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9/19/2007 8:30:18 AM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Lincoln, IL
age: 35
Can any one of you hardcors socall "CHRISTIANS"explain this?
In your bible,Matthew.1:1-17 says there was, 14 generations in all from ABRAHAM to DAVID,and
14 from DAVID to the EXILE TO BABYLON,and
14 from exile to the CHRIST.But
When you add up the names one by one in each generation there is no 14th generations!.
[Edited 9/19/2007 8:43:39 AM]
9/19/2007 8:38:20 AM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
its the story of birth, death and resurrection of Jesus that matters........ missing a generation - who cares.
bible bashing is out of date....... it doesnt matter. what matters is faith and how a christian lives today.
9/19/2007 9:01:49 AM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Lincoln, IL
age: 35
Their is 3 types of poeple in this world.
1]Those that look but dont see anything 
2]Those that listen but dont understand what they heard.
3]Those that learn from both. 
9/19/2007 9:29:06 AM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
there are two types of people in the world...
1. those that have faith only in themselves
2. those that have faith in something other than themselves
9/19/2007 10:48:25 AM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Duncan, OK
age: 33
there is one more type
people that just like to argue and stir up shit! and see if they can get people revved up because they are to stupid to get attention any other way
9/19/2007 4:57:52 PM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Lincoln, IL
age: 35
"waltagain"yeah,thats funny,thats what the goverment said about jesus.
satan and the devil loves you.
[Edited 9/20/2007 6:52:34 AM]
9/19/2007 7:42:58 PM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
In the bible the word 'created' is a mis-translation from the word 'built' or 'construct'.
The word Genesis, comes from the 'Genes of the Goddess Isis', or, 'The Generation of Isis'
Book of Genisis; "And God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness".
They created a race called Homo-Atlantis which has pure alien and pure human dna.
The First born was created by changing the alien and human dna in the Garden of Eden, where the genetic experimentation took place, in Atlantis. The 'Garden of Eden' was a place where the 'Gods', the alien masters, the fallen ones, conducted their genetic experimentation work.
The word 'Naked' in the bible, is a cryptic euphemism for being in a state of 'intellectual ignorance'. Nakedness, intellectually dumbed down. Into the garden in a naked state, supressed intelligence. The intelligent centers of the brain where cut off.
Not being able to eat off the fruit of the tree of life, is a euphemism for the Adamic race not having the intellectual ability that their masters had, the high scientific knowledge.
'The Virgin Queen' and 'Born of a Virgin'. The First Born, was 'immaculately concieved', which is some form of DNA or genetic conception. Immaculate conception, means without sexuality in the genetic proto-human creation process.
The foreskin is a 'remnant' of the real proto-human. The removal is a ritual, to remind you that this is the mark of your servitude.

9/19/2007 8:39:10 PM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
There is only one type of people in this world,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IMPERFECT!
9/19/2007 8:45:16 PM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
I'm PERFECT cause God don't make no junk 
9/19/2007 9:07:50 PM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
I think we were "created" perfect,but once we are born,we are imperfect.no?......peace
9/20/2007 1:58:48 AM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
I think we were "created" perfect,but once we are born,we are imperfect.no?
You don't realize how right I think you are, though I don't trust you actually know what you just said. It's left to each ones interperatation of course, it's all relative to each individuals understanding of a particular thing, according to what everyone has in their minds with a certain amount of information to form some opinion and idea about something.
So tell me then, why you think we were born imperfect, if we were created perfect? What do you think happened to cause the change? I will tell you what I can swallow for a story. Well, actually when I think about it, I already have told you quite a few things, you can put the various pieces together I've layed around. It was just too much to try to put it all in any kind of order for you. It's a very long story to get to a simple answer. The barrier is the mind, if you don't mind, it don't matter!

So think what you like, though what idea seems more like what I think was the case in varying aspects as to why we were born imperfect, is that we were genetically messed with by an alien race and dumbed down for the purpose of slave labor, and its been that way ever since. We were not always like this as a race.
There were a few catastrophic events and other very tramatic events on our consciousness and this earth at the time that caused our race to nearly go extinct at one point. To keep that event from happening, so we did not totally fall as a race, The ego was born into our consciousness to save us, to keep us propted up. The ego actually has a birthday about 12,500 yrs ago. Now about 30-50k years ago, before the nephilim alien race came here and started screwing with us, we were doing good, no worries.
Our racial memory has a peaceful time in our race history locked in there, you can think of it and you just at that moment remembered a time when things where not like this seemingly imperfect world. Your thoughts are telling you an amazing story, and you probably think your thoughts are just some random thing of no significants.
You were not meant to know about there being an alien agenda to our lives, its all been covered up. They do it in comic books and cartoons, so you will think the idea is too rediculous and does not carry any weight when it enters your mind. So people blow it off as fiction or nonsense or scifi and do not understand that in fact it is more real than you can believe as to what role the subject plays in your life.
It is the best we can do in this little space and time here, you cannot really understand something fully in this venue, when you are expecting there to be a pat answer to something because you have conditioning that gets in the way of you finding out what you were never meant to know. I know it is difficult to be able to assemble all the various many pieces so you can feel comfortable in your mind about something, when you have been conditioned to something completely different.
You say all the time that you know what the problem is, that you've been there and done that...but "what are we suppose to do about it" you ask, is your big question aye? No one can answer that for you. As the saying goes...that if you don't know your history you are bound to repeat it...I think you need to know your truer history. To get to your answer as to what to do about it all, is that you first would need to find out where you really come from, before you can really move forward in your mind so you don't have to ask, "what do we do about it", you would already know what to do about it and would not have to ask. Actually if you understood, you don't have to 'do' anything, you are a human being, not a human doing. But you only think you understood what I just said.

9/20/2007 5:55:41 AM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
He Jewelz.. Curious heh??? Lets not forget what happened to the "cat" that was "curious"!LOL Heres my "input" to add a liitle more "amusement" to your day! LOL
WE were created in Gods image(perfect)becase that is what I believe He wants or wanted, whatever the case may be.We were born w/the "original sin" that came about when "someone" or "something" went "against" Gods "initial intentions".Thats my Religious opinion and it is possible that ,at some later time in my life, I will question and explore that more,but for today,thats what Im "comfortable""believing"! For anyone who thinks this is an "odd opinion"...you are right,but that is all I "choose" to say on that for "right now".I can and will "elaborate" further if someone wants me to.
When we are "born",our minds are "pure", but as soon as we have "physical or emotional" contact w/Anything,"our minds" start forming or registering things and they(minds) are immediately,"not pure". So from that moment on, "what we are", is an "open vessel" which gets filled with all that we are "surrounded" by. "Who we are" is what we have been "taught" or "experienced" "to be". (am i close?)
I dont "buy into" the alien notion because I personally have a problem w/people who can tell me or anyone what went on 30 to 50km yrs ago.Again maybe at another time in my life but not today. And If you(jewelz) tell me that "until" I can see or understand "that" as a "fact", and that I will not be able to "grasp" what you teach,or even worse,that I am"a waste of your time",because I cant see it...
then I will "bow out" gracefully right now. lol
Even if I did accept(your beliefs on aliens)and was in tuned w/ my "true history",I would still ask....What to do???? "Knowing" and "believing" my "history" is NOT going to "change" what I already have been "programmed" to "think" or "believe". I "am teachable" and I "can learn new ways to think" but I already "AM" who I am and that,in my opinion, "wont change". Alas...I "am" too "far gone" at this point,(although I am open to other options and ways)and am "comfortable "getting with the :new: program" at my own pace.
I think the "most frustrating" and "irratating" thing about "all this",is that you "END" your post w/something like this....
*But you only think you understood what I just said.
It "negates" EVERYTHING I just said and I throw my hands in the air and say.....What the heck do you want"??????????And it confirms my "belief" that "I AM" just a waste of space and time...........................peace
[Edited 9/20/2007 5:57:51 AM]
9/20/2007 6:45:50 AM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Lincoln, IL
age: 35
back on the original subject,when its all said and done.either the 14th generation of jesus never exsisted,or the those men you claim wrote the bible could'nt count! 
9/20/2007 8:15:41 AM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
Who cares??????
9/20/2007 8:51:59 PM |
The Genealogy Of Jesus |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I have a problem with people that tell me they know what happened 6,000 or 2,000 years ago and that it is absolute truth.