9/29/2008 6:36:56 AM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Mississauga, ON
age: 54
I live immediately west of Toronto, Canada. We had a well publicized case of some weirdo poisoning dogs in a large leash free park in Toronto recently. The poison used was bread soaked in anti-freeze. NOW, because of the stupid media any fool knows how to kill dogs.
Katie was 8. She was a mix so she had perhaps another 6 or 7 YEARS to go. Last Thu/Fri she started throwing up and drinking a LOT. I thought she'd picked up something from one of the parks where we walk. No big deal. Anybody who has dogs knows they get into stuff and upchuck now and then. It got worse. I made an appointment for Sun morning but by then she had lost a tremendous amount of weight and was severely dehydrated. A test showed she had most likely been poisoned by anti-freeze. Once ingested the kidneys are destroyed in only a few hours. There is NOTHING they can do pretty much from that point on.
Katie went from 90 to about 50 lbs in 4 days. She said Katie would die sometime tonight or tomorrow or I could spend $4,000 to $5,000 to have all the tests done and keep her alive for another week with an IV drip but she's seen this lots of times before and basically there is nothing they can do anyway. I told Katie that ""the doctor could no fix"" and said she had to go to God. She just licked my cheek and put her head down in my hands. She knew .... and ... off she went.
Katie was an absolute sweetie. Smart, affectionate, fast, gentle, intuitive, compassionate (she pretty much kept me sane after I lost Sue), she didn't take any shit from anyone but would play gently with dogs 1/5 her size/weight. She was always trying to please. I am just fragged right now. I am going to miss her SOOOO much!!

9/29/2008 6:46:44 AM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
I am really sorry for your loss... I do not allow my dog to be anywhere..unattended for just that reason..He is watched like a "hawk" (there are some sick ppl in this world)When I lost my female chi.. agaisnt all reasoning..I immediately got another dog..it helped with the grief,having to care for another one.Another dog can't replace the love you had with the dog you lost and you will always have memories of her,but caring for a new puppy helps "cope"
9/29/2008 6:54:24 AM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
That is awful. I hope the poisoner is caught and goes to jail. So sorry for Katie, and your heartbreak. The worst
danger to our pets is other humans, pretty sad.
9/29/2008 7:58:06 AM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Las Cruces, NM
age: 37
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I will be thinking of you during this difficult time.
9/29/2008 10:33:25 AM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |
Zeeland, MI
age: 37
So saddened to hear of your loss. Personally, I would like to see the negligent human to be treated in the same way. For coping with grief, perhaps you could adopt another pet from an animal rescue group in her honor? Or donate to a charity in her honor. Just remember grief and pain are real, take the time you need.Hugs to you
9/29/2008 11:55:51 AM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Willow Beach, AZ
age: 39
My thoughts are with you. I believe that "what comes around, goes around" and I know that whoever put that poison out will answer for it one day. Like the others said, maybe sharing your love with a new dog will help. There is never a replacement, but taking care of a new puppy can ease the pain. It has always helped me!
9/29/2008 12:42:55 PM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Shreveport, LA
age: 57
Sorry to hear about your loss...My heart hurts when I hear this. Your in my thoughts & Prayers...   
9/29/2008 1:03:05 PM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Eastpointe, MI
age: 58
I feel really bad for you....Keep your chin up and I hope
they catch the person who is doing this terrible thing...
9/29/2008 7:45:30 PM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Maspeth, NY
age: 37
My deepest sympathies on your loss!!! I hope the S O B who did this to Katie gets caught and pays the price... though it will never be enough (IMO).
Others have suggested getting another dog... definitely an option.... not sure I would do it right away, but that is a personal decision.
Have you ever read the poem Rainbow Bridge? It may help to ease some of your pain... I know it helped me when I had to bury my dogs in the past....
9/29/2008 9:46:30 PM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |
Steger, IL
age: 46
Have you ever read the poem Rainbow Bridge? It may help to ease some of your pain... I know it helped me when I had to bury my dogs in the past....
Dave, So sorry for your loss, time heals. And this poem is excellent.
10/1/2008 4:45:20 PM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
I am so sorry for your loss.
It's really sick when you think about it. Humans are the only species that kill for pleasure.
10/1/2008 7:44:25 PM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Mississauga, ON
age: 54
I don't know why her photo didn't appear. Trying again.... 
or here
Just so you can put a face to her name. She always had that smile. She was such a happy dog all the time so the look of sadness she had when I think she knew that she was dying was ... IS just haunting.
Anyway , thanks for all your comments, thoughts. I know we ALL go through this. We love our dogs. This was THE worst though. My other dogs were all old and sick and WANTED to go. Katie was SO sad when she knew and only 8. She should have had another 6 or so years with me.
Yes, I've visited the RAINBOW Bridge site before. Thanks. There was another site where you NAME A STAR in your dogs name and put a little memorial on the star that pops up when you run your cursor over it. Reading those tributes is pretty heart wrenching too. Each and every dog has so much to teach us though. It hurts so much to lose them. It was especially hard because Katie kept me sane after Sue died and it has been just the two of us since. Now .... ? The silence ... the emptiness. NOT fun for a while. I just have to start looking for a new pup. Yup, that should fix me up.
Thanks again all.
*edit* damn still didn't work. What am I doing wrong?
[Edited 10/1/2008 7:46:00 PM]
10/2/2008 12:45:04 PM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43

Is this your Katie Dave?
She certainly was a beauty!!
[Edited 10/2/2008 12:46:07 PM]
10/2/2008 3:44:24 PM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Mississauga, ON
age: 54
That's my Katie. Thanks so much.
How'd you do that? I tried twice ... 10/2/2008 4:34:46 PM |
My KATIE was Poisoned |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
I went to photobucket and took a chance with the name you had in your last post. (DAV-Y) It came up and I went to your albums and poof!! There she was!! Copied and pasted. Glad to have been able to post her pic. Love the collar!!