide we are not right for each other every one els is
off limits.
I your guy wont commit then he is not the one. "That what I think"
Any way, That's just one guys opinion. "I know most of my friends would agree with me"


Paintsville, KY
age: 61
Indoubt & Brett, you give very sage advise showing maturity for your young years. You are to be commended, young Grasshoppers....